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Registered: June 9, 2021
Last post: March 5, 2025 at 8:16 PM
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I feel like this is bait.

Both of those agents have util that counters op….

Sage slow fucks op and doesn’t allow repeaks

Cypher cage > op….

posted about a year ago

Another rumor that was true.

Wish we had some sort of spreadsheet that was right about 75% of the time….

posted about a year ago

Do we know how he passed away?

I feel a bit guilty when I think about it. If I am not mistaken, he had a heart attack on or right after his birthday. 🤔

posted about a year ago

You’re either desperate to giggle like a school girl as you try and bait or you’re just an idiot.

posted about a year ago

Does he know

posted about a year ago


He is voted must unlikely to even get a team

posted about a year ago

If it’s not trolling (I think it is)


That would be all the high profile and expensive NA free agents.

posted about a year ago

Imagine thinking 3 t2 players would be “how can they afford it!?!?!?”

posted about a year ago

Wasn’t even the best t2 IGL in his region.

posted about a year ago

Bless you!

I have allergy’s during this season too

posted about a year ago

NA Champions finals 2022
NA Champions winner 2023

EMEA Zero champions finals since 2021

Random EMEA troglodyte goobers with brain worms.
“iS nA fInIsHeD?”

Begone back into the mud from whence you came and stop fantasizing about the downfall of the region that just won the World Championship.

posted about a year ago

It’s hard to be excited about a team whose only addition in the off season was picking up a player that will be the worst on the team.

While it will most likely be true that the pickup will help everyone feel more comfortable, it’s still a lackluster pickup and doesn’t inspire much excitement.

posted about a year ago

It’s not horrible when they finally come out with team skins and if you make champs.

It’s pretty embarrassing for a pro of any sport to make 50k. Just shows how far from a real sport E-sports is.

I made more than 50k a year as a bartender and I make 70k a year as a manager at coca-cola.

It’s just weird to be one of the best players in the world and make less than a manager at Applebees

posted about a year ago

Could be because you need Korean citizenship to play in the league.

Also, Koreans have the benefit of being able to play and scrim with vct teams since Pacific vct is in Korea.

posted about a year ago


Leaf for Tex is a huge upgrade

posted about a year ago

Can we all just be happy that fartpiss is back in shitmea

posted about a year ago

Trent is because he called the union “mid”

posted about a year ago

The guard with a serious upgrade.

posted about a year ago

He will be the worst player on the team.

Not so sure why everyone is excited about getting the 2nd best IGL in t2

posted about a year ago

Who let bro cook?

posted about a year ago

Bless you.

My allergies are bad this time of year too.

posted about a year ago

Does that dude still exist?

posted about a year ago

The fact that you were able to type that through your tears is pretty impressive.

posted about a year ago

U of I

posted about a year ago

If you played madden and gave the players a numerical rank, what rank would you give FNS?

93 IGL
65 Aim / Mechanics

That makes him a 79 overall

Just something to think about.

posted about a year ago

I would take a shit

But I wouldn’t use toilet paper

I would use the curtains

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Played some csgo today.

One match.

Apparently I have premier because I bought csgo when it first came out.

Played Nuke. Had no idea how to talk, defuse, or what the map was like.

Went 12-6 and won.

Logged off and played Valorant

posted about a year ago

BG3 or starfield?

posted about a year ago

The best we can hope for is Valyn to Sen.

It’s looking like a 2 team region unless Sen make a real move.

posted about a year ago

He was one of the worst players in NA.

It was always “ this guy is so good I don’t know why he is underperforming.”

He just wasn’t good enough for t1

posted about a year ago

Didn’t we all know this already?

posted about a year ago

In no world is John a better IGL then Valyn.

This “terror” everyone has of players switching roles is ridiculous.

If they pick Johnqt over Valyn they are ignorant.

posted about a year ago

Y’all make no sense…

So if I play sova and someone picks sova what do I do?

If I main smokes and someone insta locks smokes do I just pick another smokes?

I have 4 agents I “main” because you can’t always get the agent you want.

Cypher / sova / omen / raze

posted about a year ago

Araxys has the best pull out animation in the game.

Once you get the timing to pull it out, it finishes its animation then you one tap.

Most satisfying gun in the game.

posted about a year ago

Makes sense for 100t because they are going full budget.

Zander is a good budget pickup

posted about a year ago

3 Americas
4 EU
3 Pacific

EU has 4 because they only have 4 good teams in their region so they get to stat pad against garbage teams.

posted about a year ago

The “journalist” doesn’t even use capitalization correctly.

posted about a year ago

We have nothing left to argue about so now we are picking our favorite journalists.

When does the james_ff flair drop?

posted about a year ago

Pretty sure he writes articles and is super jealous no one likes him.

posted about a year ago

eutalyx Is a mod and article writer on this site….

Why is he so butt hurt that James is popular?

His tweet reeks of jealousy. 🤡

posted about a year ago

Im confused.

Isn’t that tweet talking shit about James?

And it’s from a mod / Article writer on vlr.gg

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Johnqt only because he is an IGL and NA has no igls.

Who do the others replace?

Nismo is fantastic but his role very saturated. Xeppa, Victor, jawgemo, Zekken, Asuna, zellsis, tenz (if he switches to kayo

Zander is smokes. S0m, Marved, Pancada, Bang, Valyn, jakee.

If it’s true that 100T and c9 are trying to “save money” then it’s possible some m80 players get signed, but if salary wasn’t an issue there are better players than m80.

posted about a year ago

I would be SHOCKED if more than 2 players get picked up.

posted about a year ago

Kid said most of m80 are getting into franchising

posted about a year ago

Zyppan is rumored to leave navi and would be perfect for TL

posted about a year ago

Feels weird to me that I will make more money than all of c9.

posted about a year ago

This team is worse than the NRG that just split.

I definitely don’t see the hype lol

posted about a year ago
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