Flag: Ukraine
Registered: August 14, 2024
Last post: September 18, 2024 at 12:26 PM
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tier 2 is the staple of the scene, I doubt you want to have your stable crumbling

posted 2 days ago

take a look at NA
eg had to disband their roster because they didn't go for the pay cut
sentinels needed cash injections
100t admit that they wouldn't go into esports if they started from scratch
c9 are working on a budget
nrg had chet taking a cut to fit in ethan and demon1
mibr spent money on CS
loud were struggling

posted 2 days ago

CS isn't losing money tbf, plenty of prize pools even at tier 2

posted 2 days ago

true, but how many orgs can you realistically let go?

posted 2 days ago

these mid orgs are struggling to make ends meet bro

posted 2 days ago

buddy you literally posted about kyedae x zekken ship, I guess I know why you are not getting downvotes

posted 2 days ago

viewership could never be decent for tier 2, the only game with a great tier 2 scene is probably cs, where you have dozens of TOs who organize daily events

posted 2 days ago

no fucking way the guy responsible for the growth of the scene said tier 2 doesn't matter, is he fucking retarded?

posted 2 days ago

well I have another problem. we take a look at NA teams, that's currently 35 slots in NA teams, possibly up to 40. like 10 of them are players you build the team around ,they are franchise players. other 10 of them are servicable players, good enough to be on top teams, but in case they fall off, someone who had a shit year will look forward to getting them. other 20 are either washed or inexperienced, so on the chopping block. even if you get a consistent 20 men rotation of those said players, where is the sustainability for the players?

posted 2 days ago

and then these same players have no incentive to continue if they don't get picked up immediately :)) You might as well see those premier teams join CS or something, there is an open circuit there, git gud and attend events

posted 2 days ago

I mean the easiest pathway to monetize cs is whatever valve are doing but with extra steps.
when they release the operation it can just crowdfund the major prize pool (like what TI was).
stickers and other customizations go to orgs who attend the major (everyone gets the same cut of the pie)
Therefore orgs which are at the major get like millions, yet you only get to the major by being good all year long so you need to grind the game more, attend more events and win more prize money

posted 2 days ago

the entire purpose of tier 2 is to be the source for tier 1 talent. problem is that there simply isn't enough spots for everyone good enough in tier 1 and those aren't good enough but still in tier 1 aren't going to take a salary cut. same reason f1 fans are asking for an 11th and 12th team on the grid, there are 20 slots for like 26 drivers who are worth to have a shot

posted 2 days ago

oxygen left, acend left, falcons left, maybe other orgs will follow, all because of franchising. views are down, players are easily scoped, even if you get into franchising you can just be one and done, literally what is the point for tier 2 teams to hang around with 1 slim chance of making it through?

posted 2 days ago

how do you even improve it lol?

posted 2 days ago

I mean navi cs roster is literally carrying the entire org. dota is shit (even the ceo says that they are there purely for legacy reasons), mobile games are meh, their cs roster is literally why they have ewc partnership set up

posted 2 days ago

navi are actually in a profit thanks to their CS roster being consistently top 5 and gaining plenty of sponsors

posted 2 days ago

Just baffling to me how they saw val take tier 2-3 players from cs because they were closed off by recently formed franchsied esl and blast and just went "wanna do the same?" "Yeeee"

posted 2 days ago

But then it is not Franchising anymore, the whole point of franchising is that you own the slot and no one can take it from you

posted 2 days ago

But then it is not a franchised league anymore, franchising as a whole prevents relegation. Problem is that franchising in NBA/NFL/MLB/NHL works cuz of drafts and multi men rosters , meanwhile in val you have 5 players, maybe 6, but there is no constant rotation

posted 2 days ago

I mean it's still tier 2, they will just stick around for a few years and leave. cuz the chance of them getting thru is low af.

posted 2 days ago

that's why I personally am a fan of an open circuit with plenty of events. The new valve system for 2025 is just ''git gud''. you are a solid top 8 team in the world? you have the right to choose the events you attend. you are a top 9 or top 20 team in the world? you will get the invites tier 1 teams deny. you are top 30 or lower? git gud and grind them qualifiers

posted 2 days ago

I mean what's the other option NOW? closing the door on franchising in 2027? What if the orgs which leave then will not be replaced?

posted 2 days ago

which ones are joining?

posted 2 days ago

I mean their system is one of the more solid ones, most other game developers are just restarted when it comes to it and the only other successfull esports title in valve just has the great policy of outsourcing organizing events to other TOs (reason why cs has 30+ events next year)

posted 2 days ago

they need the collab with drillas for the shanghai rmr 🔥🔥🔥🔥

posted 2 days ago

soon only those in franchising will remain, and just a pair of them in tier 2

posted 2 days ago

I love them screams from the depth of hell whenever my teammate presses the mic button. or just hearing them talk with each other during the game, I have the just for them

posted 2 days ago

crazy how only 7/16 teams from champs 2021 are around (in franchising)

posted 2 days ago

I swear I have played with the entire male population of Albania, Kosovo and Serbia yet the pro scene of CS and Valorant has 0 of them

posted 2 days ago

I mean yeah, kinda what happens when you are not in the elite club, same reason why people were so against the super league, it would kill national leagues

posted 2 days ago

I have seen similar behaviour from some albanians, just getting that ''tschipshala mutre'' whenever I question them on why do they die 5 seconds into the round

posted 2 days ago

you do understand so many orgs threw so much money at val ONLY because they knew franchising was coming? and throwing that money ENSURED they would get in?

posted 2 days ago

is it possibly it's just turkish dudes + turkish dudes in germany?

posted 2 days ago

I meant t1, but just expanding with leagues doesn't bring anything to riot right now

posted 2 days ago

nah fuck gaben bro is ignoring the game which brings him the most money

posted 2 days ago

Imo I would put fnatic 2022-24. Yeah, only 2 wins but they have been at international events a lot

posted 2 days ago

I would guess G2, their style is just the most consistent and you kinda need that for leagues

posted 2 days ago

Consistency is the most important factor by me, however you have to win. Like heretics would have had an insane year if they converted all the finals, problem is that they didn't

posted 2 days ago

Tommorow zekken retires to pursue education

posted 3 days ago

I mean yeah?

posted 3 days ago

Kinda what happens in a dead region

posted 3 days ago

not gonna question how you got those results, just glad you got them buddy 👍

posted 3 days ago

opening any new region in vct is pointless right now, riot will not go to cis right now, and even if they did, there isn't enough talent, it is entirely in cs.
africa is baren land
SA and NA will struggle when separated, neither region can fill out 10 team leagues
Oceania is just too small
could argue for Korea, but then it makes pacfiic really small no?

posted 3 days ago

nope, the first one is in june

posted 3 days ago

annual ''ascension is flawed'' situation

posted 3 days ago

Drillaz valorant team with coach ohnepixel, we will be there

posted 3 days ago

highkey, I might be retarded, I have been counting during map break :D

posted 3 days ago
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