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Last post: March 9, 2025 at 12:30 PM
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Except Singapore and india, no one will go anywhere tbh , the reason jp has tons of imports because jp pays more than most region.

posted 8 months ago

Because you have ascension and it's easier to bring in imports since they are already good from the start and with jp talents you need time to nurture them. Besides, less imports doesn't necessarily imply more views. You also have to think about the player quality. Something has a huge following because of his talents.

I'm more concerned of their talent development. Besides, vcj has tons of views every week so I'm not so concerned about that.

posted 8 months ago

I am always clear with my goal. I want vcj to be able to produce more talent than they do now and one place where they can develop either join and academy team or compete directly in T2.

Obviously a drop in imports are going to lead to less good results.

But relying on imports just serves a long term problem for vcj. When the time japan isn't a popular region for imports then we are doomed for sure, so it's better to fix the issue before it's too late.

And besides valorant is kinda popular in japan and while the wave is still going strong I want vcj to capitalize on the upcoming talents. That obviously means less imports and more development.

However it is also unrealistic to just cut off imports altogether, especially how much we've relied on them. And like some people have mentioned, imports also serves as a competition and benchmark for upcoming japanese talent.So I just want a stricter rules on import quota and no loopholes of sort.

posted 8 months ago

I mean TO BE FAIR, this region has a lot of imports. So people can be quite unhappy, and I doubt many people in pacific outside from jp understand this sentiment, heck I don't even think lots of jp ppl themselves had mitii's sentiment.

But that doesn't excuse what mitii just did tho. And I do hope he learned his lesson.

posted 8 months ago

Pretty much

posted 8 months ago

Oof that's worse than what was clipped

posted 8 months ago

Went out of the window is all I can say.

posted 8 months ago

Mitii or tixx?

posted 8 months ago

Unfortunate, but it's bound to happen sooner or later ( like it or not). People can sometimes be mad and say somehting quite unpleasant,besides, not all japanese quite agree with his comments there.

posted 8 months ago

What do you make of Davinc9, he seems quite good no (from the clips I see on X)?

posted 8 months ago

So my sentiment is not that rare after all (even though my aim isn't the same as them but we're quite similar in some ways) πŸ˜…. All this time I always think that I'm fighting against the world. I do feel that's more of domestic team rivalry issue. No one likes being defeated and if you want to take down someone, you will do anything to do that. But hey, there's a lot of people like you too so I wouldn't worry about that.πŸ‘Œ

posted 8 months ago

What Scarz did is just like telling everyone, "Hey guys, We can win this shit without relying on Japanese players at all, you should join us too since the rules are so laxed and they're (supposedly) much better than JP players". The implication on this scene is huge, especially when you've been relying on imports a lot. This will exacerbate the problem even more.

posted 8 months ago

Just know that you're bringing bad influence on this scene, and if what I feared do indeed happen, I will never forgive you for that.

posted 8 months ago

For one, this is not me being Japanese or not( that's because I'm not) .I'm just grown to love this scene a lot. I always tried to word my sentence hoping that this does not come out as hate speech. I'm not blaming Yotaa or Yoshii for being half japanese here.

But I'm also not blind as to what kind of trickery Scarz just pulled this year and last. I just want a scene where we don't rely too heavily on Imports, and what Scarz have been doing is just making us relying on imports more and it's not a good thing.

posted 8 months ago

No one is hating on Tixx bro. I'm just tired of Scarz's shenanigans. The org are literally harming the scene

posted 8 months ago

I'm being sarcastic XD

posted 8 months ago

Sure bro, Johnta is fluent in Japanese. Very convincing argument there. Regardless all this happened because you wanted an english speaking roster.

posted 8 months ago

If push really comes to shove I will have to bet my chances on Riddle or even SG to do the job πŸ˜…

posted 8 months ago

The owners are Japanese, and they can field a Japanese roster if they wanted to. Their R6's roster is japanese roster after all. It's just Fadezis said he wanted an english speaking roster.

posted 8 months ago

so the only one that will be counted as import if they win ascension is Lumo?? tf bro πŸ˜…

posted 8 months ago

Are both Jemkin and something considered as imports or not?

posted 8 months ago

Exactly lmao, I mean that's probably the reason JDG flopped in the end, they got screwed by the import rule having to choose whether to retain stew or yoman πŸ˜….

posted 8 months ago

No doubt the scene will thrive it's just I'm concerned that issues like the import rules will come and bite vcj in the future πŸ˜….

posted 8 months ago

I have no doubt in Zeta's talent development tbh. Sure, players like Yuran may be a flop. But let me remind you that Aace,Yatsuka and Caedye all got picked by Zeta Academy.

posted 8 months ago

TBH I feel like people like Tenzou actually benefitted from this roster because everyone can see that he's good. Prior to this roster I actually thought he's not good at all. So Tenzou getting recognized for his talent is the only upside I can see from this roster.
And even that, it's much sadder when you realize that the only reason Tenzou is picked aside from his talent is because of his fluency in English.

posted 8 months ago

Bet if they lose this split Fadezis is gonna cut Tenzou and find another half japanese so he can fulfill his dream of getting a full english-speaking roster πŸ˜‚. In the first place, the concept of an english speaking roster in a non-english speaking league is already absurd by itself

posted 8 months ago

Yeah bro I have no clue how vcj are still allowing this shit to happen.

posted 8 months ago

I've been saying this to everyone from the start. And the way scarz builds this roster are even more harmful than just getting imports who can speak Japanese. When you import a korean or two, at least they can speak Japanese so you can get Japanese players to compete too, so there is development there.

Scarz roster is an english speaking team in Japanese League where I'm pretty sure barely anyone is able to speak fluently. Which means less development for JApanese talent instead scarz have to get 4 imports.

posted 8 months ago

Lots of jp players come from games that are not tac shooter

posted 8 months ago

You should have said that from the start πŸ€£πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

posted 8 months ago

Derialy more or less had mental block, so they had no choice but to find someone. johnta,fennel's coach, worded them better than I do.
( johnta's message is at number 7)

posted 8 months ago

Aside from clz ,who else that comes from fortnite?

posted 8 months ago

I believe in absol πŸ›πŸ›πŸ›

posted 8 months ago

It's probably something called 🌈localization🌈 🀣

posted 8 months ago

Derialy moving out is unfortunate but it can't be helped

posted 8 months ago

Zeta's this year's roster moves have been devastating. And it's not even entirely players' fault

posted 8 months ago

Absol, aace yatsuka , syouta, thiefy ,Brian, caedye, million,clz

posted 8 months ago

I have no doubt that jp t2 are capable enough to make zeta and dfm looks decent. So no worries tbh , orgs like zeta and dfm just need to get themselves together and all good honestly

posted 8 months ago

Sad but not surprised. The players are good but circumstances around them aren't

posted 8 months ago

Tempura playing phoenix? lmao I'm kinda curious

posted 8 months ago

Not at Xnfri's level for sure. Best assumption is not sufficient for comms

posted 8 months ago

That depends on Meiy. He really likes CR after all.

posted 8 months ago

He's the reason guild broke off. He received backshots from each guild members and everyone ran off not wanting to pay for child support.

posted 8 months ago

Wtf zeta catching strays for no reason 😭

posted 8 months ago

I'm guessing it had to be more of a technical reasons

posted 8 months ago

dang bro you beat me to it lmao

posted 8 months ago

tell that idiot jake sin to do that instead of letting more kr players to jp. Even then, there's no guarantee the pay would increase by much and we're back to square one

posted 8 months ago

read what I said again. I never said you guys didn't have potential idiot.

posted 8 months ago

This isn't league idiot. If you guys have oh-my-god-so-much potential then maybe just let kr players develop in Korea instead of japan

posted 8 months ago
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