Imagine 2 sick and malnourished lions fighting
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Registered: | March 5, 2021 |
Last post: | February 28, 2025 at 1:00 AM |
Posts: | 2574 |
Imagine 2 sick and malnourished lions fighting
I literally wrote a sentence ab how any Reyna performance by something can be disregarded bc he’s so good at the game
We all complain about the pseudo-intellectuals on valcompetitive, but r/Valorant is filled with a bunch of bronze and silver players trying to act like their opinion on anything to do with the meta is valid. I got told that Something carries PRX and that Reyna is broken bc I replied to a thread that said Reyna is the best agent in the game 💀
If Loud actually plays normally and puts Aspas on Jett and let’s him AWP they could sweep the group. They had internal disputes last year and won champs, so I’m not counting them out yet
Calling CS2 anything but a much needed update to the game is disingenuous. The basic facets of the game are still the same, sure you don’t have the gun wheel anymore, and smokes fill spaces, but what does that really change about the game? Source, 1.6, and GO are different games because of differences in the way the game feels, but CSGO and CS2 are basically the same game, just with updated graphics and different smoke mechanics
I remember back when he was one of the best NA entry players in CS, what’s he doing now
That’s why I said it’s pure theory, 6-man rosters are too difficult and too unstable to justify the cost
This is purely theoretical, I doubt that practically any teams can run a 6-man roster properly.
The 6th man must be an agent/map specialist. If a player has a limited, carved out role, then there is no practice overlap with what they other person is practicing, say the 5th man is a bind/split/haven specialist, and the 6th is for all the other 4 maps, then they won’t have to devote extra practice time to get them both reps on each map.
Clearly defined roles. Every player must have a clear role on the team, so that when the 6th is subbed in and out there is no changing of roles and having to adapt your play style to accommodate the new player. A 6th man who’s job it is to come in and fill is a doomed endeavor.
Fluent speakers. Inherently, a 6 man roster will have a harder time building chemistry on the server than a 5 man roster would, and having any type of a language barrier would just expound this fact more.
Emotionally stable players. If you have players who tilt hard as hell, or your sixth is a nervous teenager on the stage then the pressure to perform on the sub could easily become very heavy, leading to dips in performance. All 6 players can’t tilt and blame their teammates for mistakes.
There’s no way they aren’t in the future but right now there is no partner league in CN
Not immediately, as it is now there’s so much more util to watch for. If S1mple got caught in a DRX util spam site hit rn I think he’d have an aneurysm
Bro has a 2nd grade reading level
Can we shut up with the threads about this shit. There’s advantages and disadvantages to each system, neither is inherently better than the other.
Partnership is good for orgs, as it offers them financial stability and the ability to look long-term at the esport rather than having to focus on short-term success. In a partnership system, you can be more risky with projects, and roster construction can be done for years in the future rather than only for the upcoming tournaments. This however comes at the cost of very limited spots for orgs, and Tier 2 getting semi-screwed over. Unless the organizers of the circuit take very good care of the Tier 2 ecosystem, the talent pool could significantly shrink and kill the game, like what happened in Overwatch.
Open systems are good for players, as there are opportunities for anybody to show they see good enough to play at the tier 1 level at any time. An F/A team could come together and win a major and become a dynasty. This however comes at the detriment of orgs being wary of long term projects. Roster construction in open systems is inherently risky, and so to limit this risk orgs will only look at short term success, buying up young talent from other orgs rather than building their own. Orgs that flop in one or two of their rosters could be out of the scene because their money flow ran out. We saw this with NA CS, where a small talent pool combined with diminishing results caused an entire region to basically implode, leaving only 1-2 orgs left. An open system also may lead to “super-orgs” popping up, as the teams with the most success get the most money and can buy out talent from smaller orgs, causing an oligopoly at the top where a few of the top teams win all the tournaments and everyone else gets screwed over.
A partnership system is (in my opinion) better for a AAA studio who wants to make a massive esport; encouraging long term development of the scene and and forward thinking may be massive in the future talent pool, while an open system is better for smaller studios who don’t have the finances to fund a partnership system.
An exception to this is CSGO, with their history and sticker money they can make an open system that, given you are successful or good enough to make majors, is decently profitable for orgs.
Partnership is a much more stable financial model for the orgs, the only thing that keeps the big orgs in csgo is the prestige of the game and the Major sticker money. For any other esport, they have no sticker money and orgs will realize how unprofitable an open system is
Lowkey now that yay has expressed at least a willingness to play sentinel, 100T and SEN could be looking at him. For 100T he’d be a stellar replacement and Cryo would need to play more aggressive and less with the awp, and for SEN they could move back to an NA roster and drop the Brazilians
Aspas is one of, if not the best jett player in the world, taking him off jett even if she’s not meta seems like a massive throw. And she’s not even terrible, ppl moved off Jett bc they realized they could put their awper on chamber, and their flex players could play raze or sum.
Asuna rlly is just not very good on initiators, his play style seems like it would fit entry more but he hates playing jett so idk if a no jett entry player is viable rn
Asuna is an above average flex player, nowhere near top 5
Can we please shut up about scrim results, they have little to no correlation with in game performance.
you watched T2 overwatch? sorry for you, hope you get the help that you need
Everyone plays Jett at TAS levels of perfection. Because of this, the winner of a match depends solely on who starts attack. The Rock Paper Scissors metagame has evolved to ridiculous levels due to it being the only remaining factor to decide matches. Humanity has reached its pinnacle. The low tier duelists are living in poverty. It seems nothing can stop the great leader of 20JJ, Charles "Cned" Neddington, and his army, the Jett monks who live in great monasteries where they levitate while TASing Jett with one hand, and winning tournaments with the other. The tournament metagame has gotten to this point where everything is played out to theoretical perfection, so tournament goers play Rock Paper Scissors for attack side start, and that’s the game.
The leaders of the anti-20JJ movement aim to keep 20JJ from coming. These warriors include Leonardo "mwzera" Serrati, Pontus "zyppan" Eek, Wang "Jinggg" Jing Jie, and Peter "Asuna" Mazuryk. They are all fighting to keep the apocalypse at bay, the Jett apocalypse. But their efforts are futile. Their silly Razes, Phoenixes, Yorus, and Reynas are no match for Jett, the only viable Duelist in Valorant. Try as you will, but 20JJ is coming. Or maybe, it’s already here.
I’ve learned my lesson from Fortnite about spending outrageous amounts of money on skins
Idc how fire any skin is, the prices for skins in this game is ridiculous
If teams continue to play badly or produce shit content then they could easily be replaced. There’s also apparently a shortlist from riot over potential orgs that could be partnered in 2027, and the implication is that orgs who supported T2 are high up on it
I actually didn’t know that partnered teams are only partnered for 4 years. There’s definitely a few teams especially in EMEA and Pacific who look like they’re in the chopping block.
EDG beat PRX and come out of group A as the 1 seed
EG losing to a F/A team, it's over for them, change the preds
I hate that Geddes has become THE guy for valorant roster updates
Any team from Group D could get out of their slump and make a top 4 finish
there's a lot of really terrible history about race relations in America in the 20th century, like the Tulsa massacre, the CIA infiltration of the Black Panther Party, the Little Rock 9, Brown v Board, the Japanese Internment, red-lining, a lot of bad shit.
esic still hasn't released the Marved papers yet
They'll finish the riot investigation by 2050, when this games been long dead
Jazz music is a genre of music created primarily by black musicians in the 1900s. White people in America claimed that this new genre of music was an "attack on American values", but this really meant that new ideas are being introduced that may destroy the status quo at the time of white superiority over minority groups. By attempting to delegitimize this new genre of music, white Americans were trying to maintain the status quo and fight the change that could possibly swing the balance of power more equally, which they didn't like.
it's kind of tough to make them distinct when they have such similar formats
Ppl used to see Jazz as an attack on American values, so maybe h786 agrees with those racist mfs
endurance sports for the most part are largely mental, you can do all the training you want but if you don't have the willpower to push past your own conceptions of your physical limits you never can be great
I prefer modern hip-hop, but you still have to admit Sinatra is a legend of music, one of the greats of Jazz/Swing
Open qualifier is more exciting but for the sake of the longevity of the game, we need franchising. The partnership system we have now is a way for orgs to have security, and know that even if they make a shit roster or make some mistake then they won't be too badly punished for it, as long as they don't just sandbag the season for profit. This encourages teams to be a bit more big-picture with their rosters, instead of signing a bunch of big-money F/As and hoping you make it deep, teams can try to start from the beginning and sign an exciting young squad of talents who need development. In an open system, it's very difficult to pull off this type of long-term project, because one slip-up in a qualifier and your season is done. It also encourages orgs to invest smarter into the scene, where instead of all the money going into signing big name F/As, they can go into talent scouting or the coaching staff. It can even allow for some super long term projects like an academy division. People don't like to admit it, but partnership systems are the future of esports. It allows for org stability, which leads to smarter and more investment in the scene, which should lead to an increase in the level of play, and spectator enjoyment.
fr, being a player under him sounds like a high school football coach powertripping on teenagers
not BCJ, there's better initiator players out there
people in the community refer to masters winners as world champions, and whenever people talk about Majors and what regions ahve the most Major wins, they include Masters in that Major tier
I don’t think it’s the prize pool, Cologne has a very similar prize pool to the Paris Major in CS
Feels like valorant has a weird relationship between how people view the distinction between masters and champions events vs how riot expects us to view them. The community sees champs and masters as on the same prestige level, while riot sees it is a step higher, a more important trophy than masters ever could be. As far as I know this doesn’t really happen in other games, in CS it’s clearly more prestigious to win the Major vs winning Cologne, Katowice, or the Blast World Finals, and in League, Worlds is far more prestigious than MSI ever could be. Is it just a product of us not having international tourneys until like 2 years after release? Or something else
Mfs really lost in the Legends stage at Paris and got grouped at Cologne, S0mple is too busy playing Clash Royale to carry the team anymore, sorry to all NaVi fans but ur team is finished, pack it up
I was debating between KK and something to start, and it really just came down to the fact that a lot of KK's value comes from his stellar awping, and something is more well-rounded with his rifling and shit. Not to say that KK's rifling is shit or something AWPing is shit, but comparing the two, I'd rather have the player with the top-tier rifle and still very very good awp bc rifling on jett is better for T side.
probably bc a lot of the valorant pros were born in areas where there are big Asian populations like the Bay Area or NYC. interracial dating isn't the craziest thing in the world
start something
bench KangKang
drop Demon1
difficult decision based on how highly you value awping
2024 NaVi will be the 2018 Astralis of valorant