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Registered: June 9, 2021
Last post: March 5, 2025 at 8:16 PM
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Forrest Gump:
There was Dallas, from Phoenix; Cleveland - he was from Detroit; and Tex... well, I don't remember where Tex come from.

posted about a year ago

Hard to rank 1-10 so I’ll put them in 3 tiers

Sen, Loud, EG, LEV

G2, 100T, Furia, NRG


posted about a year ago

Big theory.

100T affiliates with m80 and keeps nitro as a two way player until they either keep him, or they find another IGL.

Boostio to NRG with leaf

posted about a year ago

Tex playing with a German flag 🇩🇪 on a South American team.

Kid is a walking oxymoron

Forrest Gump:
There was Dallas, from Phoenix; Cleveland - he was from Detroit; and Tex... well, I don't remember where Tex come from.

posted about a year ago

Liquid fan talking 😂

posted about a year ago

Does his name mean something in Turkish?

posted about a year ago

This is only weird when you think keenc plays in GC and it’s pretty obvious he is straight and taking advantage of the system.

posted about a year ago

Tier 2 players that most likely wouldn’t have been picked up in NA.

It will be good for them to get exposure and experience then next season come back and play in NA.

Narrate was one of those question mark players that could end up being a star, or could end up flopping.

Governor is solid, but not quite Americas t1 caliber. Hopefully he makes a nice jump this year and comes back to NA as a star.

posted about a year ago

NA shipping all the t2 talent cause our t1 orgs are to scared to take a chance.

Please dear god someone in NA pick up leaf

posted about a year ago

I’m sorry… but this whole post is like. “They played 1 great team and then a few really good t2 teams and they lost”

Okay…. And?

posted about a year ago


What do I win?

posted about a year ago

Heard that next year ascension is year long

posted about a year ago

How does everyone know?

I see all the posts but no link to the source

posted about a year ago

Equally as bad of a take.

Impressive really

posted about a year ago

Holy shit the NA flags in this thread make me embarrassed.

Acting like classless trash. Grow up you angsty preteen edge lords.

o7 Mixwell, thanks for being a class act.

posted about a year ago

It has to be something like his choice

If stellar gets into t1 over nitro that’s just nuts

posted about a year ago

Forest Gump

posted about a year ago

Anyone who thinks vapes are cool shouldn’t be talking shit.

posted about a year ago

Why is nitro in t2 when 100t and NRG still need an igl…

posted about a year ago

Ez for NA the best region in the world

Light work

posted about a year ago

DRX clears if they had their full roster.

This game……

60 / 40 T1

posted about a year ago

This dude probably thinks babybay is better

😂 😂

Edit: knew it

posted about a year ago

No governor.

He really is going overseas. o7

posted about a year ago

2 ez for the best region in the world 🥱

posted about a year ago

It’s hard for me to agree with this.

I can’t believe that a competent IGL wouldn’t have been able to take that 100t team and beat MIBR (one of the worst teams in the world) when MIBR was playing with a coach.

posted about a year ago

T2 is much worse than t1 and the original The Guard roster would have placed 5-6th at best.

posted about a year ago


I guess you could try to say “best in slot”

Mistic (hahahahahahahah)

posted about a year ago

He was one of the names I thought of for the KC rumored NA player.

Sgares was talking about ascension teams we would likely see next year and he seemed to be purposefully skipping turtle troop and it made me wonder if he knew something he was telling us.

posted about a year ago

If leaf joins that team it will be like yay on DSG

posted about a year ago

I can tell you are new to Valorant.

Leaf used to be known as the “rifler that doesn’t op” he was best known for his raze.

posted about a year ago

I was never really into rap / hip hop.

Started dating this girl I always had a crush on.

She listened to lil Wayne

Love Me was the first hip hop song I ever liked.

posted about a year ago

A bump for each side?

posted about a year ago

I find it interesting that everyone keeps saying things like “2 teams from each region mean only the best teams make it!!!!”

In my experience having less teams allows for MORE fluke teams to make it. A mediocre team who has a hot run could end up barley qualifying before a much better team who had a rough start or a few outlier games.

posted about a year ago

Leaf and nitro would make them good.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

We have also seen all mistic has to offer.

Baddyg is an unknown quantity

posted about a year ago

Underrated response 😂

posted about a year ago

vanity gets along with the current players on his team.

Having your team like and respect you is important for an IGL

posted about a year ago

I only remember 2 times.

Once cause I called some EU loser “Eurotrash”

And once because I said Demon1 was happy to be in America and would never go back to Russia since he has had a taste of freedom.

Both completely bullshit reasons to be banned.

posted about a year ago

Wouldn’t it be Ethan?

Didn’t he win a major in cs and now in Valorant?

posted about a year ago

He has to be the most overrated player in history?

“Best player in NA at cs”

Then comes to Valorant and can’t even get a t2 team.

posted about a year ago

It’s a dangerous world out there kings.

posted about a year ago

What are the roles for mxs?

Also, vanity sova?

posted about a year ago

Just remember the game is designed to make you lose 50% of the time.

posted about a year ago

They are both teenagers and should have a long and great career.

I would say Zekken has a higher ceiling and leaf is more polished.

posted about a year ago

Two pretty good t2 teams. Should be fun!

posted about a year ago

Said no one

posted about a year ago

This ^

People underestimate the mental aspect of competing. In nearly all “real” sports the players are told not to listen to the media or read about what people say about you.

This doesn’t make tenz weak, it makes him cognizant of the negative effects a video like this can have on a player.

I can almost guarantee it was his team / coaches that told him not to watch the video.

posted about a year ago
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