PC gaming in Japan needs to be mainstream for quite some time, look at China and Korea, they have been playing PC games since the concept even exists, while in Japan at that time PC games are mainly Hentai games and Love simulator. This needs time, meaning the PC gaming needs to have a hold in Japan and not just become a fad ( only exists for 5 years then everyone back to console).
Playerbase itself, currently Valorant is just a "spectator sports" in Japan, this is great meaning there's an incentive for the region to improve, since the demand is there, but the playerbase are lacking. Talent only comes from the playerbase, when your player base is small meaning there's less talent to pick up, academy team can help relieve this issue, but ultimately there needs to be a larger playerbase.
Essentialy PC gaming culture needs to take root. It will take time, it took Korea from Cs 1.6 to pubg or overwatch to be great (Idk how accurate when exactly their fps become good but it's not that they're) and China too. Expecting Japan to do good in 4 years timespan is crazy if imma be honest, which is why my whole point when I'm speaking about VCJ is about how to make the region better.