Flag: International
Registered: August 7, 2021
Last post: April 24, 2023 at 5:23 PM
Posts: 258
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Everybody wondering why b0i, but what I am wondering is agent pick. Boi plays controller for the most part when he was active, so like him controller, nitro maybe going jett after how he played versus ascend? Asuna on flex? Ethan stays on skye/sage/omen, hiko sova/viper, this shit makes no sense, anybody got ideas?

posted about 3 years ago

Guys I am telling you, the prism bundle makes you win. Like think about it. cNed used prism op, was winning everything, stopped using it, then his team lost. Nats used prism phantom, what are they now? Best team in the world. I am telling you guys, the prism is the key. The key to win everything

posted about 3 years ago

Also what do you mean student opinions don’t matter? What are you on bro, who are you gonna ask then? The teachers? It’s obvious gonna be biased, hence why we ask student? Of course student replies can vary, but saying they don’t matter is stupid. Also what do you mean award winning don’t matter? Also why you looking at sports award? Just look at subject awards they got, and pls don’t say something stupid, you get awards because you are good, and you can’t expect a college to be perfect, you have to search for the college that is good at what you need. It’s YOUR job to do the research when you go to college, and reputations do matter. You’re naive if you think you can go to some college and you are set for life since they taught you good. Your employer don’t know what you learned, and they will give priority to people form colleges with good reputations. That’s how it works

posted about 3 years ago

You realize that colleges don’t just get a good a reputation out of nowhere, they got their reputations form how good they are. They usually don’t rank based on reputations but if they do rank colleges somewhat based on reputation, there really nothing wrong with it,since it also shows how good a college can be. Also your source is Wikipedia, unless you are from middle school, no one else actually uses Wikipedia, literally anyone can edit it. There is like 1000s of rankings online, you just need to find a specific ranking toward what you are looking for

posted about 3 years ago

Bro no one gives a shit about official stuff, in valorant sense gambit is not part of eu, but anyway this conversation is already done why u still here

posted about 3 years ago

Uh how do I break it you, that’s kinda how they rank it lmao, you watch too many movies my guy. They don’t rank colleges by how famous they, but how good the teacher, campus, etc is. You can also find rankings for subject based.

posted about 3 years ago

Yea let’s just end it, GG

posted about 3 years ago

That’s who i named too……….?

posted about 3 years ago

Interesting, but I think nitro should be higher than Ethan, Ethan kinda underperformed, which he usually doesnt, but nitro popped off. His aim during the semifinals was huge, his brain was huge, and his cock was huge as well. The man was lan demon. I think nitro should be 6th, because I felt chronicle didn’t like go full demon until the finals. I think 11 to 20 is good list, but top 10 not that good. This is my list:

  1. Yay
  2. Nats
  3. Nitro
  4. Victor
  5. Crashies
  6. D3ffo

Idk for the rest, and it’s hard say about gambit during semifinals since their matches were really short. Cough cough 13-0, 13-0, 13-0. Cough.

posted about 3 years ago

Lmao, no one gives shit about official boundaries, CIS is not EU in valorant context, even valorant lists gambit as CIS/EMEA, and not EU. If you still want to brag then just say emea>NA, I guess Africa is just better than all of us.

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

Nice secret comp bro

posted about 3 years ago

Ok I am back from reading the rule book, you actually CANT do that . CIS TURKEY And EU, are split into different region in valorant context, and gambit actually can’t participate in an EU masters since it’s members are from the CIS, and they also can’t transfer their region.

posted about 3 years ago

Bro you are about to make me read the entirety of VCT rules and regulations

posted about 3 years ago

I never said Russia wasn’t part of Europe, and if you want to talk about “context of esports” , you want to tell me why master 1 was split between EU,turkey , and cis? Isn’t it all same ? I wonder why they did that? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

posted about 3 years ago

Lmao yea, I don’t think people realize EU stands for European Union and not Europe, people need to go to school. Like if you want to brag just say emea>NA, gambit is not part of eu, it’s a part of emea.

posted about 3 years ago

You forgot the method g2 used which is raze util clear a bunch of spaces, but that kinda only works on split. All other maps too big. You can also try playing double controller, so like omen/viper on some maps like breeze, Icebox, it’s pretty effective but idk if you should give up on some other agents just to clear out one player

posted about 3 years ago

What do you mean guaranteed? If gambit wins Berlin, it WILL be fnatic going to champions not g2

posted about 3 years ago

Y’all forgot fnatic, I believe rn it’s gambit in first, ascend in second, fnatic in third and G2 fourth then liquid. I think if g2 loses and gambit wins Berlin, then it will actually be fnatic who get the third spot

posted about 3 years ago

Man it’s soooooo relaxing to watch valorant when you don’t care who wins. Damn, I think I had like 2 heart attacks during the ascend 100t match.

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

Yo is NA still undefeated on haven on lan? I am still confused why ascend picked haven, they don’t even play it that much I think?

posted about 3 years ago

Hmm for fracture it’s probably viper, astra, cypher, raze, sova, but it’s too early to tell

posted about 3 years ago

Ok I can do with that, some cracked raze players out there

posted about 3 years ago

Icebox - viper, sage, sova, jett, Reyna - the classic sentinel lineup
Split - sage, killjoy/cypher, raze, astra, breach - I feel breach is underused even though his ult literally covers entire site.
Ascent - skye, astra, jett, sova, cypher/killjoy.
Bind - viper, raze, skye, sova, astra/brimstone. - switching out one of the controllers for sage is also good. So instead of viper - sage or instead of astra- sage.
Haven - jett, skye, astra, sova, cypher/killjoy. - haven’t seen enough of kay/o, if 100t plays against like fns, or nats, they would be so screwed by the lurking.
Breeze - skye, viper, cypher/killjoy, jett/Reyna, sova
Fracture - viper, astra, cypher, raze, skye - but it’s too early to tell

One thing I do wish to see with split is triple sentinel, so it would be like sage, cypher, killjoy, raze, astra.
Like imagine G2 using koldementa as cypher, mixwell with kJ, nukkue with sage, keloqs raze, and avova astra, damn that would be insane

FIY- these are based on my opinions, feel free give your own “best” comp

posted about 3 years ago

Yea mate, I agree with that too. But I am just saying based on what’s happened so far. We can only wait and see

posted about 3 years ago

Yea I guess, we can only wait and see.

Edit: I guess you were wrong

posted about 3 years ago

Yes, someone who understand me and doesn’t just flame me. Like holy shit, I didn’t even say they are bad, but there’s already people here flaming me lmao

posted about 3 years ago

Guys guys, I never said he was bad or sen was bad, like chill. I am saying how they would even better with characters like skye. Like it’s not just me, even pros said that using skye is better. I am saying sick could be even more impactful with skye. Also someone said that they are just hiding their comps, so we will have to just wait and see. Like look at it this way, Phoenix has good flash, skye has better flash, Phoenix can heal himself, skye can heal everybody, and skye gives more information, arguably the most important thing in this game.

posted about 3 years ago

My guy chill, I was just saying based on what we have seen so far,

posted about 3 years ago

Alrighty, you changed my mind, good for them.

posted about 3 years ago

People I never said that Phoenix is bad, but skye is just better. Also both of your examples lost their matches terribly so yea. Also I wasn’t just talking about haven, just using skye on other maps in general. Well we will see, maybe they use skye on ascent if they play it. But I doubt it.

posted about 3 years ago

Yea true, why do people think I am saying that they are shit team. I was just saying how they need to change things up for the future.

posted about 3 years ago

Yea I know, did you not read my thing?

posted about 3 years ago

What are you talking about? They have been using the same comp since like master 1? They are NOT hiding some super secret comp or lineups lol.

posted about 3 years ago

Yea I am not saying jett is bad, but why on maps like split? It’s not bad, but wouldnt raze be better?

posted about 3 years ago

Lmao I didn’t even say anything specific, the only thing I said was that they need to change their comp? They are literally the only team using Phoenix, so my thought aren’t random bullshit, theres a reason for that. If you think I am just saying random bullshit, why don’t you answer me why no other team is using Phoenix?

posted about 3 years ago

Really? The only clip I saw was Sinatra’s saying that he wanted to play in sen if he could. I mean why would you go to a different roster when u are currently in the worlds best? Maybe give source?

posted about 3 years ago

I feel like sentinel’s problems are being revealed one by one, especially the comp. I kinda get what they were doing which was to stay with the comp that works and get better at it, but come on, even 100t is using skye and trying out shit thats working. Some maps, you just don’t need double duelists, and some don’t need jett. Also they need to be using Sinatra if he is available. Like shaz said they won’t be using him, but that’s so stupid. I am sorry but dapr sova on icebox isn’t bad but it’s not that good. Shaz isn’t bad sova, but he relies mostly on aim, and his utility usuage is just predictable. Like boaster said that they would rotate to whichever site they droned because that’s where they attacked. Like when is the last time you saw him getting a shock dart kill? Don’t get me wrong, they are still strong, but if they don’t change their shit and try out new stuff in game that is rapidly evolving, they will never be able to create an era.

posted about 3 years ago

Yea, I don’t really mind one slot for VCC but it is kinda annoying to see China get 2 slots for no reason, but whatever, it is what it is

posted about 3 years ago

I think for the most part everything is fine, except for the China slots. Sea getting 3 makes sense because of how man countries are in it, and Japan(2) makes sense because it has large audience. But China makes no sense, what have they proven to get 2 slots? If you want to say they have large population, that wouldn’t make sense either since there’s India which is my second problem. I am not some Indian fan, but it makes no sense how the VCC was given only one slot when it includes India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and Nepal. I would give China only one slot and the give the other slot to either Korea(because they have proven themselves) or to the VCC which although haven’t proven anything, they do have a large scene developing + number of countries they have in the VCC.

posted about 3 years ago

GenG Critical? Or thief?

posted about 3 years ago

Just double checking, does it start on the 10th or 9th, they keep changing it and I am so confused

posted about 3 years ago

Guys, if I am getting this right, a 3% percent boost is like a scam right? Like in a GOOD game, u get like 5000 xp, and 3% of that is 150 xp . And the entire battle pass need like 1,372,000 Xp, and 3 percent of that is 41,000 xp. That’s literally pocket change. As for as I can see, the only thing it does is make the people who wait to finish the battle pass tiers before buying it, actually buy it earlier. Meaning more people buy it even if they don’t know if they will finish it or not. Isn’t this kinda scammy? Can’t they give a little bit more boost to actually help people finish their battle passes?

posted about 3 years ago

I feel like some regions just have this map that they are so good at like. What do you guys think is the best map for each region? Personally, it’s haven for NA, and probably split for korea. I am thinking bind for EU, but I am not sure. Haven is definetly best for NA, like I checked and neither sen or v1 lost a single map in haven during Iceland. So all I am saying is that those teams better not pick haven against NA.

posted about 3 years ago

What do you guys think of LG, they have consistently made it to main events but keep losing. What do you think needs to change? I personally think they need to change aproto and moose. I know everybody hypes up his sheriff and stuff, but like I don’t see very much of them. Like no hate but their ACS is subpar at best and their utility usage isn’t THAT good either. Also I think it so stupid that they got rid of thief. He was such a good player. I personally think they should have build their roster around Dre, tigg, dazzle, thief, and someone else. Dre on duelist, thief on sentinel, tigg controller, dazzle sova, and another flex player.(maybe keep aproto).

posted about 3 years ago

I am stupid, so can someone explain to me why x10 didn’t make it here? It looks like they did slightly better then Boom esports?

posted about 3 years ago

I think it might be based on team population? (I might be wrong) like if you go into the rankings tab and look at “full EU rankings” or “full NA rankings”, you can see that Eu has like 200 something teams while NA has like 100 teams, but if you look at Korea’s ranking, it literally only has 15 teams, and only 5 of them are possible contenders in the world stage.(Nuturn, VS, TNL, F4Q, Damwon). I mean you could say that they deserve. 2nd spot because how good they have been doing but I think riot is trying to develop the valor ant scen worldwide and give all regions proper chances, and giving slots based on number of teams make sense( and its the most fair). People don’t bully me, I could be totally wrong, this is just my opinion. Also just double checked and it seems that SEA actually has the most teams after EU. So yea, 2 slot in champions makes sense.

posted about 3 years ago

Not really, oxygen almost took a map off G2, and SMB just shit on FPX, I don’t support turkey teams, but it’s obvious that they aren’t bad, it just that TL seem to have a play style that doesn’t suit oxygen at all.

posted about 3 years ago
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