Flag: Spain
Registered: November 20, 2020
Last post: February 19, 2025 at 5:09 PM
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Vit still on the race but I wanna think so, yes

posted about a year ago

I mean ofc, loosing 3 games in a whole year helps the stats that's fair

posted about a year ago

KOI has no money so I doubt it xD
That being said, the Sayf leaving is a rumor and the going to KOI another one, they are independent

posted about a year ago

I didn't mean it as "oh you go play". I meant it as no matter how much someone thinks he stat pads, to have those stats the amount of talent required is insane

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

falltw might be kinda hard but if they get a good IGL this team is going places. chinaware doesn't really fit for roles

posted about a year ago

He does bait quite a few. But common give it to him, if you were to bait your teammates you wouldn't achieve that

posted about a year ago

EMEA's top 4 and 5 have proven this event to be much better than America's 4 and 3. So the fact that your 1 and 2 are better than out 1 2 and 3 does not make the region as a whole better

posted about a year ago

De nada xD

posted about a year ago

I think they have some of the best talent in Turkey in their bench, to what point is that roster better than this year? If I was them I would either wait a little bit more and see what doesn't get picked up in tier 1 first or straight up stick to what they had. yetujey Jlerst and jeyj7y are insane

posted about a year ago

No se si se ha anunciado este año, pero el año pasado fue justo al inicio de Octubre que es cuando los equipos tienen que presentar el roster inicial a Riot

posted about a year ago

Is it announced

posted about a year ago

Probablemente tanto KOI como TH compitan en la crossfire con los nuevos rosters

posted about a year ago

Sad, she might be back in the future

posted about a year ago

LEC and LCS are tier 1
This is what is right beneath, and actually that league is really really popular, peaking over 150K

posted about a year ago

I was making a thread about all spanish rosters and asking to put in common all tier 2 regions but I cancelled it because it was too long and the site is not very active rn

posted about a year ago

It does work like that here in Spain

Ik it doesn't in other places that's why I don't know if in other valorant VCL's will happen this, but in Spain it is gonna work like this

posted about a year ago

I think every team should want MOLSi, he was VIT best player

Also can I have your opinion on this It is actually happening and you're really good building tier 2 rosters

posted about a year ago

Alright so KPI in Spain might be the actual org going for that Russian talent borderline tier 1
KPI is rumored to go full Russian. This year and idk about other leagues, but at least in Spain, players who have played 2 splits in Spain will be counted as regional players this year (It also works like this in LOL)

Insider and Bisk are regional players now, so they need 1 more regional player. The only other regional players who speak Russian are vokashu who has also played 2 splits. Other options could be falltw who married Poetite case hydra player, or even MiniBoo ( I might be wrong but I believe Boo used to stream putting [RU][LT][EN], so I'm just gonna assume him and MiniBoo both speak it xD)

Other than 3 of those, KPI is free to sign 2 other Russians of their will and have 5 russians. This roster could be scary for VCT.

posted about a year ago

VIT what doing

Goated signing for any team

posted about a year ago

If you think TL's only problem was soulcas you're clueless

posted about a year ago

Yeah nothing is confirmed, but the org is already creating hype about it, it's minimum one of the 2. They wouldn't do that for no reason

posted about a year ago

And Istambul in the background yes. Riens and Woot are the 2 most likely pick ups as of now

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

It’s not random. Been knowing him and several other under 18 Turks would be tier 1 for more than a year now. Just gotta follow the scene a little bit

posted about a year ago

In EMEA everything seems fair

posted about a year ago

They have many more options than that. Scream might not make sense, but you do not need a Jett now and Jamppi can play the Op with chamber. So you really only need a Raze. All good Raze’s in EMEA are under contract but TL has money. Trexx (KOI might accept for a decent amount), Zyppan (NAVI might do more than 1 change), CLOUD (Someone already tried but it’s expensive)

posted about a year ago

Boo and Benjy staying it’s already pretty much confirmed, not an opinion, mixwell is 50/50. About cNed not sure

posted about a year ago

The information is that he can pretty much choose, excluding NAVI and FNC and the 2 Turks everyone else would want him. He has the decision

posted about a year ago

It’s probably just off season tournaments

posted about a year ago

Scream is out, no chance he stays. Happy is still the most likely option tho

posted about a year ago

It’s really not for several reasons. Alright let’s take the scenario that G2 is the 11th org and that’s who Riot goes for.

Riot helps the 5 players and G2 reach an agreement for the slot. Wtf is M80 gonna say? I spent all my fucking money in this, grinded, got second place and now a team that was shit through out the whole year is getting the slot over me? Why would I give it a try next year?

posted about a year ago

Yeah players like zeek Bonecold Koldamenta etc will have to do a reset year on tier 2 and then comeback if they earn it

posted about a year ago

Yeah with starxo helping and there was always doubt around the IGL role in Acend
BaddyG IGLed in the second half of VIT’s last season and apparently Destrian did most of this season

posted about a year ago

Def not, he has to stop IGLing on every project he starts, he is not good IGL

posted about a year ago

Letting the players pick an org is not an option that is on the table and that makes sense 100% whether people want to see it or not. Riot picking the org makes a little bit more sense, but I can still see a million reasons why it is not a good idea

posted about a year ago

He is very reliable and everything he reports you can take it as a done deal. However everything that you see on here that is not reported on his twitter means it's not done yet or at least the source is not good enough yet. Still is helpful to have an idea of everything going on

Only 3 actually written reports are on RunneR, TH, KOI and KCorp

posted about a year ago

The not paying salaries part in Valorant is not true, team hasn’t had problems of that sort. Problems coming more from the Rogue part of KOI, so the projects that were involved in that part are struggling more. That being said KOI does not have a big budget no, doesn’t mean they are not still building a normal roster and the buyout for those players is just as high

posted about a year ago

Pretty much, several EMEA teams are trying to get him already and is in conversations with them

posted about a year ago

ardiis is out tho

posted about a year ago

Riot can kick you out of franchising if they are not happy with what you bring into the league. Only every 4 years but still

posted about a year ago

How tf is that fair

posted about a year ago

Sg in Valorant is APAC, it can be APAC or China, but not both. China is a VCT region now

posted about a year ago

You can't make an exception for 1 league and not the others

posted about a year ago

Then there is a problem on the roster. Only 1 import is allowed on VCT as far as we know

posted about a year ago

Sg is not part of that region tho, it would technically be an import

posted about a year ago

Kiles is signed with a very competitive roster in Case to try to ascend
Enzo is extremely wanted by several teams

No info on anyone else

posted about a year ago

Ig one of the 2 signaporeans if not both are Chinese. Simply because of the import rule

posted about a year ago

Idk if the sentinel id the role he is gonna be tried out in

posted about a year ago
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