Flag: Kiribati
Registered: October 19, 2022
Last post: September 25, 2024 at 12:13 AM
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You were saying?

posted 4 months ago

cNed was always a Jett OP spammer whereas wo0t can literally do it all. They ain't the same

posted 4 months ago

Come back to this thread 3 years later when he becomes the undisputed GOAT.

posted 4 months ago

noooooooo, please don't

posted 4 months ago


Aspas needs sacy. Let them reunite and this teams chemistry would work much better anyway.

posted 4 months ago

LEV sacy. Let the father and son reunite

posted 4 months ago

Shohei Ohtani is literally fat bro. It has to be NBA or football athletes.

posted 4 months ago

He implied it. People were giving him extra praises for noob stomping when the whole team played bad.

posted 4 months ago

See? Even his coach, SEN drewSaprk knows that t0nz sneaking into the top 10 ratings for split 1 was a fraudulent achievement. Blud just farmed the noob teams.

posted 4 months ago

Biggest myth in the world. Stop parroting the lines that everyone says and watch the games with your eyes open brudda

posted 4 months ago

I have seen his gekko and I have seen it all. He single handedly trolled Icebox against G2, you can't blame that on IGLing.

posted 4 months ago

Everyone is good, everyone should win. Based take actually

posted 4 months ago

Nah he's been a fraud for a while now.

posted 4 months ago
  • Mako
  • sacy
  • Enzo
  • Klaus
  • Icy

Players from shitty teams don't count because it's hard to tell who is actually not a fraud on teams like Furia, Mibr.

posted 4 months ago

As sad as it is, 1 bum is holding them back really hard.

posted 4 months ago

I will DEACTIVATE if SEN makes it to champs through playoffs, the normal route. No chance

posted 4 months ago

Didn't change anything. Both will happen and NRG being good is bad news for SEN because they will play each other.

posted 4 months ago

s0m will literally redefine this team and will make all the washed bums unwashed with his charisma. He can literally play anything, so NRG won't have to put Lemon1 on raze duty all the time and with raze nerfs he can go back to being a Jett spammer. Marved wasn't necessarily the problem but NRG have saved themselves from the curse of bumness with one move.

Whereas SEN is the exact opposite. This team is full of bums. They have one, may be two perma bums and depending on tenz, zekken or johnqt having a bad day, they literally have 3 bums on any given day. That's really bad because we are in the PRIME anti-bum meta. With the duelist reworks, I can promise you that actual good players will run riot. SEN is also gigafucked because all the teams in their group are actually good now!

posted 4 months ago

you ain't getting s0m without FNS

posted 4 months ago

It's just a negotiation technique to get good buyout money

posted 4 months ago


posted 4 months ago

Day 3 of asking for SEN Less 🙏🏻

posted 4 months ago

It's happening, yall better believe it.

posted 4 months ago

madrid winner, SH runner-up and Champs 2024 winner

posted 4 months ago

group stage

posted 4 months ago

nothing personal. why would I have anything personal against someone that I don't know personally and who doesn't know me. He only had two good series against Loud and Mibr, in rest of the games he was terrible.
But i understand why you only remember those 2 series.

posted 4 months ago

He was waffling because he knew he cost them the split. You saw how he was repeatedly saying, we need to stick together blah blah without actually saying something of substance? He knows he is running on favor from kaplan

posted 4 months ago

Imagine getting into a team that drains money like no other and demands to be one of the best teams if not the best just because you have better English! LMAO that's laughable.
Sentinels roster building for you

posted 4 months ago

But he wasn't! sacy was SENs worst player by FAR in 2023.

posted 4 months ago

NRG doesn't even have an IGL. Player quality matters even if they don't have the 'name'. If someone whiffs 80p of their favorable kills, it gets really hard for a team to win.
Also, you can't measure synergy that way. One player doesn't define synergy. Sacy literally looks like the oddball on SEN. You can't never say for sure obviously but I think SEN would be a much much better team without him and it's not even just about frags.

posted 4 months ago

trent much better. You are forgetting riens and eeiu.
Now think about it. You are okay with a player who isn't even a top 10 scan initiator right now, playing on a team that strives to be a top 3 team? The budget, the expectation from fans, they literally strive to be the top dogs!

posted 4 months ago

sacy was one of the issues tbh. Even in kickoff, blud was playing like a crypto thrower. His trading is bad, aims like a tremor patient, just cycles utility like a hard coded AI, misses flashes all the time( remember that flash peek into hookah against EG, happens often). I could go on and on.
Leo, eeiu, davai, trent, riens any of these guys on this SEN roster and they would have won madrid, and made SH easily. no doubt in my mind

posted 4 months ago

Be serious. Where do you rank sacy in all time initiators list. None of that trophy bullshit. Just straight capability and performance wise

posted 4 months ago

I will never get this sacy overrating from yall. His PR must be crazy in the BR scene cause in terms of actual valorant performance he isn't even a top 5 brazilian player. Stop making excuses for him.

posted 4 months ago

tenz plays flex now anyways so nothing would have changed. They just needed to bench sacy and find a better initiator, or keep both him and pANc and if they really needed Zellsis, just make him learn ini cz zellsis can play anything. He would have been better than sacy anyway + vibe merchant.
Role swaps happened on this team anyway as i mentioned earlier. They literally put their aspas on smokes and he's now one of the best smokes+flex player, so it's not a far off idea on SEN

posted 4 months ago

Players can always learn new roles, specially in offseason. TenZ, zekken, johnQT were all playing different roles when they started their pro valorant careers.

never said 'overnight'

posted 4 months ago

sacy barely calls on SEN. He makes the most mistakes, idk how he can be the second caller. If he is then I understand why SEN is so shit

posted 4 months ago

Why are we lying though? sacy was very mid and inconsistent the whole year. he was literally their worst player in copenhagen

posted 4 months ago

His senti was getting better. He was shit at the beginning because he switched him to senti mid split. He had a mean cypher and viper but KJ was a odd ball. I can't blame him

posted 4 months ago

I mentioned 3 players to prove a point that role change wouldn't have been a huge issue specially when they have such versatile players like johnQT,tenz and zekken. They should have just kept pANcada for the caliber of player he is.

posted 4 months ago

That's just brazilian vibe. Neymar was that type of party freak too, doesn't mean you should bench him at his prime. pANcada is 2x the player s0cy is.

posted 4 months ago

liquipedia MVPs are not official. It's upto interpretation and most people would say pANcada was their best player in champs

posted 4 months ago

They could have just put tenz on flex. He's the flex player anyway and johnQT can play literally anything.

posted 4 months ago

Bro said pANcada has no aura LMAO. pANcada is literally that guy! Watch his '23 run. He was LOUDs second best player.

posted 4 months ago

when did I say that?

posted 4 months ago

Why did SEN get rid of pANcada instead of sacy? pANcada was literally the Champs 2022 MVP ! Also, he was playing really good on '23 SEN, specially on smokes!

Don't talk to me about roles. Players can always learn new roles, specially in offseason. TenZ, zekken, johnQT were all playing different roles when they started their pro valorant careers.
I am just wondering because pANcada ceiling was so high and he was learning english and his comms weren't even half bad it felt like. I bet there are mixed nationality teams with worse commers

posted 4 months ago

nothing i'm just a bit mad tbh. I don't think he can fill miniboo or wo0ts shoes but hope he proves me wrong. His madrid performance was a bit underwhelming

posted 4 months ago

yeah ig

posted 4 months ago

I wish bro. paTiTek is a good support player but we had such good shot at winning SH. I am just mad but iss all good

posted 4 months ago
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