Flag: Europe
Registered: June 3, 2021
Last post: June 1, 2024 at 5:41 PM
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So many people forget what cNed did on Jett before her nerf. Guy was by far the best Jett this game saw, outside of TenZ Iceland run.

posted about a year ago

ngl their weird sense of humor is actually entertaining at times. Like a breath of fresh air after EU toxicity.

posted about a year ago

Flukes aren't bad at all. idk why people have this negative feeling regarding a fluke. I guess it's because they cant hold that form, so people have a negative view on it. It doesn't mean the team didn't deserve to win, it's just the chance we'll see them perform that well again is ulikely.
Acend run at champs was a fluke because it wasn't ordinary for them to perform that well. They 100% deserved the win, as they all played insane.

Leicester had a fluke run at the premier league, and won. doesn't mean they didn't deserve it, just means that the expectations of that happening were really low.

posted about a year ago

They deserved the win 100%. they played out their mind the whole event. All 5 players turned up.

What causes a fluke tends to be consistancy. Optic can't be considered a fluke team, as they're consistently performing well.
Pre champs, Acend weren't a consistent team. Only 1 player on the roster was consistent, and that was cNed.

Gambits run wasn't considered a fluke, as they were considered one of the best teams in eu, being eliminated by fnatic before masters 2 2021, whom which went to the finals. After that event Gambit just stayed at the top of eu for the rest of the year.

Acend just had worldstar talent with cNed, but the others having their inconsistency issues, leading to an inconsistent team.

posted about a year ago

It was even before.

Before champions, only cNed was consistent on the team.
After, every single player who was on the winning roster, was statistically worse than during champions.

Also I think people call them a fluke run, as they were never considered to be a contender to win the vent. Their Berlin run was iffy. They didn't beat a single team they didn't play before, which is why Champs was a surprise. They looked like a completely different team in champs, with every player going insane.

posted about a year ago

Acend was more of a fluke because all 5 players of the team turned up at that event. Before champions, nearly every player except cNed, had consistency issues.

Also after that event every player on the Acend roster plays significantly worse than they did at that event. Not a single player, including cNed has had a peak like their performance at Champions 2021.

posted about a year ago

Cryo Zekken

posted about a year ago

Facts tbh.

posted about a year ago

wdym, you have to play atleast 10 different agents to be considered the best /s

posted about a year ago

The thing with titles as best player, people look at scoreboard. It's why it's rare for a versatile player to get the title of the best. It tends to lead towards the most mechanically gifted player, who gets the most impact on the role. That is yay at the moment.

Also need to look at consistency. So far I dont think there's another player as consistent as yay with performing well.

posted about a year ago

tbh the people who hate on yay confuse me.
Dude is the most consistent fragger in the game, and has 0 conflicts with anyone. there's 0 reason to dislike the guy, be it his playstyle, or as an online personality.

also people who say he crutches on op body shot, dont remember him back when he rifled as Jett when he first joined Envy. The guy has proven he'd top tier with both rifle and op.

posted about a year ago

You trying to tell me not a single staff member at VK read offical riot announcements regarding banned teams for abusing a cam?

Any staff member should be keeping upto date with official riot announcements regarding rule changes and enforcements.

posted about a year ago

It could be. Fnatic does seem to have the play against M3C from last year, and this. The only issue is this year will have an Asterix due to the war, and M3c pretty much losing their jobs and funding.

Just a shame we wont see the M3C we know face off against Fnatic in a stable situation again.
I believe it was said that they were playing on like 60 ping during LCQ finals, as they didn't have the means. Remember people saying nats had packet loss, but idk tbh. Just from the sound of it, seems like they got fucked so hard by gambit dropping their teams.

posted about a year ago

M3C were always a better team than Fnatic since last berlin. They just got fucked because of the war.

posted about a year ago

last I saw about the dropout, they still have to do public service, just not millitary. So will still have to spend 18-22months serving the country in some way.

I'd be surprised if faker isn't in the KR team. Guy is the face of league, and KR esports.

posted about a year ago

tenz and hype dont go together.
TenZ is just shroud of 2018. Boring as fuck, but good gameplay when streaming. Shroud grew past all that after he returned to twitch after mixer. TenZ is still boring, just has entertaining gameplay when he streams.

posted about a year ago

Can't faker delay his longer because he dropped out of highschool? Remember reading that he wont have to do millitary service, but other public sector based service. OR if he can win the gold medal at Asian games, as esports was just added. SK count that as service to the country if you win. It happened with Son Heung-Min being exempt because he won gold at Asian games.

I could be 100% wrong, so please correct me if I am.

posted about a year ago

You forget, DRX always look elite in groups. They're gods in groups, then choke in playoffs. Just hope they go for a deep run this time. Been hoping every event they play at for a deep drx run.

posted about a year ago

considering there's only been two events so far, we dont really have a lot to go with. If we consider the last 12 months, that's something else.
With the only two events, the top 2 EMEA teams both had players missing in one of them.

Your whole argument is recency bias bro.

Edit - you're also talking down to FNC despite them coming top4 in masters 2, but you know. They're not a competitive team, as EMEA is just a 1 team region. Only fpx have a chance at winning anything despite FNX making playoffs in every event they've attended as a full 5. It would be all minus 1 if we include Reykjavík.

posted about a year ago

tbh G2 have never been a team worth watching since year 1. They're just EU TSM.

posted about a year ago

That event the only team who has 0 excuse for playing bad is G2. Liquid got into it because FPX had players who couldn't attend. FNC had 2 subs, not having their best player there. It's why there's an Asterix at that event.

Why're you not mentioning that at every event other than Reykjavík, there's been at least 2 EMEA teams in the top 4 placements, and at least 3 in playoffs.

posted about a year ago

Was pretty much the exact same shit that's happening here. Dropped player types on twitter after old team lost. Just rossy started tweeting back.

posted about a year ago

Rossy and aleko is the main one I think of when it came to shit talking previous teammates.

posted about a year ago

When I say Acend were inconsistent, I mean the players at the time. Zeek was hit or miss, bonecold was chilling at the bottom 2 of the scoreboard(given he was igl so he had other shit to focus on), starxo was similar to zeek, and kiles was mid.
Throughout their whole time as a team, it was cNed and friends. In champs, every player of the team turned up, and played insanely good. Then after that they went back to cNed being the only consistent player of the team. Bonecold left, zeek benched himself, kiles left. Although they're not the same acend they were, they still have the same issues. The only difference between old acend and new acend, is the Jett nerfs broke cNed. His performances look average compared to champs cNed.

Sen had a peak at iceland 2021, and just progressively got worse, and worse. Putting up worse performances, every match. Their lack of adapting to the meta shifts, is what lead them to fall behind other teams quick. It's what led teams like Optic to the top, as they were constantly moving along with the meta, and were by far the most consistent team in valorant right now.

that's why I say Sen had a bigger fall from grace than acend did. Acend just had one huge standout event, then went back to their normal self.

posted about a year ago

Sen fell off harder because Acend were inconsistent before champs, and had one event where all 5 players performed well. They just went back to their normal self afterwards.

Sen just struggled to do anything and didn't adapt to any meta changes.
Acend just had one good event, and that's it. Sen had a good event, and then progressively got worse, and worse. It's just now acend look like they're falling apart, where as Sen look like they're just holding on.

posted about a year ago

Dudes main fanbase are incels who have been rejected every chance they get, so they feed into the ideals that Tate presents.
It's either incels, or teenagers who are impressionable, and think the "alpha sigma dogshit look", is cool and they want to replicate it. They see a guy who has money, girls, doesn't care, so they want to be like that. It's another Dan Bilzerian story. a POS makes money off insecure teenagers and adults, while spewing dumb shit.

Like who the fuck else would give money toa guy who said women are his property, other than teenagers who have no real world experience, and incels who repulse women and have a deep hate for them.

posted about a year ago

Even in CS, there was a huge divide in regions. NA was mocked for years on CS. Br was mocked aswell. Esports has this weird desire for region vs region, as has been common in pretty much every esport scene. Siege had it, CS had it, Val has it, league, dota, etc. They all have it.

I'm not sure why it's a thing, considering other sports tend to go towards city/town based teams, in which they grew up around. HOwever that never stopped people being fans of other nations teams. Supporting ones nation in an event like a world cup, I understand. Having to feel like you have to blindly support a whole region, just to better than another, I dont fully understand. The memes and banter of region vs region can be hilarious at times. It's when some people base their whole personality around EU> this region, or NA > that region, etc.

CS it might not be as obvious as it's always been EU on top, besides the BR era of sk/lg. Even then, it was a single team that was insane at the time. Right now NA has one team in CS that is actually decent, and BR has one, potentially 2 if 00N can actually win a bo3 against an eu team.
That's why CS might appear to not have region vs region loyalty, but it does. It's just been around that inside those regions, you have rivalries.

Just look anywhere when it's an EU team vs NA/BR. EU fans flock to support the EU team playing, and NA support the NA team playing. Just not there's no real rivalries in NA, as it's a 1 team region.

posted about a year ago

It's a mix over the loud screaming having a chance to slip through the white noise, aswell as vibrations. IT's why there's a lot of dislike towards danish crowds in CSGO.

posted about a year ago

That's how I see it. Guess I can't support a football team that isn't my tiny ass local football team.

posted about a year ago

I'm just happy the match has gone to map5. the fact people believe you have to support the region you live in, is just insecure and delusional.

posted about a year ago

It's a danish crowd. They're known as the worst crowd in CS.
Just the cahnts are more interesting with a mix of fpx and prx. Rather that than yesterdays match which was just fpx, and 0 optic. Was boring hearing the crowd like that.

posted about a year ago

Did my man just realise that some people support a team, not a whole region just because they live in the region.

posted about a year ago

that's because they picked up supamen, poised, and zeck. They aquired the majority of the roster, which included their 10points. At the time they aquired the 2 players and coach, it only had 3 players and a coach left in the roster.

It wouldn't surprise me if he did get picked up by faze. I just dont understand why he'd be apart of faze, but not have the public announcement of being a faze member? Shanks not having any branding on his social media, makes 0 sense given the "clout" being a part of faze has in the gaming sphere.

posted about a year ago

Him wearing a cap and being on faze, honestly seems like you're reading far too much into it. Plus his brother is on Faze, so he could have just gotten the merch from him.

Him getting the cap from his brother is more plausible than being on faze as a sub, yet not saying anything about it.

posted about a year ago

UK isn't as bad as people think. I only issue since moving here, is how boring the place is. Just not much to actually do here.
Healthcare is good, dental care is good, education is decent. Nothing particularly horrible as general living here. I'd just rather live somewhere else in europe.

posted about a year ago

wym no on the healthcare? Well the "yeah no" part. like disagreeing on the capatilism part? or general hygiene being similar?

Although anecdotal, I've noticed US care more about the bright ass pearly whites which look bleached, where as Europe aren't that far into the pearly whites, but still have generally white teeth. Especially in the current generations. Uk in particular, teeth only really get bad in seniors at like age 65+.

EU overall is honestly top tier when it comes to pretty much anything. People meme about it, but they're good in nearly every area of life that it can offer.

posted about a year ago

The most American cause of poor dental care in the US is capitalism. General hygiene between the countries is similar, it's just UK has more accessible dentists.

When a dentist in the US is one of the highest earners as doctors, it's kinda insane.

posted about a year ago

His refusal to relocate is the main thing holding him back. individual skill, even pros admit he's one of the best opers in NA. His skill itself was never an issue, but more in terms of his limiations (arrogance like you said, and lack of relocating).

Plus you talk about when he was last on top. He's also probably the most consistent oper alongside yey and cryo.

It was also his downfall in CS. His skill was never in question, but more the shit outside the game.

posted about a year ago

Dont you know?
If you have a flag, you have to blindly support a team in that region, and never have opinions that arent in their favour.

posted about a year ago

The irony of it all is, there's players who are grinding to make it val. Shroud just says fuck it, he wants to do it for fun.

posted about a year ago

How come you think he's on about JP and not KR?

Pretty sure everyone knows the JP viewership is probably the most consistent next to NA.

KR viewership, is lacklustre compared to how good their top teams are.

posted about a year ago
  1. He doesn't hit the same numbers as he did on pubg, not even half. His val streams tend to peak around 23k viewers, not including watch parties.

  2. Cs as a franchise, I haven't seen shroud talk about that much, I wont lie. I've msotly seen him trash talk CS:GO. so I dont really have a response I can push forward for the CS as a franchise bit. I might be confused and misread the previous responses.

  3. Voicing concern about CS does fuck all. Valve dont listen to anyone. Nearly every pro complained constantly about the krieg meta for years, and it took them years to change it. If you go on his stream and ask if he thinks CS is the best fps game he's played, he'll probably say it's his favourite and also trash talk about flaws.
    Applying this to me personal experience again, I used to "voice concern" about siege when I was first playing it. I started shit talking the game after the third year of the same issues. Even now I shit talk siege as it has the same issues it had back when I voiced my concern in my first thousand hours of playing.

  4. I do agree that people shouldn't treat shroud as some fps god. People hype the guy up to such a high level, when he's just an exp pro who was decent at pro level, but looks godly as general playerbase level, which most pros do. He's average in the top 0.1%, however that's still the top 0.1%. Dude looks insane when playing against the other 99.9%, which is why people rate him so high.

posted about a year ago

tbh if he cared as much about personal gain as you think he does, he'd only stream valorant, PUBG, and CS. you reckon if he cares fully about profit, he'd not stream pubg to 50k viewers again?

The guy shit talks CS, yet has said it's one of his all time favourite games. It's the same shit with me and siege. I shit talk siege more than any game, but I still have over 6k hours in the game. It's by far one of my favourite games out there. Doesn't mean I have to worship what the game has become.

Him with val I will agree. he jumped back on his original comments about the game. Seems to do watch parties when it can profit him. that I will agree with you on.

posted about a year ago

Bro, shroud was mediocre at pro play in CS. He was known for getting highlight clips in pubs, and reaching the top of Reddit. People put him on this huge pedestal when he wasn't anything special. Dude had like 1 or 2 good clips in pro play, and only ever winning a DH.

His stats were average, his achievements weren't anything special. He wasn't anything special. In a public lobby he's fantastic, and can reach the top of any fps game he can play, when playing in pubs. However in pro play, he was never anything fantastic.

you also talk about baby zoomers, but forget that shroud was only ever known for one overpass clip, cache clip, and being a likable guy. Mechanically he wasn't anything special, outside of pubs.

You honestly just sound like a guy who looked a few cs youtube videos from 2015, and use that as your fact.

posted about a year ago

think the main difference between the two, is TenZ made his playerbase similar to shroud. good at the game, personality of a fish. Mixwell has a following due to a mix of gameplay and personality.

However I'm going yb what I watched when mixwell first started streaming val when he was first picked up by g2, where he had a large English viewership, so he communicated in English for awhile. His streams are like 90% spanish now, so I haven't watched in awhile. So I'm going by when Idid used to watch, where he had a personality to watch.

posted about 2 years ago

ayo gotta give forsaken credit for having huge balls to do it on LAN.

But yeah, one region being mocked for a single cheater, despite other regions have pros being banned. Hell, atleast Forsaken lost his career. In NA you just swap games and you're all good to go.

posted about 2 years ago

aah tyty. I remember hearing that he responded to it, I just never found the video. ty ty

posted about 2 years ago

I never really saw anything abuot Zombs other than his streams, which he trolls 90% of the time. It could have been fuelled by frustrating results, performances, etc. We'll never know.
It's a situation that's even hard to assume. I can only think poor performances led to lack of care. I'm most likely wrong here, as even assuming this is hard.

posted about 2 years ago

zombs was never the issue . However he wasn't helping the team either. From what was said about him, he lacked motivation to get better, and it showed in game. However that wasn't hte fault of Sen. from a viewing perspective, it looked like they were always a meta behind other teams. When teams played kayo and skye, sen were playing the previous meta. When chamber was released and every team was picking him up, they didn't adjust to him.

that, and their igl making excuses for every loss they have, isn't the best. From an outside perspective (not knowing anything actually going on, but assuming), it looks like they're not noticing their mistakes, and being blind to the faults they're making. It's the lack of accountability and not seeing their mistakes, that I feel is causing their drop in form.

However, I honestly could be 100% wrong. I'm not apart of their team, or social circle. So I have no clue what is really happening. this is just my assumption based on watching them and their streams over the past year or so.

posted about 2 years ago

The irony between people making fun out of British people saying war-ah, is not many other countries even pronounce the T in water. America says wa-der, and boh-dl. They do the same what a lot of British people do, and use a flat T, which sounds like a D in American English, and in England, they tend to do the same, just with a different accent. the most common use of water in the UK I've seen, is war-da, with a slight t on the d sound, just not emphasised as it should be, according to queens English.

This isn't saying the op is american(guy who mentioned woota), just talking in general as it's usually NAs who tend to make fun of the UK for stereotypes, despite both countries doing the same shit.

posted about 2 years ago
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