im guessing u mean DRX?
Flag: | Egypt |
Registered: | August 15, 2023 |
Last post: | February 8, 2025 at 7:42 PM |
Posts: | 211 |
SEN normies suck i agree, but let ppl get excited lmao it aint that deep. Everyone knows opening vlr during the match means seeing absolute dog doodoo
I liked zekken and john too but idk why it feels different now :( agree on the tenz thing tho
Yeah man. I never really put myself down as a Sacy or a TenZ 'fan', but now that they're gone I can defo say they were my fav ;(
LMAO IM SO SORRY. I mean cause they didn't make franchising so they blew up and released everyone. mbmb
hey guys, I haven't opened these forums since champs lol.
I want your opinion on smth, I have been a SEN fan since early 22' (don't ask why I just thought they were entertaining). I have been through the absolute shambles that was the 22 team, then got new hope with franchising and picking up 2 world champs + XSET scraps. Hope got fked that season but I was still heavily cheering for them even when they stunk. Then 24' came around and I actually saw my team winning, which was great. Through all these roster moves ( and there were A LOT ), I have always been very interested to watch and support even if I wasn't playing the actual game.
Except now. I barely watched this offseason and I feel like I'm just not interested in this team anymore. I don't know if it's because TenZ retired and he's been the only constant throughout my tenure as a braindead SEN fan or if I am just simply not interested in val esports.
People who have went through something similar, can you tell me if ur love for your team came back when the season started or not? tyty sorry for long post ;)
just realized my reply is dumb. what I meant is that for derke the org made the decision, for sacy (since kaplan and the rest of the team look up to sacy) the org most likely wants to extend his contract, so the decision is solely on him.
Orgs make decisions fast, but players don't. Fnatic moved on from derke early so he has ample time to find a team. Sacy won't make a decision regarding his entire living condition within a week.
Also NO PLAYER makes a decision 6 days after the szn is finished, Sacy will probably leave but I don't think that discussion has been had.
how tf is sen trialing when TenZ and JohnQT are not in america, Zellsis is still homeless looking for a place, and Kaplan said that he'll take a vacation then return and stream?
tldr; Rocket is a fucking dumbass, his spreadsheets are the voices in his head
past 2 years yes, past 3 years? god no. He's only been goated since champs 22'
I have no idea how you region-meatriders enjoy vlr lol. Maybe the issue with me, but I couldn't give less of a fk about "my region". I just support teams I enjoy watching. Hating on everything that a team from the other side of the ocean does sounds tiring as hell icl
It was probably the most fun to watch I agree, but they prob wouldn't do it again since it was a special event for the start of franchising.
The champs curse has no limits...
this was livestreamed on the main VCT YT channel btw
tf are these guys doing😂
I love SEN, but unfortunately that's not a good thing. All "clouted"/fan-favorite teams either broke apart years ago and divided their fanbase or didn't make it to champs, OPTC, LOUD, EG(23), Gambit, KC, and 100T. The clouted teams that made it alot of them got grouped: GENG, PRX, KRU, FUT, FPX (heard they're fan-favorites in CN but not sure), and TLN (primmie fanboys in SEA). Add on to that the dead silent crowd of the 500-seater fucking theatre this champs is set in, and you start asking yourself wtf went wrong with valorant the past couple of years that only SEN, FNC, DRX, and I guess EDG are the only viewership pullers left.
This champs has been a bore. No idea wtf Riot did to make it this awful, but they need to fix up.
wdym yeah?? flash init isn't sacy's comfort role lol. He's literally top fragging the map after that one. I believe Leo is better but don't cherry pick bad maps lol
In these close hype matches, I can see either team winning lotus/sunset/haven/bind/icebox. SEN's Abyss is unknown and Ascent TH dominates.
these matches are sooo hype man. If we don't get every series going all maps, I'll be pissed
No hate to NRG, but this is hiliarious
I still love you guys, hope this roster stays together +leo, and boaster doesn't get any hate.
TenZ changed it to the dot a couple times, i know because I used to have his old 23' cross-ish crosshair (I might be parasocial)
love the bias admission haha, Good luck brotha
someone said " at this point this guy needs to suck a fucking cock", and I agree wholeheartedly lmao this guy is something else.
yup he never played or trialed for an EMEA team
no ur right, that's why I literally have no loyalty towards EMEA lol. It's supposed to be Europe Middle East Africa, but literally all 10 teams chosen are European. fuck riot
how am i salty what?? I'm literally analyzing the play strategically, I didn't say fine them or anything lol they can do what they want
but that's the point bro, instead of going into LEV's bonus and them having kept all their guns+armor. You gamble stack/ make a play and do some damage, making LEV's bonus easier for you by maybe knocking a couple of them down to a sherrif. or if the gamble doesn't work THEN jump off.
Borderline impossible for a 2-0 with G2's map pool, but if they get back to league form I can defo see a 2-1 for LEV
cmon bro, a masters and a champs in the same year. Thats never been done before
Only time this year we've been blessed with a good draw, I feel like they're gonna throw it lmao. EDG 2-1 perhaps...
His Kayo has improved alot since the start of the season (his kayo still sucks on breeze tho), his gekko his alright. if he's fragging his gekko would single handedly win them bind since they feed him ult orbs.
Overall I think TenZ's flash inits are pretty good (except skye), if zellsis wasn't godly at kayo and breach util, TenZ would be first pick for that role.
Bro's going all in on the drx hopium, i fw it
very cool changes, but I think you completely ruined Omen ngl. Love the brim buffs tho
I'd say a solid 80:20, but anything can happen come matchday..
please bro please bro please bro, I'm on my hands and knees bro .please bro please bro please bro please bro please bro please bro please bro please bro please bro please bro please bro please bro please bro please bro please bro please bro please bro please bro please bro please bro please bro, I'm on my hands and knees bro.
with love & desperation,