They played texture as duelist in 7 maps and he didn't do well. The roaster just didn't have the synergy and geng set ups and coordination with texture is lots of times better than that ge is the reason why texture is currently such a good duelist.
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Registered: | October 11, 2024 |
Last post: | March 3, 2025 at 12:26 AM |
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They played texture as duelist in 7 maps and he didn't do well. The roaster just didn't have the synergy and geng set ups and coordination with texture is lots of times better than that ge is the reason why texture is currently such a good duelist.
Both jingboong and gyen don't seem to have adapted that well still. The coaches need to accommodate them in the system. Not everyone is like solo and hsk but dfm has lots of potential and coaches can help enable it.
Also their team play and coordination is still off.
The duo of Akame and meiy is really insane. If art can actually win duels with phantom and vandal and gyen can perform like even decent and 75% of abyss performance in all maps this team is a very scary one. And jingboong is solid as well.
Hehehehehehhehehe. Spirit decimated ef lol.
Yeah like lonely guy said they have achieved quite a lot in Mobile games. They also won s tier event in pubgm last year.
Japan eSports scene needs to learn something from the sports scene of Japan. Japan is only good in fighting games and mobile game eSports. Also how is PC gaming still niche in Japan? And true it feels like both org and players have no motivation. It's probably cause of the PC eSports culture there but still they need to do something if they want to be at least competitive.
It's not just about ambition. Most eSports are based on PC gaming and PC gaming scene was and is still not that big in Japan. Also eSports is still not big or serious thing in there.
Bruh kr had the solid eSports foundation and culture for decades. They just didn't become good automatically. Whereas Japan never had big PC gaming scene let alone eSports before like apex. Money, orgs alone won't improve the regions PC eSports scene automatically.
Donk is so insane man. He must be really scary to face against.
Just shows how much difference one change in roaster and a coach change makes. Also Edg were pretty much mentally burnt out too tbh at that point.
Has munchkin completed the service? Any idea? Also finally searched in google and it says artists can avoid till 30 instead of 28 so confused about the age limit situation and how it effects eSports pros.
Any Korean or munchkin fan who knows about him and kr military service situation?
I don't know about the pants but tbh the t shirt looks quite good in my opinion.
True also Next asian game is in 2027. And even if val is added it will at least have to be completely changed to different type of game cause of the shooting and violence like they did with PUBG mobile in asian games.
No I mean till what age can you like not do it?
Has he completed his military service and till what age can he avoid it? It's gonna be hard especially this year but i think it's the best chance for him to win another event or champs. But he is quite old which shouldn't be issue for igl but don't know if he has done the mandatory service.
Rrq needs to visit temples or something. They are like anti edg in their region. So unlucky lol.
True all 5 players played exceptionally. So it makes Sense nobody gets the mvp from edg.
That just means you will never be able to hate on Navi. No wonder you love them.
Map 1 was fun tbh. And grand finals might be close with how te looks and map ban advantage.
Only 8 teams for masters feels so criminal. Going to miss so many good teams who make it till lower finals in Bangkok.
Also their luck in cn league has always been so insane. They are literally the main character.
Why would nobody be mad? Edg just won the match against drg. Also maybe not laughing but for sure nobody is smiling rn.
I mean the game not eSports. Global peak viewership of league was 6.9 million which isn't even 10% of league registered accounts at least according to google which might be wrong. League eSports will be effected but I don't think the players numbers for the game is decreasing at all.
How much effect do you think eSports has on how popular the game is or will be? For example I actually think league as a game wouldn't be affected at all if faker retires. It's already too big as a game alone. I feel same for all other eSports too. eSports scene might get effected by players retiring or team disbanding but eSports has minimal effect on game popularity.
This might be a hot take.
This is the better roaster:
Sub: hfmi0dzjc9z7
Coach: Oi (all gamers)
Come-on overhyping edg or china isn't good. It will just create more hate on the region and edg. Same as what happened to prx or primmie.
Nope still needs to catch up. Especially bottom teams are bit too bad. But the region is improving really fast.
No more like Japan to pacific if jp teams were in master Tokyo. He probably means viewership and fans engagement.
Well you qualify for mickey mouse from this domestic shit league.
Cause according to val eSports community first master is Micky mouse.
Damm just how good is robbiebk? Igling the team against the as well as making threads in vlr.
What do you think is the most underrated and most overrated tv show or movie?
Nah meteor is already 25 and still has military service left.
Doraemon clears both. Writing, characters, movie, entertainment factor everything better.
Viva just needs to return back to his old form and xlg needs to win pistols and xlg makes Toronto and champs both.
There was no need to hate on jawg bruh. Don't even know where jawg hate came from. Such things like downplaying other player to praise someone just creates hate for that someone who is kk in this case.
When he gets going he is insane. Only problem is he can be inconsistent. He is always very impactful tho even in loss situations.
Sen fan better not speak about flukes tbh. And your team lost to this fluke team edg in champs lol.
Berlin. His calling is good but he overheats a lot too. And I don't know if he is involved heavily in forming comps.
It would make sense if fpx is like very weak roaster or team and is trying to surprise the stronger team but that obviously isn't the case with fpx. Their coach just overcooks a lot with the comps.
One of the worst igl in vct especially considering how talented fpx roaster is. Bro tries to cook too much with the comps and has no trust on his players. Life is so good in other duelist yet he was always put on yoru duty or something else. Today's heaven comp and last year lotus comp in which life was on viper. This coach is seriously so bad.
What's up with fpx coach and troll comps? It's like he has no trust on the players. Fpx roaster is one of the best team itw in terms of firepower. It wouldn't be bad to play meta comps sometime.
Lol this org is literally the c9 of china. So many bad roaster moves. And this org is like one of the richest eSports org lol.