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Registered: September 16, 2021
Last post: June 7, 2023 at 9:29 AM
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If DRX wins this tournament it’s bc you’ve single handedly jinxed every game they’ve played so keep doing your thing pls

posted about a year ago

Nah this is the closest DRX has ever been to something this big, their fate is in their hands now

posted about a year ago

Personally I’d have mako, but that’s a biased take right there

posted about a year ago

Praying this bait works

posted about a year ago

Nah he struggled. He wasn’t really meant to get kills but it worked out better when they moved him away. Haven’t had him in jett since the second to last game last international tournament

posted about a year ago

Knew he had it in him. Should never have out him on jett

posted about a year ago

They won’t. It’s their last cast this tournament

posted about a year ago

Only Korean, English is only to troll or say let’s go.

Edit: someone below me said that they use English to call out positions like hell and hookah, and that’s true, I forgot to mention that bc it’s done a lot in every region

posted about a year ago

People just blindly call everything a fluke. Truth is loud are easily one of the best teams in the world, this site just has a lot of shit talkers

posted about a year ago

Hadn’t seen these games before now, but they are so sick, THIS is realistic. As far as I’m concerned, CS is just as unrealistic as any other game

posted about a year ago

Link the channel good sir

posted about a year ago

Massive W. Rome wasn’t built in a day, you can’t expect the esport to blossom from the start. Plus, if people are hating on valorant because they believe playing a more “realistic” makes you more of a man, then there’s something wrong with their head, and we shouldn’t take them seriously. CS is a one region game, whereas every region in val has a team worthy of challenging for international trophies, involving more regions can only be good in the long term

posted about a year ago

It would be great for everyone involved. No, the skill level will never be better than that of PC, but mobile has a very dedicated player base and Val would benefit from that. Check out Hyper Front on the play stores, it’s got millions of downloads even though everyone brands it as the cheap version of Valorant

posted about a year ago

Yeah I was happy to see he got picked up by DRX. DRX academy team is looking so good atm

posted about a year ago

I was gonna say exactly what #2 said. He’s currently casting the PUBG East Asia tournament, so maybe that’s why. But with franchising and the 30 team tournament, hopefully we can see him globally next year, we’ve only seen him globally once

posted about a year ago

I must say i see it as a pre-season not-so-friendly tournament. A lot of the teams and faces will be new, there’ll be very few rosters the that remain the same, a lot of inexperience, I see it as a welcome tournament to introduce the teams and the idea to the world

posted about a year ago

6/8, pretty good

posted about a year ago

Just Korea as a whole tbh. If there was ever a time for a region to step up their game and improve, it’s now. The experience against other regions will be invaluable

posted about a year ago

Don’t think I’ve ever seen a bigger W take on this site

posted about a year ago

Can’t wait to see how much ass Damwon’s gonna whoop.

On a real note though, it’ll be good to see all these teams get international experience. We’re gonna see a lot of new faces up on stage

posted about a year ago

If a team outside of NA/EU wins the whole tournament, it'd be so good for the valorant scene as a whole. I hope that curse is broken

posted about a year ago

It means a few rounds had to be replayed after the game had finished because of a turret glitch

posted about a year ago

Lewandowski missed a hell of a lot of good chances. Barca could’ve easily come out with AT LEAST a point on almost every other day, for large amounts of the game they looked pretty good

posted about a year ago

Actually crazy what Asia has done, people wonder why this game has gotten so big, it’s breathed life into regions that got ignored for years in CS

posted about a year ago

Y’all are just built different idk what else to say to this😭😭😭

posted about a year ago

W, this is good enough. People can finally shove that 5-6th place title up their rectums, used that rubbish to troll for too long

posted about a year ago

Go in it with no expectations and go with the flow, alleviate the pressure and you’ll be good. It’s never as bad as you think

posted about a year ago

We ain’t losing next series, we believed till now and we’ll believe till we’re out, it’s the mentality we’ve had to keep to get here, we gonna win this tournament

posted about a year ago

We’ve been here from the start. All the heartbreak and trolling means nothing anymore, this is the day we’ve been waiting for

posted about a year ago

Sadge man, one of the times when you hate the fact that there’s a loser in the series, hope he can remember himself and get back to playing the way we know he can

posted about a year ago

Proof or it didn’t happen

posted about a year ago

Agreed, Rb or buzz needs to get back in that agent, they’ve scarcely used it since the first optic loss

posted about a year ago

Sad reality is that as one teams dream comes true, another’s is shattered, he’s gonna have sleepless nights thinking he could’ve done more, especially in front of the home fans who were with him every step of the way

posted about a year ago

But it was worth it, over a year of hardship has been repaid

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

W, always see so many “fans” talk shit on their name

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Jinx hopefully

posted about a year ago

I’ll take this L and enjoy them by myself then :(

posted about a year ago

I must say the hate for Doug and balla this tournament is unwarranted. They were damn good this series, it’s unfair to say otherwise

posted about a year ago

DRX may have a lot of bandwagoners, but their true fans are amongst the most loyal

posted about a year ago

That is bullshit, come on man

posted about a year ago

Yeah I know, but DRX are essentially the away team here. The home fans are in numbers and will act as the 6th man for fnatic

posted about a year ago

Still on this crowd shit, they won’t cheer for the team they’re going against, it’s just how crowds work

posted about a year ago

I wish you luck on baiting users on this site. The Reddit users on the subreddit are donkeys anyway

posted about a year ago

Amen, too many people give up hope too early, gotta stick with the team till the end. 90% of people abandoning ship weren’t actually on it till they beat furia

posted about a year ago

Not a mental coach, a development coach. However the rest is correct, people just saying DRX 4 coaches to hate on DRX as usual

posted about a year ago

Mayn you gave up hating on Rb and now you sending for the coaches

posted about a year ago

Sacy I’d say, the guys one of the best in the world at what he does, he could go to any region and play for the top team

posted about a year ago

Yeah but so was Optic’s, and DRX smashed them on it. Loud’s haven was pretty good beforehand too, DRX tried to switch things up and paid for it. And as a side note, I’m glad that the 1 year+ that I spent backing Rb is finally being repaid, he’s had a phenomenal tournament so far

posted about a year ago
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