youre saying this as if every other international team has won anything period
Flag: | Iceland |
Registered: | November 2, 2021 |
Last post: | November 3, 2024 at 9:09 PM |
Posts: | 1534 |
youre saying this as if every other international team has won anything period
i mean who ever said they werent? I dont think ive ever supported an org because of the org. Its always been the players and i find it crazy when people support an org like its their own family cause at the end of the day theyre just businesses.
Social media teams are whatever i guess you could want to support that but it doesnt rlly have any real connection to the games.
If i like the players on SEN then imma keep supporting them for as long as that stays the case
I honestly have no idea how VLR users keep disappointing, they rlly just downvoted an irrelevant unprovocative non-controversial statement
i wish he could stream more hes a rlly entertaining guy to watch esp when hes playing with dapr or sinatraa
calm down bruh, your bias is showing
the problem is tho they arent actively preparing for them right now. They need to focus on actually getting through their respective brackets
I couldve sworn i changed NRG v Loud to have Loud winning
Was incredibly surprised at the fact that talon look so much better than xerxia
PRX throw also not accounted for, so honestly id say p good
no but drx and loud get a 14 day break
yall rlly got too much money to spend goddamn
bro if this game is easy for FNC then theyve already won the entire tournament
yea but put this in a semi final and tell me which game would be more hype?
we'll just have to see
what is bro on?
yall just find the weirdest things to hate huh
im fr gonna clown on you so hard when literally the most likely teams to win it actually do win the event
the teams that have 0 chance are:
2nd place curse has literally happened twice; 3 times if you count gambit falling off but thats honestly a stretch.
yall need to chill out with that shit
oh yea cause acend got second place in masters iceland 2021 and gambit won iceland 2022
in what universe is KOI better than guild? KOI have literally done nothing and their "star players" are either washed or tier 2 mediocre prospects. The only person on that team i can see making any dent in NRG are Sheydos and koldamenta and even those two have their off games (koldamenta specifically)
second place curse doenst count cause theyre a different org with different players
KOI are the shittiest team ever, Sheydos p gud, starxo had 1 good tourney in his entire career as a human being, the rest are mid and they have a tier 2 player that everyone is saying is gonna be the MVP but lets be real here, theyre going against the optic core.
NRG are also p much buffed optic cause Marved fell off HARD after Iceland and yay was super inflexible as a fragger and could only play sage and jett. Ardiis is a more flexible yay who arguably has higher peaks and potentially could be better than yay with the core of Optic setting him up. Sam is said to be a really good smokes player (tho im yet to see it), better than marved according to FNS.
No chance KOI win on their own terms, if they win its gonna be because NRG flop HAAAARD
they definitely will be really impressive. I feel like they might go the farthest out of the NA teams if NRG finish short
makes sense when you see his flag, hes obligated to be at least a little patriotic.
Anyone in their right mind would know that an arguably buffed optic would win against a team who has literally done nothing.
Bro just called a team that qualified for LAN once through a fluke the greatest of all time
I love this, bro fr cares about his players that hes willing to do whatever it takes to pay them out.
both benkai and dapr are heavily underrated. People say dapr is trash all the time but it always stems from their dislike of him (cause some people just cant handle a little tbagging)
Less imo is p underrated still cause the fact that its a debate whether hes in top 3 or not is blasphemous
pls watch G2 v Faze or v BU, if you think dapr is overrated in anyway after that then imma need to hop on whatever website youre using to interact with ppl
biased much?
nAts, SUYGETSU, Less, dapr, Benkai
Extremely Underrated: dapr
Underrated: benkai, less
Perfectly Rated: Suygetsu
Overrated: nAts
Extremely Overrated:
aint no way you addicted to this doo doo ah song
kiles was carried tho its different. Loud has some of the top players in the world on every role
suygetsu is good because hes a good player. Taking him off the sentinel role wouldnt change that. Less however is actually good at the role itself. Ofc thatss not to take away from how good suygetsu is at playing sentinel its just that people rate him so highly not because of how he fills his role but because of his aim and fragging potential on a role that would typical not have much
suygetsu and nats are completely different. Nats is a bit like less in that he definitely plays the actual role of a sentinel pretty well but hes more just a really good lurker rather than a good sentinel.
Suygetsu isnt really a good sentinel in any sense of the word. Hes good at everything he does simply because he never misses and he has cracked ass movement. Bro is an aim and clutch god, doesnt mean hes the best at the role itself.
Id still give best sentinel to Less, hes similar to players like zombs in that he does his role so well that there are no stats that can really explain how much impact he has which causes people to under estimate them. Just like zombs was, Less is a huge factor as to why his team won a major.
their persona is toxicity just like sentinels
im pissed as fuck at riot cause theyre killing their own viewership here. The two teams that bring BY FAR the most viewership out of any orgs are facing it off in a single elim round 1
its not even gonna be that hype tho cause its a first round match. hella fucking disappointing. Riot rlly made this bracket and are milking all the good matches in the first 2 rounds
On god these first round matches for the Sao Paolo event are garbage. IDK if Riot rigged them to get high viewership right of the bat but it isnt not optimal in the long run. All the good teams are gonna face off other good teams from the beginning and the bad teams face the bad. Thats just gonna result in mid tourney matches that no one is hype for and that no one wants to watch
youre not wrong but that isnt a good thing. It kills viewership and hype which is exactly the point of a tournament
you know loud lost 2 of their best players right
Same here, my number 1 and 2 teams facing it off in the beginning is torture esp in a single elim format
but the meta was working for them so i dont know what youre on about
and thats exactly why they dominated on a map theyve never played before with tenz on the kayo role getting 25 assists and having a ton of impact frags.
Yea keep talking
not if hes uncomfortable playing duelist on those maps. Thats like saying Leaf playing viper is killing his impact as compared to when he plays skye or jett. NO IT ISNT. If on certain maps a player is uncomfortable playing their regular role then it isnt an issue if they decide to lock another role and play for someone else. Its completely common and i dont know why youre making it out to be a proven negative statistic
you realize he had 25 assists in his first game playing KO right
sit down my guy, your hate boner for sen is unsightly
it rlly feels like youre the one that thinks theyre hot shit T_T
i refuse to believe human beings can be that stupid
This is pitiful from riot. W waited FOUR FUCKING MONTHS to only be greeted by possibly the worst format for a 32 team tournament in all of esports.
I dont know who the fuck organized this but I dont know why theyre acting as if they dont have any time throughout the year so they decided on this format. If this goes through then Riot has single handedly killed ALL the hype for this tournament before its even begun.
Riot youve been spreading out Ls all over the place recently, please dont throw out a bigger one
youre the one thats brainless for the fact that you think this is even remotely justifiable by the fact that there are 30 teams