Flag: Iceland
Registered: November 2, 2021
Last post: May 28, 2024 at 2:11 AM
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Thats crazy how many people think this, cause imo their site looks faaar superior in every way. Everything is just layed out much nicer; other than the upcoming match list, that shit is a nightmare to read on TheSpike

posted about 2 years ago

yea maybe mobile but it isnt like vlr is good on mobile eitherr

posted about 2 years ago

if 2002 look clean to you then props man but lowkey i rlly dont like it

posted about 2 years ago

damn that kinda sucks man, especially cause that site is actually making innovation while vlr looks like it came out of the dial up era

posted about 2 years ago

they have far more information on the website when it comes to games, the layout is far more efficient and pleasant to read, the colors look more modern, they put FAAAR more effort into actually providing proper metrics that go beyond the regular val stuff like their rating system, and they even have the matches displayed and current tournaments displayed on the main page which is so much more convenient than vlr

posted about 2 years ago

You say the UI sucks but the only comparison is VLR which looks like it was made in 2002

posted about 2 years ago

Why is it that are so underrated and used a lot less than VLR? Were VLR earlier or something? Cause the thing is I feel like TheSpike just looks a lot morer up to date and looks a lot more modern. It has a much preferred UI and gives a lot more information than VLR while being able to pack it more densely on literally every page. Its a lot more like HLTV in that sense where the information is just super dense.
Overall it just seems like a much more high quality product which much higher budget being put into it but from what i can tell the user base is far less than that of VLR which is a shame because as a VLR user myself I feel like I cant move over to TheSpike simply because im talking to a much smaller audience

posted about 2 years ago

meme list, one of the worst ive seen which really does say somethinng

posted about 2 years ago

true C9 are hella sandbaggers. i feel like if i was an na player id rather scrim on 130 ping against eu than go against p much any na team since theyre all sandbaggers

posted about 2 years ago

I mean at this point it comes down to recency bias because there has been no player thats been the GOAT from the very beginning till now.

Cause I can tell you that when Yay was on ABX sure he was popping off but did he win them anything? No.

Tenz has been crazy for most of his val career and he definitely was a cup of golden sand compared to the rest of the desert at a certain point before and during iceland, but now he faces problems with composition and the question of how well would the team do if he isnt the player that is on the duelist which causes a lot of problems.

We can also say cNed but again what has he realistically done for the team? I dont think Champs was because of him at all, he was playing just like how he always does but players like zeek and especially Starxo were the reason for their win. Often times starxo doesnt do anything at all and hes; I would argue, one of the teams worst players (bottom 2 next to Kiles).

Chronicle, absolutely insane, definitely best player in the world, but again he is a super new face and he hasnt achieved really much at all.

I could go on, Scream, Jamppi, Link, Sugarzero, Forsaken, Jing, Derke, Alfajer, Angel (not for fragging but hes probably one of the best IGLs in the world), nAts, Leaf. Youll see however that literally everyone mentioned always has a period in which they didnt do anything at all.

So for the amount of time Tenz was relevant and was dominating, and how he still puts up performance regardless of the teams results I would say hes the GOAT. He has had the most relevance and the highest peak out of anyone in all of valorant history. Sure he has quite an above avg performance on Raze most times and we havent yet seen his chamber so well have to reserve judgement on that but overall hes the longest standing with the highest position.

posted about 2 years ago

completely agree, youve stated pretty much most of his pros and few of his problems but ill add to the too agro bit. He still has a tendency to over agro but i dont think that its due to him not knowing when to do it. Hes gotten a better sense for it now and compared to for example their match against C9, you can really see a difference in his play. He over agros a lot still but he does it when he sees that highly risky window that could win his team the round especially when theyre in a tough spot. Often times it will go wrong but he'll do it in a round where theyve pretty much already lost so it isnt too much of a detriment but on breeze against LG i saw a lot of opportunities for him to exploit LG but it just looked like they were really solid and they were able to catch Tenz making those plays a few times

posted about 2 years ago

its crazy how people were saying just aa few months ago about how sentinels were the ones stuck with the wrong player (being tenz)
VLR and the val community is crazy immature and stupid

posted about 2 years ago

he is insanely loud, lowkey that side of him annoys me a lot cause to me it strikes so much as a non genuine personality. Like i already know he doesnt act like this in real life and its just for his stream which is why it gets on my nerves so much

posted about 2 years ago

he was definitely ONE of the best, I still think that Ange1 is extremely underrated because hes just never been to a lan before. But in terms of personality hes completely fine. Seems like some of the things he does and says would annoy me a little but thats all the same to everyone I know even my closes friends.
I can name a ton of people in valorant ALONE with worse personalities than him but imma just name 1... STEEL

posted about 2 years ago

well i mean he got a ton of views after champs and after stage 1 sooo...

posted about 2 years ago

100T fan lol, checks out

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Id say recently hes gotten A LOT of baiters and haters in his chat and its clearly caused a negative toll on his energy. He seems a lot more exhausted in the past few streams and as if he isnt having fun when hes streaming. Also the amount of time and the general part of the day that he streams has changed and hes also streamed a lot less the past few weeks

posted about 2 years ago

has he? I havent watched football in years but last time I did it was looking like Messi was getting more and more washed will Ronaldo was far surpassing messi

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Probably cookin up sum chamber shit, wbout shahz tho? He prac the fade yet?

posted about 2 years ago

just as many times as i get disappointed constantly having to read the name "Jimmy"

posted about 2 years ago

damn truly some crazy projecting

posted about 2 years ago

zombs on smokes*
Brax is washed asf, the dude played well in one tourney in valorant and he becomes the face of early valorant. Truly crazy shit

posted about 2 years ago

It doesnt matter who is involved, as long as it isnt steel, they will succeed

posted about 2 years ago

Jawgemo is going off, ppl really never realized that this guy was Top 5 this whole time

posted about 2 years ago

Wait they actually might be good. Theyve imoroved their fracture a lot and its lowkey looking like C9 has gravely fallen off from where they once were. This doesnt even look like their performance from Champs. At champs they at least had a really good Frac, rn it really is lookin hella weak

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

yea ik im high asf

posted about 2 years ago

UI error said next map was frac during the game so i thought it was lights out for EG but it turns out its actually ascent. They still have a chance, lets go EG!

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

yea they just didnt have the patience to continue doing what they had been the entire game. It wouldve been a clean win for EG if they just controlled themselves a little more at some key moments
2-0 to c9 i guess

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

yea EG aint winning on fracture with their history on that map. NT go next

posted about 2 years ago

EG got too jittery and they wanted to close it out quick which cost them the round

posted about 2 years ago

RIP going to OT and losing on ATK GGs EG decent showing

posted about 2 years ago

yea... ik.... thats what i said...

posted about 2 years ago

HOW DID YALL LOSE THAT WHAT THE HELL, APOTH PICKED 2 AND COM GOT 1. that shouldnt have even been close I cant believe they lost that round. They legit might lose this map now and thatll be them over for today

posted about 2 years ago

theyve been looking good its just that they have 0 clout. If you look for their open qual matches on youtube youll find like 2 highlights of only the knights game. Watching them in opens they looked rlly good

posted about 2 years ago

typical C9 viper ult whiff

posted about 2 years ago

your mom

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

they arent washed. They were this level last time as well. Ppl cant accept that EG is actually quite formidable this time around

posted about 2 years ago

Great throw top 3 NA team LETS GOOO

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

you good bruh?

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

I was mentioning how EG sort of have a presence similar to FNC or a team like Zeta. They have this suffocating hold over the atmosphere in the match and it doesnt feel like the game is going in the way of the opponent regardless of scoreline. Their atmosphere is not nearly aas dominant as C9 but they definitely have taht feeling while they execute site. Their midrounding is quite good but their post plant seems to be the one thing that really lets the opponents breathe.
EG win this map but i dont remember watching them on fracture so we'll need to see that but C9 will probably win

EDIT: yea eg are ass on frac theyll prob lose by quite a lot

posted about 2 years ago

I think you mean neither team has conformed to the meta. Theyve most definitely ADJUSTED towards it or else they wouldnt be winning like this. There isnt a need to conform to the meta when youre the teams creating the meta likeFNC FPX and M3C where all the other teams hesitate to run what these teams are running only to end up running them months after. Now that jet is weaker and chamber is as well, we'll be seeing more neon comps on split just like M3C started doing a while ago

posted about 2 years ago

I think theyll easily qualify considering the state TL and G2 are in. It'll be FPX, FNC, and M3C just like it was meant to be masters 1

posted about 2 years ago
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