So no scrims against apac teams?( oops that's supposed to be a reply)
Flag: | International |
Registered: | May 13, 2024 |
Last post: | March 9, 2025 at 11:43 AM |
Posts: | 6010 |
So no scrims against apac teams?( oops that's supposed to be a reply)
The secret is to not choke when it matters 😂
How good is full sense actually compared to other t2 ?I've never seen their games before
Btw do aussie teams scrim with any teams besides aussie teams? Is ping an issue?
At least gotta make it 2 Indians or something. 1 is just too sad for a so called "Indian" team ðŸ˜
I agree honestly. But not because they're shit or anything. I just question GE's commitment to field an Indian team.
I think 1.4b people is a bit misleading. I think it's better to ask how many out of those 1.4b actually plays valo
Sry but isn't that just what happened in Brazil?
The only thing they're going to warm up is their ass cheeks after just getting back shots from g2
You should add
Wait I thought that's cheese as in "cheese strat"
Tbh I had low expectations of fnc so I'm quite surprised they actually almost beat geng.
Thanks for the answer mCe. Btw, ever thought about coaching for a jp team 😀?
Unfortunately, I think both Koreans and Chinese fans are too prideful to be able to see your point. I hope to be proven wrong tho
I might be pessimistic here , but I think doing that would only inflate their ego.
To be fair, I think fennel needs to lose every once a while. I believe they will be back next match.
Tbh I think tenn just needs more time
Hi mortadelo, how familiar are you with the Spanish scene, has it always been lots of non-spanish players or is this just a recent thing?
I'm not sure they're really zainichis ( cmiiw ) , either way , zainichi or not if they played in a server for a long time then to me that no longer counts as an import. I know thats probably not the right standard but that's kind of why I don't think yoshii is an import now , the same goes for lumo.
Realistically there will always be kr imports and I can somehow tolerate them because ( cmiiw) they sometimes play in jp server too. I just don't want to see jp vct turns into spanish vct XD
I agree that we should not blame the players for grabbing the bag , I just find it incredibly scummy from the management for abusing the import quota. I mean last year was quite weird enough with 3 imports and now they're going to import 4 ? I agree with arin here jp scene won't get far if they still relies on import.