Flag: Germany
Registered: July 4, 2022
Last post: November 22, 2024 at 4:34 AM
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oh yea youre right theyre at 135 not 125
welp dangit thats my hopes ruined

posted 7 months ago

well Frankfurt can still win it all to make it, gonna be rough, but possible

posted 7 months ago

Betting sites gotta up their age verification game, theres no way the peeps are actually 18+

GGs, sad to see Fokus' run to end but it is what it is.
Too scrappy and way too many mistakes. I hope the roster gets to stick together for next year with minimal changes; im still confident they can reach ascension winning heights with time.

posted 7 months ago

can you please type out your definition of loyalty for us please?
I think there's just a fundamental disconnect here

posted 7 months ago

he really didnt.
His performance took a statistical hit after he swapped to the glue role back in 2022 yes, but that is fully expected.
He had 200 acs and 1.0 rating for his 2 games in 2024, despite his team going -16 in rounds

You wont find a split where he was bad. No hes not a super star anymore (though again this is role related since hes been the glue player for his teams for a while now), but there is no point where you could say he hasnt preformed to a tier 1 level.

We can only speculate why he left GX, but it sure as hell wasnt performance related

posted 7 months ago

TL wins:
KC loses -> TL in
KC wins + NaVi wins -> 4 way tie -> I think its maps first? -> TL is in and NaVi out (11-12 maps vs 11-13 in the worst case)

TL loses:
Either KC or NaVi lose -> TL is in (assuming its h2h in a 2 way tie, if its maps then they need NaVi to lose. Not sure what the tiebreakers are)
Otherwise theyre out

(Note this is just me looking at the standings, im sure theres a twitter post properly explaining this somewhere)

posted 7 months ago

Nukkye def deserves to be added. Kid is the emea mwzera

posted 7 months ago

polaris intel failing me here

posted 7 months ago

Seeing the 3 Spanish players on barca going from actual nobodies to top of the league wasnt something I was expecting going into this year.
Super happy to see Vorwenn grow in general. His old team, Vamonos, was tragic so watching him reach these hights has been satisfying.

And them doing it on a day where KPZET wasnt playing out of his mind is also a great sign, I was a bit worried the team would turn into kpzet and friends during the regular season.

Huge letdown to see Ucam lose though. They were the team I thought was going to win Spain going into the year (had a player poached early on, but I still had a lot of hope). Kpi obviously deserve it given their insane performance all year but man I wish Ucam would go instead of them.

Spain is sending 2 very strong teams to ascension, so its gonna be exciting. (Though dach will win the war of the import regions ;3)

posted 7 months ago

Ye of course once you start analyzing it val is incredibly complex, but thats just not important for a casual viewer. They just look at the funny pixels and enjoy the pros duke it out. Why they do specific plays isnt as important, only the results really matter.

Every esports title is gonna have SO many intricacies, otherwise it would be ill suited to be an esports title. Even incredibly simple games in terms of macro like Rocket league have so much more depth than what a casual viewer will observe.

posted 7 months ago

Lotus had me worried but at least map 2 was clean
lots to work on, but I think they got it tomorrow

ggs to both

posted 7 months ago

This is from a casual viewpoint.

Nah its a lot clearer when something is good for one team in val
Theres pretty much 1 stat to track in the actual score.
Everything that happens has an immediate effect. Someone gets a kill? The other team is at a disadvantage RIGHT away. (There are delayed economies yes, but especially with the money economy it has immediate effects too since teams will buy until they have to eco)
The main ability - gun - is the same for everyone. You dont need to understand the characters to get what theyre gonna do.

Everything in league is so delayed that it requires people to actually play the game to understand.
Why are drakes important? What does Baron do? What does the economy difference mean for team fights and how does it effect different team compositions? And so on

Val is definitely one of the harder major esports titles to watch though. Not OW, but theres so many effects on screen, so many characters that do different stuff, so many abilities to track, so many subsystems/economies.

posted 7 months ago

nah they lost regular season too
curse has been dead for a while now since theyre not getting first in groups anymore

posted 7 months ago

ggs, amazing series
Xuss is a demon

posted 7 months ago
and they clearly didnt improve rather last year's GE was quite better compared to the current one. 

this is unfair to the coaches and just plain not true.
This GE iteration has won more games and have very much looked better. Last year had more firepower yes but the team actually properly functions as one this year and has way more ideas. This team is a great example of the team preforming better than the sum of its parts.

However I do agree that spin probably has to give way to a coach who is more familiar with the Indian scene as head coach. Making an indian roster that can compete in t1 is gonna be a huge challenge, so at the very least they need someone to help with building the roster.

Keeping Russ and LF as a core is something I agree with, and a great point to start for a full Indian roster for next year (and I do think GE is ready to try this, given that they found a decent t1 IGL in Russ)

Im a bit conflicted though about keeping Russ over Benkai, just because Benkai does just seem more consistent in his calling (a bit unfair to compare since the roster as a whole has gotten a lot better, but there were a lot more weird rounds back when Russ was primary IGL). You just cant keep both so its a rough position.

posted 7 months ago

Blazeking has been so disappointing this season as a whole though. I wouldnt mind keeping him on since hes gotten a lot better after the role swap stage 2, but I really dont think he should be your only player to carry over. Youre looking for a core otherwise youre starting from 0 again.

So why not build around one of the 2 primary IGLs?
Given that its GE id go with Russ for obvious reasons, but Benkai would be perfectly fine too

So imo your core should be Russ + LF and build around them

posted 7 months ago

Ellement saw Xuss go nuclear and decided to one up him
Insane from him so far

posted 7 months ago

They have an incredible uphill battle to make it into ascension, so if they do make it then I trust that theyre in form to continue the streak.
Talent wise the roster is among the very best t2 has ever had to offer
They just gotta make the roster work and get into form in this short time frame, because in the regular season they didnt look like they were there yet

posted 7 months ago

ye only their hq
theyre an international org which sure dont aim to capture the german market
if anything you could consider them spanish since they build a fanbase there, but even that is a stretch

posted 7 months ago

bump, game's starting and theyre still not up

posted 7 months ago

ye schedule is for real
main stream wont miss the 200 dach viewers anyways

posted 7 months ago

problem is they got destroyed by KC before
so its hard to put respect on their name when its a circle of inconsistency

posted 7 months ago

I do understand how it could get annoying, but its quite literally their job
Just look at vlr after platchat rate a team thats been winning a couple games low, because they believe the team isnt actually that good. People lose their minds every time.
An official desk just cant do that, so they gotta hype teams knowing full well that theyre still mid af

posted 7 months ago

Man Tanizhq tweets can be exhausting to engage with
It is the Tanizhq special tbh, where he definitely has a point but just doesnt feel like the person hes talking to is worth explaining it to

imma just ignore the argument underneath because yeeeeaaa.... people need their twitter account automatically locked when theyre mad at something

To his credit he did actually go back and do a proper response https://x.com/Tanizhq/status/1808607911951966297

posted 7 months ago

ye its mb, liquipedia didnt have the straight qual to ascension when I did the calcs a week ago
just me being confused ngl

but also rough for kpi, chances of winning ascension dropped HARD now

posted 7 months ago

o ye just saw the comment from Mort on my barca post
thats crazy that this was hidden so well though

posted 7 months ago

did the desk do any calculations beforehand on if theres a way they get knocked down to second seed?

posted 7 months ago

10/10 game
this is what I watch t2 for, this was brilliant

SO glad to see barca end up closing this out because they looked like the better team during the first 4 maps as a whole. GGs to both.

posted 7 months ago

bleed exists

posted 7 months ago

Okobotro 🗿

posted 7 months ago

he was having a horrible time on sova so not sure what you mean
Sova was stage 1 where he was struggling

(not saying he should go back to Initiator; if he gets picked as the core and they build around him + benkai next year then I can for sure see him go back to it. Hes been dang good on the role historically. But the role swap was a positive thing for him in terms of performance)

posted 7 months ago


posted 7 months ago

Nah theres no way hes scrapping the entire roster

The process did fail this year though tbf since unfortunately GE didnt find their core. Stage 1 it looked like Russ and LF could be the core, and now stage 2 Benkai and blazek1ng are looking more valuable

Both cores are inconsistent so its a horrible place to start
But we're gonna at least see russ or benkai return next year as igl, theres no way GE is that stupid that they wanna start from scatch again

posted 7 months ago

"Fuck The Process 🤷‍♂️"

posted 7 months ago

nah nah you right
if anything i wanna encourage you to believe it because this is one of the more funny things to come out of the region wars ngl

posted 7 months ago

the fact that this is turning into something that people actually believe is funny af

posted 7 months ago


posted 7 months ago

Yea Kiles had mental problems so that put a damper on his performance for a while.
But hes been one of the very best players in Spain this and last year. I wouldnt say hes had no success, its just that most tier1 teams making t2 project look for younger players nowadays.

Im pretty confident we'll see him get another shot in t1 if he doesnt retire before. Hes just been too consistently good in t2.

posted 7 months ago

That was never the statement.
The statement was "idk "his old ass" seems to be fragging pretty well".
When this was dismissed because the map was again "MIBR the one who didn't win a SINGLE game since the begining of the year", I pointed out that additionally to fragging on the first map "he also outfragged tuyz in the very game youre complaining about lmao".

Hope this clears things up^^

posted 7 months ago

he also outfragged tuyz in the very game youre complaining about lmao

posted 7 months ago

idk "his old ass" seems to be fragging pretty well

posted 7 months ago

bro check the flag
there aint that many timezones in spain

posted 7 months ago

thats the whole point of partnering with a t2 org
lets you use their players for a certain amount of games (think it was 50% of a split? not sure atm) before theyre forced to only play in t1

posted 7 months ago

And they have a must win game tomorrow. Like come ooooon
Looks like Famsii is gonna be playing for both at the same time or is google translate misinterpreting that? https://x.com/UCAM_esports/status/1807353972056785280

posted 7 months ago

Wait wtf that kinda screws Ucam
Theyre playing tomorrow for a slot in ascension

posted 7 months ago

They actually did it wtf
t1 does not brain sometime

posted 7 months ago

Just get lime into t1 already

posted 7 months ago

that is an understatement for maths xD
doing tutor work for ana1 at uni atm and the people who (imo) clearly just use chatgpt dont have an exactly good record of passing the sheets

posted 7 months ago
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