EMEA 2 and 3 are in separate pools. It was made public, before the groups were even made, that 2 EMEA teams could be in the same group due to them having the most teams. They made this rule and followed it, and it was also made public so IDK why everyone is so surprised. At least its not EMEA 1 and 2 together. The draw was random. They made the rules and they followed them. Do you expect them not to follow the random drawings when the two EMEA teams were put in the same group and just change it since no one would even know?
And your only thinking about the community aspect and what you want when asking for the groups to be changed, since you want to see the best teams make the playoffs. Your not thinking about the affects the changes would have on other teams, your only thinking about the affects it would have on SMB. What you think is right, clearly other people think isn't, including Riot, which is why they haven't changed the groups. It would be the wrong thing to do since the groups were already made public. If they changed the groups, and moved Kru to group A, than Kru and all their fans would start complaining. And they would actually have the right to.
This would absolutely set a bad precedence since the community would think they're 2 for 2 in getting the changes they want. Riot changed the format, after initial complaints, and it was the right thing to do. It didn't affect any teams or the amount of games being played. This group change would affect teams, some in positive ways and others in negative. Its just not a reasonable ask when you look at it from all angles. If they do change it, I'll be absolutely shocked. Sorry for the long post.