APAC LCQ was tough... FS beat many strong teams to get here, including Nuturn and Damwon. They rightfully earned 3rd spot for SEA.
On the other hand, Furia just have to beat Australs and there you go - 3 BR at Champions, embarrasing.
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Registered: | March 10, 2021 |
Last post: | October 15, 2023 at 3:47 AM |
Posts: | 3263 |
APAC LCQ was tough... FS beat many strong teams to get here, including Nuturn and Damwon. They rightfully earned 3rd spot for SEA.
On the other hand, Furia just have to beat Australs and there you go - 3 BR at Champions, embarrasing.
SEA teams improved their overall tactical gameplay so much
BR still playing CSGO rush and kill (Gamelanders is the prime example)
South America results in previous Masters
Reykjavik 5-6 (VKS), 7-8 (KRU), 9-10 (SHK)
Berlin 5-8 (KRU), 9-12 (VK), 13-16 (HL)
And now has 4 spots (more than NA)
Open your eyes who doesn't think this is a trash format
Fnatic were on top only during Stage 2, they didn't qualify for main events neither in Stage 1 nor in Stage 3
Basically that Fnatic Reykjavik run gave them Champions spot, because they didn't earn any points besides that tourney
FYI this supernova only cares about viewers i.e. if it's Gambit - Envy (low viewership) final it's bad final, if there is only 1 japanese team (high viewership) participating it's bad tournament etc
Funny guy, perhaps he thinks that all the spots should go to SEN, TSM, 100T, G2, TL and rest 11 JP teams
Northeption were allowed to ban 1 map (Breeze) because they came from uppers
Stop crying
X10 haven't played with Patiphan for about 5 months so I don't know where to place them
Superbuss very nice aim, this guy just threw the map at 13-12 lol
Is he IGLing? If not, why keep him?
Unless Riot change this dumb system (which rewards fluke teams like Fnatic and doesn't reward consistent teams like Guild / FPX who are in every single VCT), no. They will not achieve anything. Because EMEA is just too strong of a region to make it to Masters.
How will Brazil dominate next year if your top teams (Gamelanders, Furia) are still playing the same braindead Valorant as during First Strike? They don't learn, unlike LAS teams.
9z deserved LCQ more than LAN teams, but they couldn't collect enough points because their main "subregion rivals" (KRU, AUS) stole everything :/
Brazilians will keep discovering these LAS teams one by one, as the latter will soon dominate the entire South America
Funny if Fnatic didn't win that Gambit match for Iceland spot they wouldn't even be in LCQ
Full Sense were 1 match away from making Reykjavik
Northeption were 1 match away from making Berlin
At least one of them will be happy now
It's the price they pay for dropping into lowers so early
But FS already won Korea with humiliating scorelines on 2 maps, so I see no reason to be surprised about them beating Korea once again
Northeption gonna ban Breeze because they have veto advantage coming from upper bracket
Haven - Nth win
Icebox - Nth win
Bind - 50/50
Ascent - 50/50
Split - haven't seen either team on this map
Yeah I think japanese guys will take it pretty comfortably, but still rooting for FS cuz PTC and JohnOlsen deserve LAN more than anyone else
Can't believe what?
Full Sense rolled Nuturn 13-3 13-0, koreans only took Bind because of lucky clutches which shouldn't have happened
Damwon struggled against Nuturn 13-10 14-12
Even by logic you could tell that FS were going to take it, imagine doubting your team like this
Strongest SEA teams as of now are in LCQ (Paper Rex and Full Sense), and it's likely that neither will qualify
X10 and Secret will deliver some disappointing results at Champions, they are far worse than those 2 in my opinion
Everybody praising Seoldam the overhyped korean jett, but nobody praising Ten and Meiy
These 2 guys have been crucial in Nth retakes and site holds, besides they have insane aiming skills
I have no clue how this team lost to Raccoons and Zeta
When did Bronzil or Japan prove themselves
Or maybe their performances didn't change, just other teams stepped up... Proves how shitty Reykjavik was, if this team got 3rd place.
KRU would be top-12 in EMEA at best, these guys are good but still were rolled by Envy / G2.
Nuturn... Lost to Full Sense 13-3 13-0... Do I have to say something else?
Sentinels low competition abusers, won 1 tournament when nobody had any clue how to play Valorant and you put them above VS and Envy, I wanna see what they can do at Champions but I don't think they will succeed...
Japan will get 9/16 slots so Riot ensure they make it out of groups
India, Oceania, MENA, Turkey - NoT MaStErS WoRtHy ReGiOnS
Meanwhile Brazil and Japan who suck at every event so far - yeah let's give them 2 each, they definitely deserve it
I'm trying to understand your thinking
This "2 slots for LCQ" dilemma is kinda outdated now, cuz I think South Asia will get their own VCT Challengers and stuff like that next season
There's no fucking way you guys will be ignored by Riot once again
They won everything because competition was lower?
Fnatic, Vikings, Nuturn - tier2 in their respective regions as of now lmao
Rankings other than VCT circuit points are impossible in this game, because regions almost never play against each other, and all teams who didn't make Masters literally do nothing for months in between VCTs
It's very hard to create these "tournament weights" to evaluate each team's total score on global scale
Why not go european, all swedes know English well, it's not like some Ukraine shithole where 90% people can only say "London is the capital of Great Britain" and nothing more than that
Fifflaren 1 major Sentinels 0 major
So european americans like dapr, sick and zombs are considered "true americans" or what are you implying
Ngl I expected Korea to dominate every single team in LCQ except Paper Rex (who have experience scrimming with tier1 EMEA teams and Jinggg buff)
But not like this lol
Whatever dude...
Gambit could've lost to Liquid at past EMEA Finals too, Liquid had a match point on Icebox 3v2 man advantage, nats got somewhat lucky with the timing to get the kill and made the situation 2v2, and Gambit won that round and later the series.
But what if nats missed that timing? He dies, 1v3 man disadvantage for the boys, Gambit lose, everyone heartbroken, and history of whole Valorant changes... Some another team is getting the Masters 3 trophy.
My point is that it could be the same against Fnatic, I'm not saying it is 100% but you see what happened with this Liquid situation, the sickest comeback from being down bad in lower bracket to winning everything in the end.
If Gambit won Fnatic they would've won Reykjavik, 1 loss means nothing because Fnatic is a team of much lower caliber (look where they are now)
Gambit had tendency to underperform against EU tier1 opposition, but if they overcame it that playoffs day - SEN wouldn't stand a chance at LAN
You saw it this time during Stage 3, as the tournament unfolded Gambit have been building the better version of themselves and slowly turning into real Scrimbit
Too bad Riot gave us only 2 slots back then, cuz if it was 3 we would possibly witness another team lifting Masters 2 trophy
Watch all regions outside of EMEA / NA / KR and you will understand - SMB, Futbolist would dominate the competition there
They will if Riot give them slots
I see no reason to not do so, Brazil and Japan have 2 each, why is Turkey worse?
Aren't Gamelanders like FPX of Brazil?
You always have high expectations for them, but they never fail to disappoint in the end
PRX almost beat SMB (top-5 EMEA) with shiba
PRX with jinggg >>>> PRX with shiba
50 iq
GE won Damwon who are top-5 Korea
It means something
But expected from you, another shit opinion from shit user
Korea turned out to be a 1 team region, just like CIS and Latin America
Now PRX hopium is real, they look the best among all APAC teams, let's fucking go
Nice signing OBG
Play 2 games, 1 in uppers, 1 in lowers, and silent till 2022
What was it for? Stealing LCQ spot? What's the point?
You're right but you will get downvoted to hell
South America and Asia having more teams than NA is dumb if you look at Reykjavik / Berlin results
Paper Rex the real SEA powerhouse, I want to see what they can do against the world with Jinggg, because they were already somewhat good even with shiba
India better than Brazil and Japan in my book
If they don't reach Champions it will be so sad
Fnatic make it and G2 don't
So many undeserving shit teams going to the coolest tourney over others
Would have done more than Fnatic
They almost beat SMB, 4th best EMEA team, and it was without their new addition Jinggg who seems to be cracked
SEA has all the potential to challenge NA and EMEA teams
Thank you SMB for winning that fucking match and ruining this team's Champions attendance, while not gaining anything for yourself (lost to Acend immediately after), THANK YOU SMB YOU ARE LEGENDS
There won't be a better SEA representative than Paper Rex, Secret fluked seeding game and it saved their asses
I feel bad for the region, imagine sending 2 shit teams and the actual monsters are sitting at home because Korea diffed them during APAC LCQ