Then the region will be so boring. Sea teams especially prx doing well is very important for the region.
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Registered: | October 11, 2024 |
Last post: | March 3, 2025 at 12:26 AM |
Posts: | 844 |
Then the region will be so boring. Sea teams especially prx doing well is very important for the region.
How is apac playstyle not tactical? Do you even watch the kr teams games? Bro thinks every apac team is like prx.
If it's like the peak form of all those things what would be the best in your opinion? Like prx peak form firepower or best synergy or best macro?
I meant peak tier firepower like prx. Cause almost every team in t1 has enough firepower to win games. But the synergy or team play and macro difference can be too big between 2 teams
Nongshim obviously has better synergy. They have been together for way longer time compared to this geng roaster.
He is perfectly rated. Everyone calls him the controller goat. I don't know how he is underrated. Only last year did people rate him bit low cause of karon and his average performance considering the expectations on him.
They can against this geng. Prx just needs 3 players at least to be in peak form every game.
Bruh 12-6 to ot. Nah man don't lose like this
They can but only if it's prime prx or if at least 3 players are in peak form every game.
Synergy, macro and firepower. Which thing do you think is the most important thing in val? What is the order in your opinion? I think it's like this
Obviously all of these things important to be a top team tho.
Most of them are very old too already and except for karon I think others haven't completed their military service too.
I think there will for sure be changes next year even if they win a event. Like this geng roaster is the oldest or one of the oldest team in terms of average age I think. Yoman will be 29 this year and munchkin 27 and Texture 26.
Nowhere near the level of duelist. Meteor was arguably the best geng player last year in international but was getting so less praises until he left geng or like till champs. Most underrated player last year. Similarly for smoggy or Simon.
Facts just from viewing experience abyss and breeze are the worst 2 maps for me too.
Just my opinion. But I think people overrate duelists players a lot. Like kk, aspas, texture or majority of the duelist pros get all the praise majority of the time but people don't see just how much the team supports and sets them up. For example I think meteor, lakia or Simon or mazino didn't get enough praise last year compared to their duelists.
Fanatic players might be the only one who used to get more praise than derke their duelist.
Just delete this map. The worst map in valorant. Even icebox and breeze are better than this map. Good for drx tho.
Ambrosia and sad eSports logos look the closet to the type you are describing.
Less, alfa, woot. Riens and zekken too. Thought zekken was over 20.
Looking like it. And even though I am a drx fan I would love to see sea teams improve and give more competition. One sided domination from kr will start getting boring.
Apac really needs sea to get better man. Kr one sided domination will be so boring if sea can't be competitive. Prx is sea last hope but damm is that team still so shit with their discipline and fundamentals.
Obviously no one in val is comparable to donk. But again talon isn't anywhere near team spirit either. Curious why team spirit isn't in val? It's like one of the best eSports org in modern times.
It's not prx alone. All sea teams fundamentals is so ass. No proper discipline, no corner checking. Prx is bit more special tho. They are the final boss of this.
Apac is fun but the no discipline and just w gaming thing is so overblown. Kr teams even ns are some of the best teams itw in terms of solid fundamentals and discipline. It's just sea teams especially prx whose discipline and basic fundamentals is poor.
Primmie needs to leave his team asap. Better learn English.
True guang and mwzera worthy of this list. But nova has swerl too and has shown potential and decent management so far.
Invy for sure. Let's see more from wildoreo.
Then he is wasting his talent himself then. No fault of the team or the management.
It's still early so this might not be accurate later on if teams improve but I think currently these players are the one whose talent is being wasted cause of their teams or the coaching staff.
Aspas(wasting his talent himself)
Any other that I should add?
Tbh it's hard to decide which player is really the best. Cause it depends so much on how good the team that player is in. But less and meteor are in great teams this year so I guess it will be easy to decide now. Also sentinels role is stacked. Benjy, chichoo, flashback, leaf all look insane and are in good teams too.
They are american talents. So yeah not Korean talents.
The post is about best sentinel player of all time tho not currently.
It's still early but hyunmin is and will be better. Has the potential to be #1. Depends on drx tho on how well they can set him up and support him like geng does for texture or like majority of the teams do for their duelist.
He needs to learn English. What a waste of talent otherwise.
Talon macro and strats have always been trash. Everyone knows it atp.
This is so clearly a rage bait against meiy lol.
Bro literally made alt account just to create hatred against meiy.
True actually. He is honestly prx best player at least in my opinion.
True life mechanically is so insane but tbh he also trolls so much sometimes especially with yoru.
Edge of tomorrow movie. It's really good. One of my favorite sci Fi movie.
Lots of pros age can be really confusing from how they look or for how long they have been in the scene. Like texture or meteor are already 25, leaf is only 21, atakaptan is only 23.
Might be hot take but ending songs are better than op songs.
Sorry. I actually feel sad atp. You are actually really Korean. I admit it. Also I guess I am more of a weeb than koreaboo as japanese anime or cartoons and games were big part of my childhood. Only part about Korea I like is drx and val eSports.
Man didn't you visit any doctor yet? Still getting those schizophrenic episodes. Tbh Must be hard in America ig without the health insurance. Don't worry just open a charity account. People will help you with the money.
Damm schizophrenia is really harmful. Pls visit a hospital soon. Man it's sad but pls you aren't a real Korean. Man I actually feel so sad for your situation. Don't worry it will be fine soon. Just take your meds on time.
Pls never ever associate him with kr teams and their fans. He is just too toxic and arrogant. Bro isn't even Korean but is actually just obsessed and calls himself a Korean guy studying in America and says he takes pride in Korean culture but I don't think being this arrogant or toxic is part of Korean culture. he is just some delusional obsessed American guy who is actually baiting hate against geng.
Bruh you are one of the worst type of supporter kr team could ever hope to get. You make actual kr people and kr teams fans look so bad on your own. Why are you always so arrogant or toxic? Just ignore dumb comments. Also pls support your American teams rather than the kr teams. You are one reason people might hate geng.