NC State has a team? I didn't even know that lol
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Registered: | March 5, 2021 |
Last post: | February 28, 2025 at 1:00 AM |
Posts: | 2574 |
NC State has a team? I didn't even know that lol
why are the breaks so long damn
2-1 liquid hopefully
Pretty basic question, but would you prefer a single international league like CS:GO ha s their tournaments or a group of domestic leagues like LCS, LEC and LCK with a final culmination of the champions of each region to determine the world champion? I personally prefer the CS style league, but that might just be my bias from previously watching CSGO. I just think that a single international league determines the best team in the world far better, since each region's best would play far more often than usual.
I think they are like 4-7 rank, I can't really think of that many teams better than them. my personal ranking is,
but 1-3 are interchangeable for me along with 4-7. Heroic's performance at EPL was impressive, but we'll see if that was a one off thing. The top teams are also looking very weak this year, and there is no clear #1 or even an obvious top 3. TL has the potential to go up with the addition of FalleN and I think Astralis will fall out of the top 3 as more teams start to go with a similar methodical approach with smart util usage. Vitality is very hit or miss for me. ZywOo needs some burden off his shoulders, as from what I've seen, their whole performance is based on how well ZywOo does. They are trying to give ZywOo the freedom to be the next S1mple or even surpass him, but they aren't giving him the support like NaVi does. S1mple CAN carry and often does, but he doesn't need to. But the rest of the team understands if S1mple is popping off, get out of his way and let him frag out.
easily a top 5 team in the world, top 4 kato, top 2 in their group at EPL, the only reason they didn't go further in EPL was because of how dumb the tourney format was
They need better igl'ing and coaching, they look far too disorganized
he would probably be an average at best player who everyone dickrides because he was their favorite streamer, plus he doesn't fuck with the pro player lifestyle and would rather make content than play just a single game his whole career
that clutch was one of the sickest things I had watched live
They are probably going to match the prize pools for CSGO Majors, so conservatively 1 million, probably 1.5-2 million.
I can gaurantee you that most of the viewers are just people watching different regions. I doubt that Masters will get 400k, it will probably get similar numbers to S-tier CSGO tourneys. It will probably be closer to 50-100k depending on the teams, with Grands maybe going to 300k.
Yeah, I trust them far more than vlr's rankings, but being a number 1 in a specific region just feels like it doesn't matter right now if they can't show up against the other region's best. Like how Renegades is by far the best csgo team in Oceania/Australia, but once they went up against the best that EU, CIS, and NA have to offer they floundered. Just saying you are number 1 in a region doesn't mean anything if you can't beat or even just compete against other region's best.
The rankings are kind of bad just don't use them. We probably shouldn't be caring about regional rankings and wait until international LANs come, that's when the rankings will really matter.
probably best to keep bans in pro play, I cannot imagine how unfun comp will be with bans
feel like right now NA and EU are virtually equal, its just that the different play styles causes people to say that one region is better than the other based on how they prefer to watch the game
everyone saying -steel +brax are silvers who think games are won by fragging out. Give 100T time, Ethan joined the team recently and hasn't adapted fully to Valorant like his teammates. They can honestly either run either double duelist or single duelist, it's just that they run single duelist because they want 4 of them to play tactically and similar to csgo, while they let Asuna double satchel onto site.
Vitality had a pretty decent 6 man roster until they dropped it because valve was being stupid with their substitution rules for RMR points
they literally haven't even played a match yet how was somebody already dropped
they haven't played in over 2 weeks, and the past games they have played they either bodied obviously inferior competition or got destroyed by teams that should be their equal. They haven't been able to compete with NA's top dogs like Sentinels and 100 Thieves. In the two events they have been in since 2021 started, they got 1st-4th in the qualifier and 5th/6th in the main event for Champions tour Stage 1 Challenger 3, and 5th-8th in the Stage 1 Challenger 2 qualifier. Are they just being carried by the points they got early in the game when they were considered one of the best teams in the world?
I got like 45 kills on Bind with Phoenix, had to get like 3 1v4 clutches just to lose 11-13, I had more kills than the whole rest of my team combined
bro can you just shut the fuck up please, you aren't contributing at all to the conversation
because you think so! in csgo you need wallhack or aimbot but in VAL you need only a soft radar hack since if you know where someone stays, you can force him away with your abilities and get on site and we all know abilities win games after plant. easy af to cheat in this game. nobody would use wallhacks or aimbot in this game trust me! a soft radar hack is enough and i doubt you have never faced those players who control the whole map like theey play also for you on your own PC... whoever thinks this game is almost cheaterfree, lives obv in disneyland!
I think the problem is that valorant looks way cooler than csgo. I mean, which would you rather watch, a team lineup smokes and then tactically explode onto site, or Babybay shmeag his way onto site by spamming jett dashes and updrafts while hitting insane shots? I think the answer is insanely obvious. Also, all anyone wants to watch in pro csgo are pretty much 4 teams, NaVi, Astralis, Team Liquid, and Vitality. If none of those 4 are playing, then the viewership goes down drastically, for example IEM Katowice 2021, where the quarterfinal between NaVi and Liquid got more viewers than the Grand final between Gambit and Virtus.Pro. I hope that these two gaimes can grow along with each other and make each other better by pointing out eachother's flaws, but the difference in views comes down to the audience mostly. I am sure that most valorant viewers are casual watchers that may not be the most invested in the game but play it a little bit, but enjoy watching the highest level of play, while csgo viewers are the faceit level 10s who can appreciate the tactical play style and insane amount of skill that csgo requires, and obviously there are going to be far more casual viewers than dedicated ones.
finally we can se if NA is actually any good or if it just looks good because there are no international matches yet
so if you take two of the biggest regions for csgo there would be less viewership? Man who would have thought? Based on your logic, if you get rid of the major audience for any game, then that game's competitive scene is dead. Plus there was still huge viewership for non-CIS and Brazilian teams dumbass
315k for Astralis vs. Vitality at IEM Global Challenge 2020
459K for G2 vs. Fnatic at IEM Katowice 2020
476k for Astralis vs. Vitality at Blast Premier Global Finals 2020
240k for Heroic vs. Vitality at ESL One Cologne Europe 2020
140K for Team Liquid vs. Evil Geniuses at ESL One Cologne North America 2020
"dead game"
596k viewers for Liquid vs NaVi at IEM Katowice 2021 (quarterfinal)
445k viewers for Liquid vs Virtus.Pro at IEM Katowice 2021 (semifinal)
130k viewers for Complexity vs OG at ESL Pro League season 13 (group stage)
543k viewers for NaVi vs FaZe at Blast Premier Spring 2021 (group stage)
687k viewers for NaVi vs Vitality at Blast Premier Global Final 2020 (semifinal)
1.3 million viewers for FaZe vs Cloud9 at ELEAGUE Major Boston 2018 (grand finals)
over 900,000 active players of steam
"Bad graphics"
obviously dude, the game was made in 2012 what do you think
"too slow"
just say you don't appreciate tactical play and shut up
"boring af"
subjective af but sure
I would play csgo more if they made VAC better
Making the ult fatal would be completely broken, if a viper pops an ult there is no point in attempting a retake because you will just have to w-key it in and try to find the viper or die.
Overall, I think the consensus not only in pro play, but also in the whole community, is that Viper is one of the worst, if not the worst agent in the game. What do you think can be done to remedy this and make her a competitive controller choice against Omen and Brimstone? Or maybe they should change her role in the game altogether?
These two are different copypastas but they basically say the same thing so I'm putting them on the same post
honestly I think I could play better than [INSERT TEAM] right now, I'm gold but thats just because of my teammates. My crosshair placement is way better than any of these players, my reaction is top 10 in the world and I never miss a headshot. Its honestly sad they don't give players like my a chance in the pro scene just because I'm gold.
What the hell are both of these teams doing? I'm in bronze and I could compete better than all of the players in this tournament. I can't believe I'm being held back by my teammates this bad. Any orgs feel free to DM me.
My Brother beats me - My Mother beats me - My Dad beats me - But I feel safe with (Insert team here) - Cuz they don't beat anyone
[insert CSGO team or player here] is fantastic. Just needs to work on communication, aim, map awareness, crosshair placement, economy management, pistol aim, OP flicks, grenade spots, smoke spots, pop flashes, positioning, bomb plant positions, retake ability, bunny hopping, spray control and getting a kill. A pair of hands would help too.
Last week I saw Wardell while in line at the bank. He was wearing 13 rolexes and a chain made out of protein powder so I asked how he had so much money. He said "WATCH THIS", pulled out a glock and robbed the bank for $31,203. Then he double updrafted and dashed out of the store...
valarante child game.... look to cartoon grapfix to make kid player happy like children show.. valarante cartoon world with rainbow unlike counter strike chad with dark corridorr and raelistic gun.. valarante like playhouse. valarant playor run from csgo fear of dark world and realism
LETS GO PETER! (btw Peter is Asuna, i can use his first name because we are tight like that. yeah i know top players but its not a big deal to me lol)
anything from r/valorantcompetitive is a good copypasta
gonna be interesting to see how they're going to roll with a 6-man. It's been tried in csgo, and I definitely could see it working here too so that people can focus more on one agent at a time and pass another agent to someone else.
edit: Well I guess it would be called a 6-woman roster bc they're all girls, but whatever.
like a little symbol next to our names with the logo of our favorite teams, or the name of our favorite players like this or this
Are we ever going to get flairs for our favorite teams and players like and have? I would like to see which teams have the most fans and also laugh at people when their team loses, thnx.
I know, that's why he's the greatest coach of all time, truly a pioneer in his field.
+S1mple (Jett OPer)
+ZywOo (hack the game to get a second Jett in game and secondary OP)
+Twistzz (Raze rifler)
+Niko (Sage but he will only rush mid and won't use util)
+Gla1ve (IGL, maybe Omen or something)
8/8 lineup don't need a sentinel bc the team too cracked, thoughts?
edit: I completely forgot a coach, get the GOAT coach Moses in there.
iron take
Guaranteed they are going to get bodied by most teams, TenZ is insane but they just won't have nearly the same practice or preparation together that any of the other teams would have.
They basically just have the default in-game spectator ui with the team logos lol, they really need at least health. Preferably I would want health, primary gun, and then available util just like CSGO ui.