Flag: India
Registered: August 15, 2021
Last post: May 29, 2024 at 5:59 AM
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Team Secret has good social media. Their meme game is on point.

posted about a year ago

26-24 game, that is basically an entire Bo3 in one game but still 70 is insane.

posted about a year ago

It is one of the few shows in history that had a hype run and still ended with a satisfying ending.

Most other shows just get shit endings even if the entire show was epic AF.

posted about a year ago

I haven't written the code for it, neither have I played CS 2.

I have however written similar programs where physics simulation happens and some networking is involved and you use interpolation to fill in the information between ticks and I can tell you that it only works on extremely low ping networks well. Anything above 50ms and you might as well wish the servers did not have this feature.

posted about a year ago

The comprehension skills of some people on this website is 0.

posted about a year ago

The cope is just insane.

I wrote an entire essay to prove how this guy has no idea what he is talking about but decided to not post it here.

Infact I measured valorant's tick rate using the same method as

and I measured a good 123Hz Ticks for incremental update packets.

Imagine confusing RTT with Tick rate lmao. Also imagine throwing words like "netcode" around without knowing what it means.

posted about a year ago

The video literally says subtick is a way to compensate for not using 128 tick servers.

posted about a year ago

128 tick servers are better than 64 tick + interpolation any time of the day.

posted about a year ago

I have experience with these interpolating techniques on the server side. I actually implemented something similar in context to a physics simulation (not a video game) and I can tell you, this system is not a substitute for just going for 128-tick servers. You will have weird interactions like you killed someone on your screen, he dies, then he is not dead for some reason after a fraction of a second. Your smoke and molly lineups will not work the same only sorta better on systems with low ping and no packet drops. AFAIK, valorant has 128 tick server on default matchmaking and that will always be better than interpolation between ticks. Also not to mention this interpolation is quite expensive to compute so they are making the servers expensive to run anyways why not just add 128-tick servers?

Graphics updates were kind of non-surprising. We all knew that source 2 would introduce better graphics. They did make the graphics better. What's new? Nothing really.

The new smoke mechanics is honestly the best part of it for me. Its just better IMO. It changes the way how you play the game and strategize. Imagine shooting through smokes now. The way they implement it is also quite nice. This is hands down the biggest change yet.

posted about a year ago

Lost against Tier 2 Indian team with low immortal coach playing as sub and bottom fragged with negative KD.

My man should probably just retire.

posted about a year ago

Palit is decent but its performance will always be 5-6% lower than the more expensive alternatives.

its kinda like Zotak in terms of performance.

posted about a year ago

typical co franchised player hyping people up.

posted about a year ago



There is no particular reason as such, its just how player's names where growing up. So you also keep names like that. Hellranger said in an interview that when he was a kid, his elder brother named his account for him

I don't know how esports names are relevant to facebook to India is at a similar state to the west where Facebook is filled with a bunch of aunties and uncles who share garbage while most of the younger generation is on insta and snap.

posted about a year ago

to a certain extent yes, if a name has many ZZZs or TTTs or repeating chars then its brazil, if the name is unpronounceable its china, if the name looks like it was written by a 14y/o emo kid then its India.

posted about a year ago

Attention all Valorant players! I have just received some exciting news that will rock the entire gaming world! Lord Psy, the great Indian Valorant player, has finally revealed himself to be the greatest player in the world. That's right folks, move over Sinatraa, Shroud, and Hiko, because Psy is here to save the Indian Valorant scene, single-handedly!

Not only does Lord Psy have years of experience playing Valorant, but he has also mastered every agent and every map in the game. His reaction time is so fast that he can shoot a bullet through a mosquito's wings while blindfolded. His aim is so precise that he can headshot an opponent from the other side of the map using only a handgun. And his game sense is so impeccable that he always knows exactly where his enemies are, even before they do.

But that's not all, folks! Lord Psy is also a master of psychological warfare. He has the ability to tilt his opponents into oblivion with a single taunt, leaving them cowering in fear at the mere sound of his name. He has even been known to make his enemies surrender after just one round, because they know they can't possibly defeat the mighty Lord Psy.

So, what are you waiting for? If you want to be the best Valorant player in the world, you need to learn from the master himself, Lord Psy. He will show you the way to victory, one bullet at a time. Let's all bow down to Lord Psy and his greatness, for he is the savior of the Indian Valorant scene!

posted about a year ago

Facts are facts but the circlejerk is insane.

posted about a year ago

"Dancing Sexually", girl just got her pussy licked in front of a crowd but ok.

posted about a year ago

As somebody who is involved in the AI industry I can at least make sure my job is not going anywhere

posted about a year ago

Low sens is better in EVERY other scenario.


no point creating random hypotheticals about very specific situations

Duelists are literally the ones that are gonna entry. Given the amount of util in the game, anyone can hold a chokepoint in valorant. To counteract that, you have duelists that can dash into site, blastpack in your face with a judge and apparently, it took your "top" teams in the world around 1 year to counter this kind of gameplay by and their strategy was literally sitting in spawn and let PRX push them. Well what about the sova recons and fade recons you have to turn 180 to break, surely you cannot preaim the standard dart spots every single time? Or how about the dozens of flashes that exist in this game? Or what about when a Yoru or Omen TP behind you? These are not hypothetical scenarios. This is literally 70% of the gun duels in the game. Unless of course if you are playing against irons who simply dry peek you without any flashes or util. Just look at how many rounds pro teams of the same level win when their duelist or initiator dies early on attack.

You missed the point that sens at its core is a personal preference and you are forcing a gold 2 player to lower his sense while we all clearly know that there might be other issues that can be worked on before. Especially when the thread is literally called "nervous aim". Sure, nervous aim might come down to shaky aim and the sens "might" be an issue. But it is not the only issue and you cannot simply say that "lowering" your sens will fix the issue.

And to prove your point you have linked a medium article whose authors themselves say this in their conclusion.

The mechanisms* “muscle memory” formally refers to are very much so real, although all too often misunderstood and misinterpreted. It is because of this we avoid the term “muscle memory”.

posted about a year ago

But you can still aim good even with high sens. Valorant definitely needs more sens than CSGO for example.

Crosshair placement is king in CSGO but as you go higher up the ranks in Valorant, you will see that players who are good on agents like Raze and Jett will almost never take duels where your crosshair is. The satchel movement and Jett's movement abilities allow you to do this and makes taking duels involve much more flicks or movement than your typical tac FPS. And then you have players who are using grim walls and those who abuse off angles with agents like Chamber, Reyna or Omen.

A higher sens benefits both, people who play against such agents and people who play these agents. I think both Forsaken and Jingg have higher sens than usual, that is what enables them to take such crazy gunfights (and win).

Moreover what if its not a sens thing? Maybe its more of a mental thing? Usually changing sens is usually the last resort as muscle memory and mechanics take really really long to develop.

posted about a year ago

That's around double the typical sensitivity most players use on valorant. That could explain the shaky aim. Although its a preference thing. You could make it work if you are naturalized to this sens.

posted about a year ago

So what? Remember when SkRossi had the highest ACS in the world, and Deathmaker and RvK were right behind him? He was no.1 player for a good 5-6 months on VLR according to stats.

And mind you, without Crazy Racoons, Zeta and players like Meteorite and Xnfri out of their league, JP league is even worse than South Asia league in 2022. I bet Kappa could become a decent initiator in that league.

It's hard to judge a player like this. Maybe something really has some crazy potential and will go insane in the franchised league if he gets signed. Or maybe he will not be as good like a lot of Turkish, Brazilian and Indian players that get overhyped.

What is worse is that you think one game of ranked is enough data for you to measure is abilities. Its like you have smoked horse shit or something.

posted about a year ago

SumaiL is the same case though no? Moving to a different country at a relatively young age? Maybe his parents thought he is gonna get a decent job in Canada regardless so they let them play games in school?

I don't think anybody in India has a decent gaming PC in school unless your dad is earning more than 1.5 lack per month or something which is like 2% of the country.

posted about a year ago

I think its been around a good 40-50 games since I last met a seriously toxic teammate. I think Mumbai really has those people talking shit in the all chat from opposite teams and that is quite frequent. People talk shit when they die to a lurk kill or an odin. But teammates are mostly nice.

posted about a year ago

There have been hundreds of games like this?

SkRossi has beaten Forsaken and Jingg, has clips against them, forsaken has beaten SkRossi and lightningfast before and has clips against him. It's ranked bro.

Pros play it after a long day of practice in scrims and whatnot to develop their mechanics. Of course, they try to a great extent in ranked games but it's nothing too special.

These games happen a dozen times every week. Do not understand why you would need to make a thread out of it.

Moreover, Lightningfast is not a bad player, like he is literally signed to a franchised team. He can at least compete against other franchised players in the APAC league and something has not even played a T1 game yet. He has been farming in the JP scene just like SkRossi was farming stats in India for 2 years and against teams like Fennel and still lost (which even the old GE could beat during APAC LCQ in 2021). Sure he has potential but how does that make him any different to other small-league farmers like SkRossi, Wronski or similar players?

posted about a year ago

Literally signed to a franchised team.

posted about a year ago

We already doing it with community cup to some extent. The best players are not participating anyways. I don't think WRONSKI is gonna play for LAOS in this.

posted about a year ago

TBH most western countries ARE delusional about a lot of things.

Not necessarily talking about this thread. Just in general.

You may be right in this case but your argument is not.

posted about a year ago

So basically babysasuke is your idol.

posted about a year ago

It's just an alliance broadband thing. They add 🗿 at the end of all internet requests.

posted about a year ago

I like the mechanics of Sekiro the most. Like it is the most realistic way to fight with swords. Parrying with timing where you actually have to look at the enemy's move and time your shit is just insane to play. Obviously, its an upgrade to dodging using a roll or backstep as it gives you invulnerability frames. A boss's sword could pass straight through you and you would not take damage is not realistic at all and good players just absolutely abuse that shit to stay close to enemies and destroy them.

Elden Ring does many things right. The open world is just insane, game progression and the possibilities, I cannot describe in words how incredible the world feels. The bosses and the lore is also done really well.
-------------------------------------------- There is a gap between these two and the others ------------------------------------------------------
For the third place, I think I will go for bloodborne instead of a dark souls title. I just found it better personally.

posted about a year ago

Name APAC players who are not already on franchising but would perform significantly better than SkRossi?

I can only think of rDeew from ex-ORDER and sScary who made his own choice to join Bleed.

All the players in APAC ascension are either slightly better or probably equal to Rossi. All the top teams in APAC before franchising managed to put their players into a franchised roster.

PRX - In franchising
TS - In franchising
XER - In franchising, Surf got replaced by arguably better players, sScary himself joined bleed.
ONIC - All their top players are in franchising.
BOOM - Top players in franchising.
DRX - Got into franchising
Top players from other Korean teams like texture and meteor still managed to get into franchising.
ZETA made it.
ORDER had 2 notable players, WRONSKI and rDeew, one of which made it to franchising.

All other APAC teams were quite mid against these "top" teams. SkRossi managed to maintain a positive KD despite playing with a literal bot and losing 9-3 against the other APAC teams. Even if it was a Bo1 (GXR invitational) you can clearly see that Rossi is able to go up against players like Deryon and Juicy easily on LAN. They might be more consistent or better but I don't see picking up a slightly worse player with so much more to offer on other fronts for a franchised team.

After all PRX picked up patiphan just for the viewership.

99% of the p[ayers in APAC franchise are deserving and proven themselves to be capable of franchising. I think NA and EMEA has much bigger problems than APAC.

posted about a year ago

Except that is exactly what Pancanda is talking about? DRX does not mix things up. They do something, if it works good enough, if they fail, they fall back to strat B.

Also nobody is talking about DRX's B site execs on Icebox lil bro. I very clearly mentioned their A site execs on icebox.

I am pretty sure they did the sage wall thing on nest 70% of the time before their game with ZETA.

Even in this event, they did 1 strat again and again. Harbor takes rope, puts down cove, plants spike on nest. If you know DRX does that through VODs, it takes 5 mins to google lineups for that shit.

I am not talking about hypothetical situations lil bro. I am mentioning stuff that has already happened. ZETA does not come close to DRX. Yet they managed to win with a prep of less than 2 days.

Shows how easy it is to anti-strat DRX if you have access to VODs.

posted about a year ago

I am fed up with my college internet. It's slower than a snail on a Sunday stroll and more unreliable than that one friend who always cancels plans last minute. I've tried everything from sacrificing a goat to the WiFi gods to banging my head against the router, but nothing seems to work.

So, after careful consideration and suggestion from my peers, I've decided to make the switch to Alliance Broadband ISP. I mean, if they can handle my friends' Netflix binges and online gaming addiction, they can surely handle my online classes and endless hours of procrastination.

I can already imagine the lightning-fast speeds and smooth streaming. No more buffering, no more lag, just pure internet bliss. I might even be able to finish my assignments before the deadline for once.

Plus, I heard they have a 24/7 customer support team. So, if anything goes wrong, I can call them up and complain like the entitled college student that I am.

Farewell, college internet. It's been a painful journey, but I'm moving on to bigger and better things. See you never.

posted about a year ago

Average silver? An average hard-stuck silver that knows that a viper molly causes you to be vulnerable and sova shock dart does enough damage with the vulnerable effect to insta kill. Also, probably has a sense of utility and the importance of denying plants.

posted about a year ago

DRX has crazy set plays and executes. However, some of them can be anti stratted by an average silver once you watch the VODs.

I think the best example would be ZETA vs DRX at Iceland the previous year. The first ZETA vs DRX game was a wipeout from DRX. ZETA could not even get more than 10 rounds on both maps combined?

However the second time, ZETA genuinely looked like the better-prepped team. I will give one example: On Icebox A site exec on Attack, Rb on sage would wall nest and plant the spike on top.

It is hard to counter since its not the most common spike plant stop and even if you know lineups, the wall stops util from reaching Rb leading to a safe plant.

On the other hand, when they replayed on Icebox, ZETA had lineups prepped, for the exact sage wall that Rb uses. They bounced off different ways and therefore managed to reach Rb.

I cannot count how many times DRX were denied a spike plant. Just because of the fact that they were running this execution even in the second game against ZETA. I even saw Rb die instant as soon as he planted the spike because ZETA would viper molly and Sova would shock dart simultaneously scoring an instant kill on the planted which is hard to dodge.

DRX relies very heavily on pre-calculated strats, that probably their coaches cook up. It almost feels like they are just drilling rounds in different scenarios in pro matches. That would still work normally but Riot releases broken new agents or changes the meta every event, therefore, DRX cannot build up experience as well as a team in lets say CSGO's static meta would build up.

I think it mostly comes down to the IGL. I don't feel like Stax does the "Hey those guys are doing A and therefore we should do X to counter it". Rather DRX goes more on the line of "They figured out our plan A, its time to do plan B that we practiced in scrims." even though plan B might have the same holes as plan A does. Just switching up set plays won't work. You need solid mid-round IGLing.

I don't know where I heard it from but a pro player said this once on a team:
A tier 2 team adapts to what the opponent team is doing after the game is already over or at best after 6-10 rounds.
A tier 1 team playing at the highest level tournaments can adapt in the next round/2-3 rounds at max.
The absolute top teams in the world can adapt mid-round, right then and there.

All that being said, you cannot deny DRX is improving from the international experience. They are not dumb. They can beat any team in the world without overexxagaration. They have started to make deeper runs and the day is not far away when they actually lift a trophy. They always come in as strong contenders for the title.

posted about a year ago

Enigma already switched and they got better results in 2 months than with the old roster for 2 years.

posted about a year ago

This is not how esports works lil bro.

You cannot have the audience close to the players in esports cause then the crowd can literally shout "in the smoke" or "turn around" and the players will be able to hear it.

The players wear headphones that play white noise but let's be honest, they can only put out the crowd cheering and not somebody shouting clear words and sentences out, of course, unless you play the white noise so loud that either the players cannot hear the actual game audio or they go deaf. In fact, teams can literally have plants in the crowd that shout certain sounds as signals for different things.
Just look at how Korea conducted starcraft tournaments back in the day. They used to put the players far away in glass boxes, which is still the gold standard for maintaining competitive integrity. In fact not putting the players in boxes is already an attempt made by Riot/other TOs to put players as close as possible to the fans as possible.

Do you want to control the chant of the crowd? This has to be one of the most ridiculous takes on this website lil bro. Crowd behaviour emerges naturally and it is a random and chaotic process. That is what makes it wonderful. In fact its great that the teams have to care about the crowd behaviour on LANs. Otherwise, what is the point of having LANs at different locations at all?

Also I am pretty sure this thread is hinting at it but does not mention it explicitly but I am gonna say it here. I think Brazil is being bashed too much.

Yes in an ideal world you would like the Brazillian crowd to cheer for all teams but it is stupid for you guys to sit here typing stuff on keyboards while those guys actually spent money and time to watch the event and at least be there for the teams. I am pretty sure most of the people living in western countries like the USA or EU have enough money to fly to a third world country like Brazil where everything is cheaper.

A lot of the fans in the crowd were crying and heartbroken, you pussies would not think any better than them in that situation either. Could they have been a better crowd? Definitely. Could they have stayed for the trophy-lifting and interviews? Definitely. Are they the worst crowd yet? You would not be wrong to say yes. But I don't think you guys have the same kind of passion these Brazilian guys have for their teams. Apart from the 2 EU fans that actually went to Sao Paolo for the event, I don't think you guys deserve to bash the Loud fans this hard. Good sportsmanship is appreciated but never required. You could in a way say that the Brazilian fans did not do anything "extra". They just delivered the bare minimum.

This was the largest crowd yet. Events in Copenhagen (which had huge crowds in CSGO events btw) and Turkey were just snoozefests throughout, even on finals day you could see empty seats. EU should learn how to fill stadiums first before educating Brazilian fans when they are not even bothered to attend the events.

The criticisms regarding No AC and the treatment of fans is valid. But there are valid reasonings from Riot as well. Its hard to get AC in such a large open venue. Also, Brazil, is not a super peaceful EU nation that barely has violent crimes. Security is a prime concern in such big events to avoid any sort of terror activity in such countries. In most countries like Brazil and even India, the security at such events do not allow bags and water/food for your own safety. Yes its an inconvenience but its also a necessary precaution.

posted about a year ago

Trying to knife = trying hard.

Ok Bro.

posted about a year ago

Imagine talking about exposing players in a showmatch.

posted about a year ago

You should go and sell Lassi instead of posting on VLR maybe.

posted about a year ago

He is top 10 APAC as well. Does not make a difference.

posted about a year ago

tbh that is barely any spoilers.

posted about a year ago

Liquid just got bodied by a 33 y/o DOTA 2 player lmfao.

posted about a year ago

Whats your argument? Stewie is definately not just a random player, he most definitely is a faceit lvl 10 player.

Eating your own words?

posted about a year ago

Forsaken clears any top tier CS player all day.

posted about a year ago

Bro escaped the matrix.

posted about a year ago

stop upvoting yourself weirdo.

posted about a year ago

This statement makes 0 sense.

posted about a year ago

Xerxia? They were good since they were X10. Managed to make it to playoffs and even beat peak Envy at 2021 champs.

posted about a year ago
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