Flag: International
Registered: August 7, 2021
Last post: April 24, 2023 at 5:23 PM
Posts: 258
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You right but I did this based on what optic have been picking. As far as I can see, optic have been favoring picking icebox over haven.

posted about 2 years ago

Yo have you seen both teams play fracture? I am sorry but zeta look wayyyy better than optic do on fracture. But I do agree that it can be closer than what I initially said

posted about 2 years ago

I wanted to see the chances of each team winning based on stats and this is my analysis. It could be totally wrong and can have some bias towards zeta bc i want them to win.
All stats used will be based on this tournament.

Maps: Bind, Haven, split, ascent, icebox, Breeze, Fracture.

Zeta will most likely ban Ascent
Optic will most likely ban Breeze
Zeta will most likely Pick Fracture
Optic will most likely Pick Bind
Zeta will most likely Pick Split
Optic will most likely Pick Icebox
Haven will most likely Remain

Fracture - Both teams have a 100% win rate on fracture this tournament. But I think Zeta win this because they feel more comfortable compared to optic who only pick it when they pretty much have to.

Bind- Optic should win bind, but zeta is actually not that bad on this map so they could win this, but i say Optic wins this kinda close: 13-8/9 close

Split- On paper, zeta should win this, but they will have a hard time because of optic's comp which has a kayO that will counter their mid setup. This is a coin toss map, but I am gonna say zeta wins- a very close match.

Icebox- This is another map that both teams are good at. Optic should win this, but if laz and dep put on a very good performance, the series could end here 3-1 in favor of Zeta. But on paper, optic wins this.

Lat map Haven - Optic are really good on this map compared to zeta, but optic has been banning this recently. Unless optic changed their haven comp, zeta wins this because i think they will come into this very prepared.

Zeta wins 3-2.

Other possibilities:
I think fracture and bind are pretty straightforward unless both teams have some hidden strats since both teams actually didn't get the chance to play these 2 maps that much.
In my opinion, split and icebox are going to be very close. If optic wins split, it could be 3-1 for optic but if not, zeta could beat optic on icebox to win 3-1. Otherwise, it goes to haven.
I stated that zeta wins, but it's gonna be hard because optic feel much more comfortable on haven.

Also, I think I am going to be completely wrong and zeta or optic is gonna win 3-0 lmao.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

no way u said that the other regions dont talk shit. I would say other than apac, and japan, all the other regions talk shit

posted about 2 years ago

If they add kanpeki, sick will most likely playing smokes while kanpeki plays flex and chamber. Do you guys think it is waste putting sick on smokes instead of getting a cracked smokes player? Or will the role not hinder him?

posted about 2 years ago

ghost gaming is gonna make some waves this next vct

posted about 2 years ago

Why would location affect viewership when there is no crowd? Genuinely curious. And even if there was crowd why would people just stop watching the event because it’s in a certain country? Am I missing something?

posted about 2 years ago

Ok, emea definetly didn’t come into this with full showing but like… g2 was their second seed? Why is that ignored? M3c didn’t qualify, so what do you mean? And I know they would have had a lot of mental stuff going on but that’s not a good excuse. Fnatic fpx, and g2 were the better teams hence why they qualified. The only team that got fully fucked is fnatic bc they performance decreased by a large margin. I am also not a big fan of the fpx narrative that they were like 1000 times better than the other emea teams and would have easily beat the other inter nations teams. I do think that fpx would have better showing and could have made top 4, but this mega copioum imo

posted about 2 years ago

true, i did say "might"

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

zeta might just eliminate all 3 emea teams....

posted about 2 years ago

Pretty high actually, g2 is been looking pretty lost. Unless they somehow found form they have high chance of losing

posted about 2 years ago

It’s bc yay never sprays, and if you don’t spray, ads is actually good, especially with how good is aim is

posted about 2 years ago

you said it yourself, "in theory". Having an lcq confirms who is the third best team and gives a chance to the teams that might have had a rebuild. ex: like c9. They definetly werent the 3rd best team before lcq, but they won it

posted about 2 years ago

I know right, I support NA, but I think emea should have an extra slot just because of the size of it. I usually consider size and population more than competitiveness, and 3 slots is not enough for cis, eu, and tr combined

posted about 2 years ago

Well, we don’t know who is the third best team, that’s why we have a lcq?

posted about 2 years ago

Champions slots was already released

It’s 2 NA, 1 NA lcq
2 emea, 1 emea lcq
1 Brazil, 1 latam, 2 south American lcq.
1 korea, 1 Japan, 2 sea. Lcq will be split into south and north. North is Korea and Japan and possibly China if they can play. South is sa, sea, and oce. Each with one slot.

posted about 2 years ago

Champions slots was already released

It’s 2 NA, 1 NA lcq
2 emea, 1 emea lcq
1 Brazil, 1 latam, 2 south American lcq.
1 korea, 1 Japan, 2 sea. Lcq will be split into south and north. North is Korea and Japan and possibly China if they can play. South is sa, sea, and oce. Each with one slot.

posted about 2 years ago

I think all of their players might have been poached? Both zeta and cr took the players really fast, and I also think they might have disbanded since seoldammwanted to be a content creator. But apparently he is coming back to pro play,

posted about 2 years ago

Wait anybody know what happened to order? It Looks likes 2 of their players left?

posted about 2 years ago

whats the use of skrossi being so hyped? cant even make it to lan

posted about 2 years ago

interesting bc what i said is not false and one of the players did say this in a interview, so i guess the management was thinking of changing stuff

posted about 2 years ago

i am pretty sure they said in a interview that they werent gonna change anything even if they didnt get to go to iceland

posted about 2 years ago

I dont think they need to replace anybody because their loss felt more of team diff then a player diff. But if you really really want to get new players rather then fixing all the mistakes and shit, i would want to see baddyG for link and molsi for soulcas. But i really dont think a player is a problem

posted about 2 years ago

I also, mods can we split the playoffs and group stage pickems, so we can see who has the best pick em’s for each

posted about 2 years ago

Hahaha, not mine

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Lmao, they just destroyed liquid

posted about 2 years ago

Good for you man

posted about 2 years ago

Why don’t you make more posts abt guard being shit?

posted about 2 years ago

Bro some the people on this forum are real magicians. The guard doubters just disappeared. Damn, what is this witch craft? Lmao, I know they haven’t won the series yet, but it’s amazing how people started hating after game one even thought it was completely new roster against a hot optic coming to playoffs. Like 100t beat both gambit and ascend and lost to envy REALLY badly. Losing to optic 13-7 doesn’t make them a shit team.

posted about 2 years ago

Nah, you can say they could have had the best chance, but people overestimate how big the gap was between them and other tier 1 teams. A lot of people make it seem like they would hav been unstoppable, but it’s not true. Kinda like when team secret couldn’t attend Berlin and everyone started hyping them up to be super super good. Not saying they are bad, but they weren’t nearly as good as the hype.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Oh shit you right, get munchkin instead of Harry for sentinel and you have super team.

posted about 2 years ago

I know a lot of people have said this already but I also think t1 should go back Korea if they fail terribly next challengers. With how much money they have, they could build a super team. For ex:


Seoldam - t1 have so much money, i they will be able to pay enough to get him back from retirement. - jett duelist
Lakia - initiator
Sylvan - controller
Secret - flex role
Harry - sentinel

posted about 2 years ago

It’s double elim but still sucks if we get NA vs NA.

posted about 2 years ago

I am pretty sure Asuna is gonna be playing flex role anyway in 100t. And honesty it would good pick up considering victor is been inconsistent. But I don’t think optic need it, bc victor is not that bad.

posted about 2 years ago

Nah, after rawkus became coach, shaz’s sova became much better and actually put him into being top sovas opin the world. Before he was still good, but his utility wasn’t the best. I also thought they looked more strategic in champions but just didn’t feel ready.

posted about 2 years ago

Bruh this list kind shit. I feel like plat chat only knows NA/emea, and the rest the6 just go “omg, everyone is hyping up these players, let’s put them in top 20”. This Is what the list feels like. It also feels like a a majority of the list is based on if the players are from a good team? I know it’s hard to rank players of they are in an shit team, but if you gonna say that you have watched 100’s of hours of vod reviews, you gotta know this shit.

posted about 2 years ago

I don’t think their players are that bad. But seem super unorganized, I would love to see them import in some really good coaches. To me, the current zeta remind of kru back in Iceland last year. Just super unorganized. If they get their shit together I can see them having some succes later in the year.

posted about 2 years ago

Honestly idk why. The teams that’s were put in playoffs are supposed to be the most competitive team for the most competitive regions. Although loud could be better then drx right now, Korea had better results last year, hence could be called “more competitive” region. But it could also be Latam filling in since latam had better results than Korea last year, and Brazil seed 2 beat latam seed 2, so I guess it justifies Brazil getting to bye to playoffs?

posted about 2 years ago

Ban is much more consistent. Boostio is more of a coin flip

posted about 2 years ago

I think we can all agree that there has been one player at each International event that just popped off and a majority of people started calling them the best player in the world. Iceland 1 was tenz, Berlin was nats, champions is debatable but I would say chronicle, right? Who will be it in Iceland 2?

These are my nominations:

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago
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