Flag: Nigeria
Registered: July 5, 2021
Last post: June 11, 2024 at 1:09 PM
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NRG 3-1 Weibo
JDG 3-1 KT
T1 1-3 LNG

posted 7 months ago

Nah. Just the first time since 2014.

posted 7 months ago

We're back

posted 7 months ago

Pretty sure valorant is already more popular than CS in China.

posted 7 months ago

How popular is Valorant in China? How does it compare to League of Legends and Crossfire? And does it seem like it's getting more popular?

I know valorant only recently launched in China but as far as your perceptions go: will valorant actually be successful long term in china?

posted 7 months ago

good question

posted 7 months ago

Good post.

posted 7 months ago

Good start to a long day of east asia gc. LETS GO EDG!

posted 7 months ago


no seriously, no idea what happened lol

posted 7 months ago

I agree with them needing a roster switch. Disagree with turtle troop being a weaker tier 2 team. They look pretty strong atm.

posted 7 months ago

They're free to do whatever they wish. But mel always talks about having higher aspirations that go beyond gc into t2/t1 and how that is a shared goal with all the players on every team she's played on. The reality is not everyone has the talent to make their dreams come true. This is e-sports. Roster swaps happen. If they really wanna go higher, then I think that's the best option after this season is over.

posted 7 months ago

Did you not read what I said? I think they need to replace one of their players with a strong T2 talent. If they can find a cracked undiscovered gc player, fine. Do that and play both. Otherwise I think it would be best to move on from gc and upgrade, focusing on nothing else but challengers, even if it means playing gc is no longer possible.

posted 7 months ago

I think it is a matter of ditching GC. They need to upgrade. It'll be easier replacing from the male talent pool. Seriously, I think this team could qualify for challengers with a single roster switch.

posted 7 months ago

sigh....wish they had kept nillyaz in tbh. Nice try tho.

posted 7 months ago

Close first map. If they can win on lotus I really think they can take it home on sunset.

posted 7 months ago

Weibo look much cleaner than they did in summer. If they were still playing the way they did in summer playoffs/regional finals and NRG bot lane hadn't inted lvl 1, definitely wouldn't be too surprising for it to go the other way.

posted 7 months ago

not really

posted 7 months ago

Will JDG be denied the golden road? Will faker take his 4th worlds title? Will G2 return to being a team to be feared on the international stage?

Lets find out.

Day 1 Swiss Predictions:

T1 1-0 TL
C9 1-0 MAD
G2 1-0 DK
BLG 1-0 KT

posted 7 months ago

Not as hard as Champions Paris

posted 7 months ago

Honestly, I have no problem with this. The only people that I can think of who may have a reason to change their name more than once in a year are pro players. It's unfortunate for them but not the biggest deal. Other than them, who else is changing their id that often for non-nefarious purposes?

posted 7 months ago

Yes but up till last year it was 11 teams with only a single team from each of the major regions vs 22+ teams at worlds. LoL isn't like valorant. There is no regional parity. China and Korea dominate everything. So realistically, you had an 11 team tournament where only 2 teams could win. And besides 2019 when Europe's G2 was really strong, The chinese/korean representative have won every single msi only really having each other to compete with. Only worlds is really competitive since you have a much wider array of potential teams that can win (8 chinese/korean teams vs the 2 you have at msi).

At least in valorant masters are 12 teams vs champions with only 4 additional teams(16). The field is more even and it's never been unreasonable to say you could see many different teams winning(besides in early/mid 2021 when certain regions were very behind).

posted 7 months ago

No, not really. Until this year, MSI has never been comparable to worlds in terms of competitiveness and difficulty in winning(it still isn't tbh) because of the disparity in number of teams going. Masters/Champs is much much much closer.

posted 7 months ago

It's really not that difficult to understand. Realistically speaking, game changers does not have the talent pool to build a roster that could make it through to the challengers league. Even if it does, assembling that talent pool onto a single roster probably isn't possible.
If katsumi feels like she as an individual can aim higher(or if she just wants to try and quit if it isn't possible) and the only thing she is concerned about is making it to through to the challengers league and potentially ascension one day, then the best decision is to ditch game changers entirely and play on a co-ed roster.

posted 7 months ago

I'm smoking something good right now.

posted 7 months ago

He said americas 2/3 champ trophies.
Loud and EG. Pretty clear.

posted 7 months ago

Skill floor- The minimum skill required to play a hero effectively. Lucio for example has a very low skill floor. Even with very little skill he can still be played effectively.

literally googled

edit: also, this is from the link you provided yourself
"This brings us to skill floors. A skill floor is the counterpart to a skill ceiling. A skill ceiling is the level of play that’s possible with training and mastery. A skill floor is a way of describing how difficult it is to begin the process of mastery. For example, playing Widowmaker in Overwatch isn’t easy if you don’t have a background in other FPS titles. In order to even be relevant with her, you need to have exceptional aim and positioning. The skill floor for Widowmaker, in other words, is very high — if you want to be somewhat competent, you need to have mastered a variety of game mechanics."

posted 7 months ago

No. FFs. It's how good you can become in a game and to what extent you can distinguish yourself from your peers.

Just an example. If we take a random game with a high skill ceiling. We take the top 1000 players. The top 100 will be better than the 100 below them and 101-200 will be better than the 201-300 below them and so on. If we pretend it's a 1v1 game, matching someone from 1-100 against anyone below will result in them winning 80%+ of the time. This will be true for all players 1-1000 matching them against an opponent in any division below them.

Now lets make this a low skill ceiling, still top 1000 but the skill ceiling is hit right about at rank 1000. Now any player 1-1000 playing against each other will have a ~50% win rate because they cant outplay/differentiate themselves from their peers.

posted 7 months ago

LOL. Your examples are just wrong. Specifically with skill floor. A high skill floor means that to achieve a basic level of success with an agent, you need a good amount of practice/skill on that agent. A low skill floor means that you can reach a basic level of success without putting too much time in and being generally unskilled with an agent.

posted 7 months ago

Some of it is old yes. Some of it is a few weeks old. As for their motivations, I don't really give a shit. Perhaps the first person was a little petty yes. But in situations like this, the more stuff that comes out, people feel more validated in the fact that what they experienced wasn't normal/appropriate, so then they also post their shit. It always happens like this, that's human nature. Given how many people were willing to talk about their bad interactions with keenc, them being gone from the scene is ultimately good imo.

posted 7 months ago

I'm sure you would find similar messages. They're all teens/young 20s. Difference is that it would be reciprocated in most cases. If it wasn't, most people would stop immediately. No one rational is running to social media to post video clips/screenshots after only one awkward interaction. In keenc's case, it's several people. That's a product of their consistent weird behavior over a long period of time to several women.

posted 7 months ago

Slander: the action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person's reputation

Not slander, since besides the non-binary stuff(non-conclusive), nothing is untrue
Keenc is a creep. Public figures are held to a higher standard. Can't be doing that weird shit continuously like keenc and not eventually get found out then sacked.

posted 7 months ago

Nothing conclusive about the faking being non-binary. Just someone saying that they discussed the idea of faking being non-binary with keenc like 1.5-2 years ago to get signed and paid. Also people saying that they personally talked to keenc over discord and them being extremely transphobic in the past.

Besides that stuff, the main reason they got released is because of several weird sexually charged conversations (straight up sexual harassment in some cases) with girls they've had over dms but also video clips of them saying weird stuff over discord/voice chat.

posted 7 months ago

huh? when? today?
edit: nvm, saw the eg announcement

posted 7 months ago

marved wins easy

posted 7 months ago

Esports are ultimately an entertainment product. Showing player portraits/cams help people connect better to the players which allows them to get more invested in esports. I'm sure they've made the cam/portrait as small as possible while still allowing people to clearly recognize players.

posted 7 months ago

So there's no way to watch any of these matches??

posted 7 months ago

I think yes it does matter. But not everyone is created equal. There have been pros in games that first touch fps titles in their mid teens(15/16) and are able to go pro not too much later (And players who go pro even older). And then there are plenty of people who play from a young age and never come close. It's just a matter of natural talent imo (how far you can go depends on hard work and some luck but if you have no talent at all, you're going nowhere).

posted 7 months ago

Lol. I think the love-hate goes both ways. Sure, the br fans specifically can be a little more intense at times but at the end of the day, it's just a minority on both sides. There's surely more love than hate I think.

<3 for all of americas

posted 7 months ago

short form for non-binary

posted 7 months ago

I don't see why they shouldn't just mimick the main circuit. 8 for APAC+China.

posted 7 months ago

they* and yup

posted 7 months ago

Vania being an igl makes her overall better than flor imo

posted 7 months ago

They talk about her being igl all the time on the broadcast

posted 7 months ago

That is true

posted 7 months ago

I think both of these teams just suck at defense on lotus tbh. It shouldn't be this one sided lol.

posted 7 months ago
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