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Last post: October 4, 2024 at 12:38 AM
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Yeah but its still not harder though. but its just my opinion.

posted about 3 years ago

You said the game is harder at the pro level which is no where close to being true. Cs is at another tier of competition compared to Valorant.

posted about 3 years ago

Valorant harder at the pro level? If that were true then the current Valorant pros would be playing cs still since 95% of the pros came from t2/t3/t4 CS lol.

posted about 3 years ago

The only way Valorant becomes harder than CS is if CS never existed.

Valorant is just too dumb downed.

posted about 3 years ago

Valorant is just a dumbed down version of CS. Judging by your comment I can tell you never played or watched it.

posted about 3 years ago

Minecraft was good until they went past 1.8.
1.7 and every update prior >

posted about 3 years ago

NA Valorant in shambles

posted about 3 years ago

JasonR been weird ever since he went full time Valorant

posted about 3 years ago

NA Valorant in shambles

posted about 3 years ago

Valorant scene is literally in shambles. More just NA Valorant but holy. Can see how NA vs other regions handles their teams. Just like NA CS. It’s all drama. Expected overtime. 100T with tier s shit management as well. Joke of an organization.

posted about 3 years ago

Not what I’m talking about. Talking about how your “star” player is good for one map and disappears when needed. You forget what happened at Berlin and Masters? Tenz has always been good online matches.

posted about 3 years ago

Reminds me of Tenz

posted about 3 years ago

No crowd still

posted about 3 years ago

Yeah he’s been off since the sand crash take out ever since Anaheim II. Pretty sure he’s hurt or something. Hoping Malcolm gets his first win this year.

posted about 3 years ago

VCT NA doesn’t interest me tbh

However if you wanna talk about the good stuff. Yeah I’m a big Supercross/motocross guy. Grew up playing mx vs atv and all those games. Reflex is a goated game. I like Tomac and Stewart for the 450s. Roczen as well but don’t know what’s been up with him. Craig is a beast and for the east I like Jett Lawerence and Forkner.

Miss the James Stewart Chad Reed rivalry battles man.

posted about 3 years ago

The best “women” players in Valorant are men.

posted about 3 years ago

Battlefront II on the ps2
Mx vs atv reflex
NHL and MLB games

posted about 3 years ago

People accused him of cheating because he had the same kind of flusha sketchy style clips from one event that took flusha a few years to get. Definitely a sketchy player but not entirely sure if he cheated. No one will know besides him.

posted about 3 years ago

Not saying he didn’t or didn’t cheat. But subroza had the same amount of flusha kind of clips in one tournament that took flusha a few years to get.

Definitely was a sketchy player at the start of his career.

posted about 3 years ago

I haven’t really been a big fan of wardell and subroza since the flashpoint situation. Don’t know if you entirely know the situation or not but long story short. Flashpoint paid their team to attend the lan event. Mid event Valorant came out and they stop focusing on cs mid tourney to play and focus on Valorant instead. I bring this up because it shows a big problem NA CS had. These same problems can be seen in NA Valorant. Players care more about their egos and reputations than focusing on winning. The fact he has a big twitch following just inflates the ego even more.

posted about 3 years ago

He makes some valid points.

It is a team game. Doesn’t matter if you individually perform well if you only play for yourself.

posted about 3 years ago

What UI we talking about

posted about 3 years ago

I've had fun discussing with you as well.

There were definitely some players with potential that switched that had potential to have successful careers. I think some of them gave up too soon. It's a shame but what can you do. I think the majority of val pros would rather play CS if they got paid too. I think one day they will come back. Hopefully Xeppaa does.

Yeah I started playing CS back in late 2016 early 2017 on and off. Being from NA, the lifestyle is very different compared to Europe. I didn't own a computer till I was 14 and I'm 20 now. I always played console growing up as most people do in NA because that is how it is here. Things like internet cafes don't exist here. I played minecraft on PC and was the only game I played. I played it from when it first came out till 2016. I would have probably never knew about CS if it weren't from the people I met on Minecraft that I became friends with. They showed me the game and I have enjoyed it on and off since.

Ironically enough, the two times when NA CS were at it's greatest points. I didn't pay attention or use my computer at all. I didn't know about C9 major win and Intel Grand Slam Liquid till a year later lol. I come back and they are really hit or miss now. The rebuild is looking good however so let's hope it goes well. CS needs NA in the long run. NA still brings good viewers and most the money and sponsorships come from NA.

Yeah the new viewer base is a shame but it is expected. It just sucks how cringe things can get. Let's hope EG retains form though. Cerq used to be a beast and still is. I just think they needed a change with stan. Brehze still a monster as well and I've know him for years. I hope they do well. They still have tons of potential.

posted about 3 years ago

More popular for streamers because it's more casual friendly and the game has a good following from kids especially the fortnite gen. Meaning easy viewers.

posted about 3 years ago

I think no in all categories. Only thing Valorant has on CS is the content creators. A lot of the fortnite gen kids play and watch Val especially Apex and League players as well. Valorant is the trend game in NA. Streamers will play what is trendy majority of the time.

posted about 3 years ago

First off, I would like to say you are one of the few people on this site where you can have an actual conversation with.

Kind of done with the shroud topic so I won't say much about it but my opinion of him hasn't changed. I get everyone has the right to their own opinion but the fact he changes his every two weeks just loses validation imo.

Regarding NA CS, one thing a lot of people tend to never bring up or forget is how the problems in NA CS were occurring way before Valorant and way before covid. NA CS had a problem with the players in the scene with players caring more about egos and reputation rather than putting their full focus on winning. Regardless if there were orgs or not in the scene, i think the players would have left either way. Why would you be a t2-t3 na cs player when you could have the opportunity to be a t1 player in val where you will obviously be better than the majority. There will plenty of orgs invested in NA but time after time players failed to produce so orgs left. Can't really blame them. The players in the scene were responsible for the downfall but the rebuild is good. Covid definitely didn't help with orgs investing or coming back because everything being based in Europe but hopefully when lans and events come back especially in NA. Things will be better.

The reason why I said valorant is the trend game, it is more specifically trendy in just NA. You look at the majority of the content creators who play it, they are all NA and it has a good kid viewership so it's just easy views atm. I know fortnite still has good viewership but it doesn't have the hype it once had. I remember my grade 12 year in 2019 EVERYONE was playing fortnite. Giving I do live in NA and the majority were playing on consoles but still. Everyone played it. NA has always been a region where people play games on what is currently trendy. No one plays games in the long run anymore. CS just doesn't have the content creators that it used to have. One thing that CS could do to have better viewership besides just the official matches is having more pros stream but no pros stream or it is very rare. Mainly because a lot of the big content creators who did play it were all on the verge of being semi pro like Tim and summit. I remember when xQC and DrDisrespect played CS. Good content to laugh. CS has a lot of good content on youtube like you mentioned.

Tarik is insane, he still has a lot of potential. He did say if he were going to go pro again it would be in CS however. I know he had a rough last couple months in the pro scene but everyone on EG did. Not the biggest fan of what Ethan did to the team but he cucked them hard and tarik was the glue and hype man on the team. When he left they lost that. Everyone on EG needed a change. I think stan is a good igl but had fragging issues and needed to go awhile ago. It's like he didn't want to be there. I wish tarik would stream cs more but val is easy content for him right now especially with kid viewers. His new viewer base though is quite cringe like we both said.

I agree with everything you said on #5.

posted about 3 years ago

It isn’t the most stable career unless you have consistent success which isn’t something that happens often. I see especially with Valorant (mainly in NA) that roster stability doesn’t exist. Seems like after every event a few NA teams make some changes.

Definitely a stressful career as well.

posted about 3 years ago

They are all kids lol

posted about 3 years ago

People think Valorant killed NA CS but I think Covid fucked it more than anything taking away all events and LANs and making everything Europe based due to Covid and online ping reasons.

There were problems in NA CS way before Valorant and the players in the scene were always the scenes worst enemy to begin with.

posted about 3 years ago

Don’t need new updates to change a playerbase lol. Matter of the fact is the NA region tends to play games on whatever is trendy at the current time. No one sticks with games long term anymore.

posted about 3 years ago

He streams at such degen hours tho and gets all the degen viewers late at night.

Love Tarik but can’t stand majority of his new viewer base though.

posted about 3 years ago

Yeah the cause NA Valorant is just easy content for him. He did say if he would ever go pro again it would be in CS tho

posted about 3 years ago

Shroud has always been a brick wall but the average person on twitch thinks shroud is a god so they watch him follow him etc. Those of us who have been around for awhile know what shroud is really like. Haven’t watched him since at least 2018. Don’t get how people watch Pokimane as well. Simp nation. Regarding what you said, i haven’t really seen any players who were former CS pros who go back and play CS who destroy kids. I remember watching subroza and brax play CS with Stewie or Tarik awhile back and they struggled.

NA CS always produced the best content, shame you didn’t watch it when it was popping. People think na CS is dead now but it’s in a rebuilding phase. If you look at the majority of players from Val who left CS weren’t achieving or accomplishing anything in CS so if they left how does that make a scene dead? Idk just my opinion. If that was the case the scene was dead along before Valorant. I will say the same problems in na CS will and has already occurred in na Val.

Regarding your content comment. Valorant is the trend game to play right now, therefore a lot of content creators are playing it right now, not to mention the game attracts a lot of kid viewers. It reminds me a lot of when Fortnite was the trend game to play. With the NA region there is always one game that is trendy that everyone plays and then they game hop to the next game. No one ever stays with a game long term anymore.

With Tarik, been following Tarik since 2017. Watched him and his streams on and off forever however I hardly watch him anymore. I can’t stand his new viewers and viewer base. It’s good to see he’s doing well, always had a good personality but his viewer base is cringe now. I remember he got 50k during the major and that was nuts. I would like to see Tarik some day come back to CS and compete though. Feel like he still got more in the tank and I refuse to believe his last play was him whiffing on overpass on that flank.

I do agree it would be nice for Valorant to add a higher skill gap. Add some actual movement and gun skill instead of having it be so dumb downed. Make some great points about counter strafing. You can have terrible movement and still be considered a good player in Valorant which is dumb imo. Movement is one thing that separates good players from great players.

posted about 3 years ago

I just saw this and will reply to this in the morning (for me)
Have a good day.

posted about 3 years ago

Has always had the problem. Great player with potential but never performs. Don’t know if he gets the jitters or he’s just another pro pug stomper.

posted about 3 years ago

Too bad he’s a MDL thrower

posted about 3 years ago

Sorry, I meant to reply yesterday but never got the notification lol.

I get randomness occurs in games with running or jumping shots. I just see it happen way more in Valorant than in CS whether it happens to me, my teammate, or YouTube/stream. It’s pretty much at a point where it’s not even random anymore and just considered a norm.

Regarding shroud, used to watch him a lot back in c9. Dude was racking up viewers back then and only blew up more. With that being said, I can’t stand the guy. Dude is just a brick wall who changes his opinion every two seconds. Dude has been shitting on cs ever since he retired. Calls it dead, then he said cs is harder, then he said cs is easier, like buddy make up your mind. Cant watch big streamers. Only person who I don’t understand who people watch more is pokimane.

posted about 3 years ago

Valorant has a bad smurfing problem.

posted about 3 years ago

Am I tripping or has the flags changed since we lasted talked lol. I think from a streamer perspective I would agree that closer matches would be better entertainment for the viewers than pub stomps but at the same time the majority of the streamers are watched because people want to watch them destroy. Back in CS, shroud had 10k viewers while still on c9 because he would make everyone look like bots in pugs and fpl/rank s. Back when being A+ on esea was the real deal. Same reason why he blew up on pubg because of him just destroying everyone.

As you said, growing up playing sports. We are competitors and we love to compete and win. It is nice to have a curb stomp here and there because it is nice to not be stressed but close games are more fun. Growing up on sports, the close games were always the most stressful but most satisfying because typically it was well played from both teams.

I do agree that the dumbed down aspects really is a turn off for me. Like I said, nothing is more frustrating than being destroyed by a player over and over again that you know you're better than. Like for me, it would be like in baseball striking out or grounding/flying out against a pitcher you know you can tee off on or missing an easy shot in football that you know you should have scored a goal on.

Regarding what you said about shroud and s0m again. They are better than majority of the players yes, s0m more than shroud. I think it's not that CS is easier but CS is a lot more punishing and easier to punish players for making mistakes as where in Valorant, you can get rewarded for being dumb. And yes It is a shame you can't 5 stack and the fact you gain no elo sucks as well. I remember waiting 20 mins for a game to get 5 rr. The game is most fun when played with friends but oh well. These posts are longer than I originally intended.

posted about 3 years ago

From my personal experience, there are a lot of more one way stomps in Valorant than in CS. It feels like teams always seem to be one sided in Valorant. One team is always a lot better than the other. I do agree its a person basis but I still believe that if you are the better player and you know you are, it would be frustrating to know you're being nerfed for the more casual side. It gets quite annoying when you see players who you know you are better than but running 1 tap you because its valorant.

Regarding shroud, I don't hold his opinion very tightly because of him constantly changing it. I think Valorant is easier than CS in almost every way. The game is dumbed down a lot towards the more casual base. I just prefer cs because its more balanced. Valorant is fun to play with friends. The most fun I had on Valorant was when the game first came out and I was 5 stacking with friends. Ever since that was taken away in the higher ranks I've had less motivation to play.

posted about 3 years ago

It just wouldn’t make any sense to switch.

posted about 3 years ago

Never heard that. I heard he would consider if he got enough trophies in CS but he clearly stated “not enough trophies.”

posted about 3 years ago

No offense i don’t think any of the Valorant casters are that good.
DDK is the best imo
Pansy is second but sometimes she isn’t good
Seangares was a good analyst in CS and I think he makes a good Cololur commentator. Good pair with ddk.

It just seems like the majority of the casters for Valorant have no idea what is going on. Like they are lost majority of the time.

posted about 3 years ago

I can agree that the skill gap is dramatically lowered in Valorant compared to CS meaning that players who are insanely skilled might not be able to play to their full potential in Valorant. Nerfed you could say.

Regarding what S0m said, I see what he is saying but I think deep down every player would rather have a higher skill gap and ceiling that sets them apart from other players. I think casual players yes I can see why it’s more fun but if you take the game serious i think majority of the players would like and have more fun with higher skill gap/ceiling.

If you know you’re better than someone, why would you want to be nerfed.

Idk growing up playing sports it’s always the mentality I had growing up. I want to be the best or at least try to being the best because I know I could.

posted about 3 years ago

I have a question, not saying you are wrong but why do you think he wouldn’t be the top player in Valorant if he choose to switch. My personal opinion is he is undoubtedly the best cs/fps player at the given moment. Has been for a few years. However, he isn’t the most mechanically skilled player. I think what sets him apart from others is the work he puts in and his work ethic. He has the mindset and that’s why he is the best and I think he has a good chance of being the best in Valorant.

Reminds me of like a baseball, football, hockey player etc who may not be the most naturally talented or athletic but has the work ethic and puts in the work to be the best.

posted about 3 years ago

Queue other regions and become friends with them. Some ways I met some of my European friends is playing csgo community servers like kz and surf.

posted about 3 years ago

Seems like s1mple upset some people

posted about 3 years ago

Sorry for the late reply, never got the notification. You do realize that there has only been a few of the higher tier players from cs who switched to Valorant. They have all had success, maybe not all of them had team success but individually, everyone has performed.
Nitro, Autimatic, Ethan, Jamppi, and Nivera are truly the only t1 players who were still t1 when they switched to Valorant that are in the scene. All of them had success besides Autimatic who individually performed but no team results.

The term of players just being built different is a real thing. The players I listed in my original comment are prime examples. Players with pure mechanical skill and raw talent. Much like with athletes and their sports who are naturally gifted and talented at baseball, football/soccer, basketball, hockey, and so on. Put hard work on top of that and that’s why they are where they are today.

Sure the skill gap and mechanical skill is lowered in Valorant but I have no doubts those players can come into the scene and dominate.

posted about 3 years ago

Idk what you’re necessarily looking for. It was known MVP PK was the best Korean team, mainly because they were one of the few as well. Definitely a top 20-30 team. eUnited at the time was decent too.

posted about 3 years ago
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