Flag: Iceland
Registered: November 2, 2021
Last post: May 28, 2024 at 2:11 AM
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No fnc I dont think looked bad in the slightest on ascent. They werent amazing on it but its typical for a team like them, they need set protocols in order to show their strengths and structure, they arent amazing at making strats on the fly so everything they had gettign countered by FPX wasnt anything disappointing unlike FPX with the solo yoru plays on frac.
At the end of the day tho map 3 was far better than the other 2

posted about 2 years ago

well then watch co streams. Honestly watching the plat chat co streams and even tariks stream has made the game a lot more exciting and entertaining

posted about 2 years ago

tf you on? FNC best map is Fracture and one of FPXs best maps is Ascent. It was a wipe cause one team was just much better at the map than the other. Frac was played quite poorly by FPX, they didnt really use the yoru as a team and more for solo gimmick plays. Ascent was played well tho by both teams but FPC was just better at it. This map however is the level of play i expect from these teams

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

This map being played right now is amazing im loving this. This is what great valorant looks like, FNC and FPX are definitely some of the best in the world no questions about it

posted about 2 years ago

literally icebox has been played with 0 duelist for so long by so many teams. learn how to play the game kid

posted about 2 years ago

fine? You have to be either blind or stupid

posted about 2 years ago

thats cause FNC are looking so crazy. These guys look like theyre about to really take over EU this time around without even needing to hide strats

posted about 2 years ago

kinda accurate lowkey. I mean tbf tho i think this was a poor showing on fracture from sen compared to their past matches

posted about 2 years ago

In what universe was Acends run the hardest out of Champions? They faced garbage teams the whole way through till the finals.
Envy looked like tier 2 garbage in their game against Acend, Vivo Keyd was probably their lowest rated opponent AND THAT WAS THE TEAM THEY LOST TO ONCE AND ALMOST LOST TO AGAIN WITH A 7-0 FREE STARTING LEAD, Team Secret who looked absolutely flat in the match against Acend honestly felt like match fixing not even gonna lie Dubstep sucking Cneds cock midgame, Team Liquid looked just as flat as Team Secret and they played the worst valorant out of all the matches in the knockout stage (other than Team Secret).
Gambit was arguably the only challenge for them and even in the finals Gambit had so many questionable moments but I wont say that thats the reason Acend won cause the real reason they won was their cockiest player stepped it up for the first time and last time of his valorant career and actually did something that person being starxo. If it wasnt for his constant lucky and truly unbelievable multi frags they wouldnt have even gotten close, tho i guess thats gambits fault for sometimes not fully clearing things

posted about 2 years ago

its crazy how people are acctually mad at this post. Man VLR never ceases to amaze me

posted about 2 years ago

Its funny how I agree with the Loud one

posted about 2 years ago

no they didnt they clearly are way worse than stage 1

posted about 2 years ago

Male Pattern Balding, look it up you baboons

posted about 2 years ago

just like your mother

posted about 2 years ago

i mean to be fair theres no reason to disband, all they have to do is get a real igl that can actually play the game and i can guarantee theyll reach low tier 1 again instantly

posted about 2 years ago

Why do you think theres a big L at the end of his name

posted about 2 years ago

steel is literally in tier 3 rn about to fall to 4

posted about 2 years ago

do some stretches, use your arm to aim more, play less in a day, make sure you keep your wrist in a neutral position when aiming and not to twist it too much

posted about 2 years ago

wait how do you know?

posted about 2 years ago

They always manage to stream the matches with the least possibility of upset its crazy. Its like theyre trying to get less viewers. No one wants to watch Knights vs YFP (TBF this and V1 vs SKW were quite close but i feel like theyre just playing bad rn), no one wants to watch COL vs Cosmic Divide. Stream the actual matches like Moon Raccoons vs Aspyre, I wanna see Virtuoso vs Team Mysitc, I wanna see EG vs Pugstars.

nah im trolling but i really just wanna see Ghost playing man. Just stream the highest skill level team man, no one wanna watch cosmic divide

posted about 2 years ago

pwny carrying steel again

posted about 2 years ago

There is no way this guy used to be on an international level team. He is so bad its not even funny anymore i just feel bad for the rest of the players.
Round 7 btw

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

ikr that shit looked tier 3 levels of bad

posted about 2 years ago

curry would be one of thebest pickups imo. The dude has never been on a team with actual prospect and its a shame cause the dude is insane

posted about 2 years ago

true i didnt see it at first, dayum

posted about 2 years ago

i just ssaid steel is bad, the rest of the players are great and they have a lot of potential

posted about 2 years ago

tf you on the newest iteration of this team is full of potential but they just have an ass igl that cant coordinate them for shit. Everyone said the same abt sayaplayer, jonahP, and ban and then they got actual teams that they could play in and proved they were good. The players on T1 are that kind of potential, especially Curry and dynamic.
Steel is clearly the one holding this team back at the end of the day and he needs to go

posted about 2 years ago

"Bind was very one dimensional" Sen proceed to dominate on Bind even more with every consecutive match

posted about 2 years ago

Giannero being braindead as usual. Well i mean at least you credited him for explaining, still braindead tho

posted about 2 years ago

Damn sherlock, what led you to that conclusion???

posted about 2 years ago

your mom has caught up to your ass. That is the most shit take ive ever heard. That mightve been the problem in Champs but definitely not the case with Stage 1 and right now. If they played like they did in Iceland I have no doubt they would be top 4 right now in NA cause they were really just a good team with great reads and great counterstrating, people keep underestimating the level sentinels were at but they were REALLY far ahead of the competition at the time. When you combine a team full of cracked players that were arguably the best players on their respective roles at the time with the profuse amounts of work shahz put in to create DOCUMENTS for every INDIVIDUAL team on how to counterstrat them, it gets you absolute domination over the esports in question. They definitely wouldnt be dominant playing like that now but they definitely would be a massive force to reckon with and if teams come unprepared they would definitely get wiped. I still think that Iceland was the peak of Sentinels with an argument to be made for SSOME maps in champions, but honestly just rewatch iceland and youll see that they actually knew what the fuck they were doing and tehy were dismantling teams from the inside out

posted about 2 years ago

everytime i see your posts i just fail to even understand how you were raised to be able to find out how to comment on VLR let alone function as a human being

posted about 2 years ago

Its unpopular but it definitely isnt an opinion, its a fact. People are so blinded by their hatred towards SEN that literally anything SEN do will be criticised and used against them to create whatever narrative the haters want to. V1s situation right now is literally the same as Sen in fact it should be even better than sen considering they had plenty amount of time to practice with wardell (compared to how much time SEN had to practice with Kanpeki) and on top of that their team isnt the one switching roles, its wardell filling what they need him to. With sentinels its pretty much a complete overhaul, their team needs to revise their style of play on every single map because of the hole that zombs left in the team. Their defense is now lacking and sick needs to find a way to fill it in along with Dapr and potentially shahz.
Theyve been looking better and better every single game and they also dont have a coach so eveything is on shahz. The dude has been cutting down his streaming time by A LOT and im guessing hes making use of the time with prac and creating a strategy for his team. You could see how their comps were changing around clearly showing that they dont have much practice in scrims at all. It looks like theyve only been able to test out their set ups in the tourney and arguably had they had more time to either fix up split or at least practice a larger map pool like icebox or smth, they would definitely have a large chance at winning against LG.
Everyone is disagreeing and hating on sentinels but time and time again they fail to provide any evidence of Sen being bad or just in general not being as strong as they should be. They had super close series against Faze and LG and somehow people are still braindead enough to call them a tier 2 team which really just show the prejudice against sen

posted about 2 years ago

Will switched to his pistol in the last round, truly unacceptable he should be dropped just cracking under the pressure

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Honestly its a good thing they lost against LG cause now they get more actual practice against proper teams with proper stakes to qual for the tourney

posted about 2 years ago

im seeing a pattern here

posted about 2 years ago

clearly not

posted about 2 years ago

Yes i can confirm that i am the manager of optic and I know exactly how they won

posted about 2 years ago

flair doesnt check out

Sen literally have had the most dominant showing in the game to date and all people can say about them is that they need a coach. I smg everytime i read these comments

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

"coaches do that" Chet is not a coach. His mindset for the game is a terrible one, he thinks the game has a low level of play, he thinks that good players cant carry a game when thats literally what his star player has been doing for the entire year. The dude is just overall not fit to be a coach in valorant and it doesnt even seem like he enjoys it. I honestly believe that FNS has contributed more to the team than chet has in terms of prac and strats

posted about 2 years ago

yay carrying the team all the way to lan and FNS filled in his role of coach and did a great job as IGL, i can tell you for sure that Chet was not the reason they won reykjavic

posted about 2 years ago

yea hes very overrated he plays too many cringe comps imo

posted about 2 years ago

the banter would be unreal

posted about 2 years ago

Chet is definitely far from number one, hes lucky yay is carrying his team and FNS is filling both roles in so he can sit on the coach table and drink his redbull and make sure his hairline is pretty for the camera

posted about 2 years ago

the dude literally took the most unknown players in the scene and a dude that was on a tier 3 team and brought them all the way to lan. Hes definitely number 1 in my books and will be for a while

posted about 2 years ago
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