Flag: Kiribati
Registered: October 19, 2022
Last post: June 9, 2024 at 9:22 AM
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Defense is the easiest half to anti-strat because you pretty much know how they are gonna setup and react and Potter cooked a hole michelin starred meal. That's about it tbh.

posted 1 month ago

would you take him back to Loud?

posted 1 month ago

I don't say this based of stats. Watch the game, sunset specially. Slow the game down to 0.5x speed if you have to and try to understand what's a favorable fight and hats not. Where they get shit on tactically and where they lose duels, It's a bit difficult perhaps but watch enough times and you will get there

posted 1 month ago

sacy is too inconsistent. Easily the worst initiator player in all the NA teams and that's saying something. SEN got lucky with madrid but from now on they ain't winning shit tbh

posted 1 month ago

Don't they have curry for situations like these?

posted 1 month ago

even before getting sick he wasn't shooting. He has good maps here and there but then just looks lost. Also I am pretty sure he said his mouth is a bit swollen that's why he wears the mask but didn't say if he has pain or sick to a point that would affect his performance.

posted 1 month ago

4 ecos in a single round. I didn't say hes a bad player but watch the games for once ffs. His positioning is good and obviously util, which is why he gets kills sometimes. But at this level you also have to win your aim duels.

posted 1 month ago

verno, s0m, should have gone for trent when TGRD dropped them, brawk, anyone that doesn't lose the freest 1v1s.

posted 1 month ago

SEN fans will hate me for this but sacy is a problem for SEN. The sooner they realize this the sooner they will become a Optic caliber team. This brother loses the most favorable 1v1s I swear. You can't be making "but his util is good and he clutches sometimes" excuse in 2024 man. If that's a good argument then Hiko should still be on a T1 team.

He plays initiator and SEN has a good team with good strats, of course his util gonna get some value. But that doesn't excuse him to be a liability most of the times. His sunset was hard to watch specially on def.

posted 1 month ago

Has nothing to do with format buddy. If there are 3 heavyweights, 1 is simply gonna have the easier path since there are only 2 routes. That's just simple math you can't wrap your head around.

posted 1 month ago

They were just lucky to be on the easier side of the playoffs bracket. That could happen at any tournament. Doesn't make madrid a micky mouse since there were other good teams.

posted 1 month ago

His rating wasn't the worst last week on his team. Started really slow the whole team and still had loads of impactful rounds on Lotus and Icebox

posted 1 month ago

As if they took madrid by storm? They literally only beat the Chinese frauds at masters madrid. Pros often troll this forum for the abhorrent stupidity on display here and you might actually be the stupidest of them all. That's saying something!

posted 1 month ago

So if I play a game I am gonna get placed asc 3 is what you are saying?

posted 1 month ago

I was immortal 1 last act but haven't played a single game this act. There are like 12 days left in this act and if I play 1 match and get placed in diamond or asc1 I don't think I can make it back to immortal before the act ends. I don't get to play too much so is it better for me to just not play this act to keep my MMR high or does it not matter? How does it work this late into the act?

posted 1 month ago

Over M80 players? be fr bro

posted 1 month ago

I don't watch Tier 2 very often but whenever I check the scoreboard, this guy is always like +15 up even if all his teammates went negative including the duelist. I know he is a good player but is he really that good? like are his kills impact kills and how is his utility usage?
My prime example for a perfect rookie initiator would be 2022 trent. His kills were always very impactful, utility usage was on point and was always clutch af. So. how is verno compared to that version of trent?

posted 1 month ago

who's got my daily dose of scrimbux?

posted 1 month ago

Nothing is ever yay's fault

posted 1 month ago

where did you see that? you got any screenshots?

posted 1 month ago

i believe it. Mr. Falin is the 🐐

posted 1 month ago

Why do we not get any scrimbux anymore? Is this because tarik is not live? Give me my clove scrimbux man!

posted 1 month ago

but ppl were crying about him playing skye and viper too. pick your poison and don't just move the goal post for your boy.

posted 1 month ago

most mid sova ult I have ever seen. He even tagged them too!

posted 1 month ago

this hiroron guy just froze in that yay ace round. wtf was that?

posted 1 month ago

wdym you can't blame him. he's bottom fragging both these maps as a duelist player!

posted 1 month ago

nah we are good. thanks for the offer tho

posted 1 month ago

yes, they all are but havoc is just plain stooopid. Some players make bad plays and they instantly know after but I am pretty sure havoc doesn't even know what hes doing wrong cz he keeps doing same sht over and over.

posted 1 month ago

Is it mean to say he is the biggest pugger in pro valorant. Bro literally plays like he's in ascendant lobby. Like no awareness whatsoever !

posted 1 month ago

that's not the point. To call someone THE GOAT, that person has to be comfortably ahead of any other competition, there's no player like that in valorant. Everything is up for contention still.

posted 1 month ago

There's no Goat in valorant. The highest amount of legit intl. LAN anyone has ever won is just 2. Like c'mon now, how are you gonna call a valorant GOAT already?

posted 1 month ago

I like this LCK playoffs stage so much better than Valorant stages. Valorant intl. stage looks like a kids trampoline compared to this. They need to switch things up instead of doing the same stage time and time again. It's so boring !!!

posted 1 month ago

Top 4 isn't unrealistic at all. Thankfully they had the guts to make the change cause all the players on that roster are really solid.

posted 2 months ago

They will actually be good with icy on duelist. Has a very good chance of making playoffs imo.
People can't see a lot of internal problems from the outside and frags aren't everything. No hate but If any of you guys ever heard neT comm during the tarik 10 mans, this guy is legit like Asuna on steroids. I just can't think of people being calm and being able to focus on their game in a hectic environment like that. Also, fresh blood in the duelist role will turn out to be good for them, just watch.

posted 2 months ago

or may be he just doesn't wanna watch the mid teams that are playing today

posted 2 months ago

He's throwing their games too but they can't say NO to him because it's SHROUD lmao

posted 2 months ago

Asuna_Yuuki's burner for sure.

posted 2 months ago

sadly you can't swing everything and go unpunished in officials

posted 2 months ago

tier 1 pros, not tier 1 teams buddy. I saw ranked player kaoticc drop nukes on zekken and keznit, doesn't mean shit. Stewie2k was literally a much better player than tarik in the tail end of their CS career, so now tell me how did stewie's valo career go? You don't even follow CS so stop with the CS frog esque logic as if you know anything.

posted 2 months ago

When did he won the major and did you follow his career afterwards or are you one of those people who thinks former CS= Valo GOAT?

posted 2 months ago

"ofc" LMAO

posted 2 months ago

That's not the case for me at least but It gets annoying at some point, I agree.

posted 2 months ago

Bro said ShadoW LMAO

posted 2 months ago

You don't know me. I am very happy for SEN, specially TenZ, zekken and johnqt. zekken didn't win the trophy alone. He also went 3-12 when his team was sending him to die without proper support against C9 last year, same happened with TenZ in past years. It's a team game and when the team plays well the DUELIST player generally looks really good. I want you SEN fans to give everyone their flowers instead of at least 3 zekken posts on r/ValorantCompetitive front page each day showering him with all the superlatives.

posted 2 months ago

No man, I am not gonna ask in a reddit post why my favorite player is goated in ranked games. If I was wondering that I would rather watch their stream to figure it out myself or ask them in their stream chat! There are just too many low quality zekken glazes in both reddit and vlr.
If you only know how to praise your favorite players with superlatives only then that's just low quality imo. There's a reddit comment saying "zekken has the FASTEST reaction time itw" and that comment has like 100 upvotes. Like really? You see him play and that's the first thing that comes to your mind?

posted 2 months ago

I love him, don't get me wrong but this is very annoying and I predicted the same when people were glazing N4RRATE this hard. No one man can do it all in valorant at top level

posted 2 months ago

Bc his team was mid as a whole. Lot of role issues, Dephh being the IGL but people act like 2023 didn't happen and he dropped out of heaven all of a sudden and took SEN to glory as if his teammates, the team culture shift etc, the team being more practiced and more prepared don't matter. It;s just all him woke up one day and chose to do it all.

posted 2 months ago

Some of these glazing posts are getting out hands man. Everyday there are some insane, fanatical posts on reddit wondering how he became the messiah and everyone in the comments jerking each other off "oh, yes he's LIasn-Al-Gaib" ! Like chill tf out. He's definitely good but then again show me a winning team in valorant esports history that didn't have a duelist going +10 almost every series.
He's not the first duelist ever to do it and he sure won't be the last, it's just that his performances are more noticeable because his team is winning and no, I don't know what makes him so good in ranked games redditor! It might just be because he cares about being the rank 1 player and grinds ranked a lot unlike most other top players who don't give 2 shits about comp ranked? Thank You for coming to my TED talk.

posted 2 months ago

good shout

posted 2 months ago
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