I think you should be Zeta's, they clearly need one rn 😂( MB I SHOULD BE ZETA'S AL GAIB)
Flag: | International |
Registered: | May 13, 2024 |
Last post: | March 9, 2025 at 11:43 AM |
Posts: | 6010 |
I think you should be Zeta's, they clearly need one rn 😂( MB I SHOULD BE ZETA'S AL GAIB)
amen brother, I'm sure new Spanish talent will come out soon too. 🤝
Istg I'll be having this debate everytime vcj happens lmao .Sometimes I'm just that frustrated. I hope that current jp players on vcj do indeed get better overtime.
Zeta can't be that bad 😭( copium)
Sry to pop your balloons brother, ge ain't going anywhere
Pretty much 😅, I just went on a crusade talking about why the rules should change. The timing is just too perfect lmao
Brother I thought riot finally do something about import rules . Got me excited for nothing 😂 .Regardless this is still a good thing.
I know that fisker is half br. But he's been on jp from the start right? I don't think he really counts as import.
I hope so. Cmiiw, I think I've heard yoshii spoke Japanese before in their communications during intermission. It's probably lumo that cannot speak Japanese.
Who are you talking about? I have no clue
Maybe you're right, vcj do need the exposure that scarz provides, I'm just afraid this league will be full of teams like scarz where there's more import players than jp players 😭
I actually think them using sage comps is because million is good (or at the very least can play it lol.
I do consider that the quality would go down and would be for a long time. But it's probably for the better, people like aace will have a chance to prove themselves. And that's the point of t2 right? I get that winning ascension is,however , i think winning without your own players barely feels like it 😔
Mb bro, we don't have a choice or else scarz and jp teams like them are gonna go mr worldwide.
Mb I'm still dyslexic. What do you mean by "unify the rules"?
Brother I get that you want to support your fellow oce player but he played in INDIA, I don't remember india is called japan. He might be considered a local player in India, he's still an import in japan
Because we have case like yotaa who never even touched jp server before this split and suddenly he's a jp player now. I say let him stay for 2 splits just like yoshii ,then I can admit he's a player from this region. Even by what I just said teams will definitely not get the memo and just do what I say and get another one once he become a local player 😅
Mb I'm dyslexic for a second lmao
Any rules on the quota?( mb can't read lmao)
Ofc I don't want to blame the players at all. If I'm a pro and given a better salary I would take it too. I'm just annoyed how the roster moves were even allowed in the first place. And you're right , this is not a world cup or Olympics I'm just annoyed hearing people talking about how imports farms jp players all the time.
Sry to hear that johnta, hope for your win against rc
How exactly are they impacted ? Other than India and Japan barely any team in apac t2 fields one import let alone 2 . Also cmiiw in emea if you are an import and you play in the region for two splits you are considered local but that only works in emea doesn't apply to non emea region. Which means you can change the rule without affecting any other region
Which is why a rule change is needed cant you see the issue here? They are developing 18yo imports and neglecting their own players
Brother I like this region because I feel bad for cr being shat on by vlr from Berlin Era. Me being a weeb has no factor in why I like this region
I dont doubt tenzou's ability, he really is a good player. But fadezis mentioned that he wanted to build an English roster and tenzou can speak English so yeah there's that. And sry but I want to see a new jp face not imports korean or not. Jp needs to quit relying on imports if that means less Koreans are gonna play in vcj then so be it .
Wait I have no idea about that ,fr?
I'm saying that scarz is setting a bad precedent here. How many more half japanese around the world that scarz is gonna pull into their team just because of their refusal to field a jp player
For one I'm not even from jp. I just loved this region a lot. Two, there are people like aace who came out of nowhere which shows that jp has what it takes to be a good region.
Well yotaa is clearly an import and I refuse to accept that tixx isnt counted as an import, bro has been playing in servers miles away from Japan's
I won't deny that I'm mad. But you have to be blind to not see the bullshit that scarz pulls here. How many more half japanese in the world will scarz recruit because of their refusal to take another jp player. Brother, tenzou is picked because he can speak English in a fucking jp league where everyone speaks Japanese 😭
Suggestion: one import or half japanese that plays in leagues other than Japan's. Meaning if you have one import in your team you can't get another import or half japanese who doesn't play for the league. This is to prevent another disgrace being pulled by teams like scarz
I'm fine with yoshii staying bro has been playing in jp league for a long time now ( I'm quite reluctant but the same probably goes for lumo) . But Yotaa and Tixx have no right to be here.
Which is why they needs a rule change, jp league are just wasting time , resources and money just on imports when it's pretty obvious they are just gonna end up in a team that isn't zeta or dfm. What happened to talent development ? 😭
Lumo is full-fledged Russian. And you don't have to tell me that both yotaa and yoshii are half japanese I know that too well. Which is why I'm mad, Scarz is just gonna fill these league with imports (half or not half japanese), they're setting a bad precedent on jp league
Their clearly a bunch of tier1 imports strapped by a loose regulations on import taking slots that are supposed to be filled with jp players.
I swear to God they need to change their regulations clearly whatever is on the rules clearly doesn't work for jp teams. Especially import rules
I'm starting to hate jp management a fucking lot😡. From 4 imports in 1 team to stupid roster moves like this.
Sometimes I feel like the world just hates me for wanting the best for this league 😔 gg
NC fennel !! One more map to go
I thought that only applies to their valorant team 😅
Brother they won 2 splits
Istg syouta just breathed life onto fennel 😭
I think crazy racoon or zeta are bigger than dfm
Oh lol mb I no longer played valo so I never had problems with an i5 laptop