Flag: International
Registered: August 7, 2021
Last post: April 24, 2023 at 5:23 PM
Posts: 258
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Nah, v1 was diff. Beat liquid with sub. And after master 2, they were dojng pretty good, but became a mess with zellis not being able to play. V1 was actually good, just bunch of external problems then vanity left.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

No, I thinks it’s still nature on jett

posted about 2 years ago

Bro they literally had a live draw

posted about 2 years ago

It’s based on last years’s points

posted about 2 years ago

Any Turkish fans here? Do you know why they got cyderX? Like I know you can’t judge by ACS, but like dude kinda bad. Doesn’t put numbers anywhere near tier 1. But maybe he has something I don’t know?

posted about 2 years ago

Where do I see how long I have played?

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

My guess is that they will make the sprint really loud, otherwise it’s too broken, especially if it’s recharble. It will completely break the time cycle players have with rotations and flanks.

posted about 2 years ago

It looks like she will have a passive ability? Either the sprint or slide being a passive. I counted and she has 5 abilities, so one is gonna be passive.

Stun molly, wall, ult, sprint, slide

I guess her slide would be passive? Running faster seems more like an actual ability, also can we talk about how it’s seems to be just yoru ult without the invisibility.

posted about 2 years ago

Bruh they straight up made the run and gun meta into abilities.

posted about 2 years ago

Does he turn old enough to play in the VCT this year? His numbers are actually insane. And he’s so consistent too. Can’t wait to see him in vct.

posted about 2 years ago

They already have

posted about 2 years ago

Yea I know they bait, but brawk actually makes so much sense since he was previously teammates with valyn. Roles also fit. But yea I know it’s like a bait.

Edit: nvm he going to ghost

posted about 2 years ago

It looks like they might be replacing him with brawk from complexity? Bc he replied to to this is with eyes. And both play sova so yea. Has psalm ever stayed with org for longer than 2 months?

posted about 2 years ago

Or a zombnation

posted about 2 years ago

Pretty sure had the highest acs is apac region, or was it Japan? Not sure, but it’s one of those. So yea, he’s not a “ok” player.

posted about 2 years ago

Who do you guys think will dominate na in 2022. I am thinking xset.

posted about 2 years ago

I think OVERALL, top 3 na 2021 was sen, 100t, and envy, things could be debated, and obviously some teams were better at the end of the year lik c9. But what teams do you think will be top 3 overall, meaning who will have the best result THROUGHOUT the year in 2022? I am thinking, xset, c9, and hopefully 100t but they looking shaky as fuck. Third could be highly debated.

posted about 2 years ago

Apparently that was thing at one point, but the buy out fees were way too much which is probably why there were some tweets abt this and another reason why they are importing players.

Edit: apparently they DID NOT have a extreme buy out price. So 100t just didn’t try them.

posted about 2 years ago

They took brimstone to overtime, which just proves that they they are the best team in world now that brimstone is inactive.

posted about 2 years ago

Really? I don’t think anybody had vision strikers as top 3 to win champions? It was always gambit, liquid, sen, envy, etc.

posted about 2 years ago

He literally played skye once in game where he lost 13-3 with 13 kills at the end. Means nothing when compared to what the other skye player have done. Not saying he is a bad player, but cmon , top 3 skye? Really

posted about 2 years ago

Only talking abt losses and not the wins, idiot. Pretty sure they destroyed ascend, where did that go to. And what do you mean the map pools just matched up? That means they are better than gambit at a map. You sound soo stupid right now.

posted about 2 years ago

Bro what are you talking about, they have always been challenging the meta. They were the only one back then with one duelist meta while everyone was doing 2. They were the first to not do jett op, (killjoy op). Like wtf u talking abt. They are trying get a jett op because op is just too op. Honestly if the old team stayed together. I could see a future where steel chamber op while asuna did whatever he wanted on jett.

posted about 2 years ago

Bruh they not overrated, well I wouldn’t say they are best team but definetly top 5. Probably most unlucky team. I am sure that everyone will agree that they would have completely destroyed envy or sentinels. Could have easily made playoffs in another group. I wouldn’t say they are the best but definetly top 5. Above them would be fnatic, c9, gambit, liquid, maybe ascend. So maybe they are 6th best team?

posted about 2 years ago

IGL’s are usually the ones who do the research and stuff and call in game. Ex: they are the ones watching Vods and shit. I don’t remember who, but I remember a pro player saying this. The only time a coach can even talk is in timeouts, so yea. You can make your own opinion about the situation.

posted about 2 years ago

Lmao what is this assist bullshit. Skye is a literally replacement for Phoenix. She is supposed to be an individualistic round opener on attack and information gatherer on defense. Leaf was doing that. The only complain about his skye gameplay his flashing for teammates which he didn’t do but that’s not his fault. The entire team needs to plan for stuff like that.

posted about 2 years ago

Bruh, in masters Berlin, vision strikers were the only ones to take a map off Gambit other than 100t. Like they are not overrated. Well maybe a tiny bit., but they are definitely S level. Like they could have probably defeated both envy and sentinels and last time they destroyed ascend. Why do people just forget all of this? They definetly got fucked by the group. Probably the most unlucky team yet.

posted about 2 years ago

Uh, as far as I know, orgs are supposed to have around a 20-80 split on any winnings the players get. 20 for the org. This is IF the player signed contracts properly. This is the norm that most experienced players say. So the money should be going to the players not the org. You have to understand that orgs don’t care THAT much about winning money and this money. It’s not world breaking or anything. Most orgs get the money from sponsors, so popularity matters more to them then winning prize money.

posted about 2 years ago

Chet, in the way that their strategies felt like book(everyone read them) , it seemed like nothing much changed between Masters and now..

posted about 2 years ago

Bruh how are you gonna call Korea one team region but not latam.

posted about 2 years ago

Guys, nagzet isn’t bad, he purposely played like that to get that sweet 69 acs.

posted about 2 years ago

Actually not true, it’s only now that scream is playing a single role which is duelist. They decided this is what works best for them. But originally scream was actually playing quite a few roles. Man is a beast with sage, he also played Kay o when it came out. This shows that all five players very flexible which is something teams will need when the meta changes and new agents get introduced.

posted about 2 years ago

Bruh u talking abt champions and he is talking abt master. Read first. Also, do you even know how many regions are in APAC? From what I see, riot is trying to give slots considering player population.
FIY: APAC includes, Japan, Korean, south asia(which is made of India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, etc), SEA ( which is made of like 8 different countries. If only the good regions get slots, that would be stupid. As I see it, the slot distribution isn’t that bad. IMO instead of taking away spots, riot should add more spots to make it 24 teams instead of 16. Or 20.

posted about 2 years ago

How fitting would it be if fnatic won both csgo’s first major and valorant’s.

posted about 2 years ago

Actually pretty sure that Dre was always on smoke and wanted to be on smoke, but played dielists for lg. Even in his tweet where he is LFT, he said wants to main smokes. So yea.

posted about 2 years ago

I am sorry but you expect way too much from orgs. At the end of the day, they are trying to make money. Idk about stewie, but I know that for hiko, one of the reason he is still able be on good orgs is because of his impact in game and out of game. The dude brings sooo much experience and he does wins important rounds. I am pretty sure, it was hiko that was keeping things calm in Berlin. In a nutshell, he is a really good teammate. Don’t take my word for it, even simple said that hiko was one of the best teammates he ever had. And as some other people mentioned, it will only be for now that can pros will be majority. In the future there will be some insane players coming in.

posted about 2 years ago

One thing guild was missing was a good jett, so maybe Keloqs and koldamenta to guild? Though idk if keloqs will keep being as good online.

posted about 2 years ago

Bruh stop making excuses, pr and dam won clearly better team, just say that they will come back stronger instead. Didn’t we all already agree that almost all the teams had around the same ping? Yea that one round, he won 1v3 with three members disconnected, but that doesn’t mean they were the better team. He could have clutched in any other round.

posted about 2 years ago

Huh? I don’t really know who this guy is, but it sounds like he is just complimenting him?

posted about 2 years ago

Kay/o / steel
Skye/ subroza
Killjoy/ jampii

posted about 2 years ago

It’s actually not that bad, but here is what I could change. REJECT and Fennel are probably the worst teams there, reject doesn’t even have a proper roster. Nth has a lot of talent but they’re strats are on the weaker side and map pool is kinda small, I would still root for them though. The top 4 teams there are nuturn, damwon, f4q, and paper Rex, very unlikely for any other team to win. The sea teams have potential to upset but will be very hard. Also we haven’t seen how nuturn will work. They have like 2 jett players.

posted about 2 years ago

Lol the results actually ain’t that bad

posted about 2 years ago

Guys, I think this is probably the hardest bracket ever. Almost all the teams are coming in with a new roster or coach. Let me list the changes below

  • faze- new coach, and they are probably better now with the new player -
    100t- u already know
    V1 - I think it’s gonna be oderus
    C9 - literally new roster
    GenG- new player and coach
    Xset- hopefully better intergration with zekken
    LG- hopefully back in form with their player returned.
    The Australians teams are wild cards. I don’t expect much but you never know, they might actually win some series (it could be like oxygen v liquid, oxygen isn’t bad but they always lose badly because of playstyles. Steel described it as like Rock Paper Scissors. Scissor can beat paper but will lose to rock.

The only team that hasn’t changed much is rise, but they probably better now with strats.

Do you guys agree? Or do U think there is some teams that are just better?

posted about 2 years ago

Yea I anted to say Lakia too, but it’s hard say him since we havent see him that much recently, I was trying rank based on latest games

posted about 2 years ago

I will try to give three for each, but won’t for all of them. This is based on my opinion.

Controller - avova, dephh/marved, mako. Hm - zombs, nitro(I would put nitro after that Berlin performance, but he wasn’t nearly as good in online events.
sova - chronicle, crashies,laz
Skye - Ethan , stax, sheydos
Sentinel - nats, mixwell, kingKR.
I am not even gonna touch the duelist role.

posted about 2 years ago

I thought v1 was trialing oderus from KCP?

posted about 2 years ago
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