Flag: Ukraine
Registered: August 14, 2024
Last post: September 19, 2024 at 2:38 PM
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I think copenhagen might even breach 150mil tbh

posted 4 weeks ago

so then tier 2 teams are just punching a hole in this case, got it

posted 4 weeks ago

for cs it's 110 for teams and 220 overall

posted 4 weeks ago

how is 110million/24 same as 35/16?

posted 4 weeks ago

but the playerbase is already there, why don't people buy it as much?

posted 4 weeks ago

210 million? do you count it with valve's share as well?

posted 4 weeks ago

understandable, have a greatday

posted 4 weeks ago

how do you even compare pros of other games to valorant. there is no s1mple, faker, device, zywoo in valorant YET, valorant's goat changes every international event, you need to get a clear goat first

posted 4 weeks ago

was it really that hype?

posted 4 weeks ago

nepotism, simple as that, he knows someone who he should know, and his links will secure him the paycheck before anyone else

posted 4 weeks ago

Bro those are Friday tickets, Fridays are rarely sold out

posted 4 weeks ago

There are countries like Romania, where getting a visa is relatively easy.

posted 4 weeks ago

CS has so many events because it has multiple TOs with a semi-open circuit ( next year to be open). If cs had only one TO, then CS would have +- the same number of events. Thing is, CS goes into a complete opposite way to Riot, instead of locking the circuit, it opens it completely and now new cs calendar for 2025 looks like this
January 13-26 - BLAST tournament
January 29-February 9 - ESL tournament
February 10-23 - PGL tournament
February 25-March 16 - ESL tournament
March 17-30 - BLAST tournament
March 31-April 13 - PGL tournament
April 15-20 - YaLLa Compass tournament
April 21-27 - ESL tournament
April 28-May 4 - BLAST tournament
May 5-18 - PGL tournament
May 19-25 - ESL tournament
May 26-June 1 - StarLadder tournament
June 9-22 - First Major
July 23-August 3 - ESL tournament
August 4-17 - BLAST tournament
August 20-24 - ESL tournament
August 25-September 7 - BLAST tournament
September 12-21 - StarLadder tournament
September 23-October 12 - ESL tournament
September 29-October 12 - PGL tournament
[Unknown date] - YaLLa Compass tournament
October 18-November 2 - PGL tournament
November 3-9 - ESL tournament
November 10-16 - BLAST tournament
December 1-14 - Second Major

posted 4 weeks ago

tried it, I don't like the fact I overstrafe sometimes, I am just used to the feeling of knowing that I am standing still and not just thinking I am accurate

posted 4 weeks ago

legit came into this thread thinking what team you preferred to play as on Team Fortress 2 ( team RED btw), I guess it's enough internet for today

posted 4 weeks ago

top 12 faces off top 3 and not top 1, seems weird

posted 4 weeks ago

sadly every pro scene is covered with nepotism

posted 4 weeks ago

maybe soon the crowd can have emotions

posted 4 weeks ago

Ever heard of sarcasm?

posted 4 weeks ago

Rome doesn't mean better, there are cities like Stockholm

posted 4 weeks ago

Let's host the biggest event of the year in a dead region, seems great

posted 4 weeks ago

lock//in Pyongyang

posted 4 weeks ago

and Taiwan seems very fucking realistic knowing riot's ties to china?

posted 4 weeks ago

I am predicting a HOT 2026 calendar
Masters Tel Aviv
Masters Taiwan
Champions Moscow

posted 4 weeks ago

I mean valve are improving the game, don't get me wrong, but valorants esports scene is a bit shaky imo, but valve are just chillink

posted 4 weeks ago

I dare say 5d

posted 4 weeks ago

broky has no copy, broky is love, broky is life

posted 4 weeks ago

reverse psychology 101

posted 4 weeks ago

he would be kicked by now

posted 4 weeks ago

kick off with double elim - 2 teams per region, I think somewhere in february
split 1 - 3 teams to Toronto
split 2 - separate from split 1, 4 teams to champs

posted 4 weeks ago

how can you say this while sacy is brazilian as well

posted 4 weeks ago

lock in compton

posted 4 weeks ago

now that I think about it riot were too dumb or ignorant to take over the FPS market when cs2 was a complete meme, so I guess you can summorize the valve vs riot debate with this video

posted 4 weeks ago

'' Valve new improvements to CS2''
dead battle royale
mb anti cheat
Bro expects volvo to actually care and take the opportunity of taking valorant's fanbase, xd

posted 4 weeks ago

chet is probably going back to cs

posted 4 weeks ago

8 team event is all you get buddy

posted 4 weeks ago

left hanging like this, damnnnnn

posted 4 weeks ago

gamer who isn't gay, wtf

posted 4 weeks ago

gentle mates seem mid with a limited player pool, Kcorp ditched the french speaking roster, it is not looking good frenchbros

posted 4 weeks ago

I think that you probably don't know how cs will operate next year, but basically valve has a ranking of all the teams and in order for the event to count as tier 1 it should have invited all top 8 teams ( they can reject the invite) and then also open/closed qualifiers of all regions. Basically any team from any region can get consistent placements at big events ( and cs scene operates every week from january to june and from july to december). plenty of events, plenty of exposure, plenty of opportunities for smaller teams, huge prize pools for most events, different formats (some up to 32 teams), and tier 2 scene also exists as well.
oh, and every half a year teams grind as many points as possible to get invites to the major, giving slots to teams who were the most consistent throughout the year, ensuring the best possible competition at the biggest event, and providing equal opportunity for everyone

posted 4 weeks ago

again, dumb closed circuit, CS played around with this concept and abandoned this shit going into 2025, now teams get invites based on how good they are and not based on how much their orgs pay, I literally don't know why riot are sticking around with this concept when this shit will just mass extinct the tier 2 scene

posted 4 weeks ago

it probably wouldn't. You might use these events as a sign of who is more likely to get ascension, but it's just charity at this point. Closed circuits fucking suck and it might be the reason tier 2 migrates to CS with an open circuit instead of sticking around punching a hole

posted 4 weeks ago

I am really concerned if valorant has time to build this legacy with franchising bro

posted 4 weeks ago

should have gone to australia but that's just me I guess

posted 4 weeks ago

each team there plays a huge amount of games and gets a share of TV rights, bundles are nowhere near that profitable, nothing is

posted 4 weeks ago

so then orgs get even less incentive to stay at the league or what?

posted 4 weeks ago

because it is not profitable, you can only expect a sold out at the weekends, not on a monday or a tuesday

posted 4 weeks ago

I am pretty sure that orgs outside of valorant are going ''awuga'' when they see team bundles and shit, they would easily hop in if any org dropped

posted 4 weeks ago

unfortunately no one gives a shit about them, they have 1 bad year, they get axed, a bigger team buys them, expects immediate results, doesn't get them, they get axed, they legit have a better chance in cs than in valorant

posted 4 weeks ago

expecting CS level of crowd at valorant with dead mics and little to none crowd cams, XD KEK LUL KKKKKKKKKKKKK

posted 4 weeks ago
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