Br t2 watchers are any of the players mentioned above good? And why do I sympathize and felt there is a struggle in both jp and br t2s😂
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Registered: | May 13, 2024 |
Last post: | March 9, 2025 at 11:08 PM |
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Br t2 watchers are any of the players mentioned above good? And why do I sympathize and felt there is a struggle in both jp and br t2s😂
At least he's saving everyone's reputation 😂
Good for him to acknowledge his mistake. Hopefully this team can do better next year
I'm calling it guys Onni might be the future of Jp GC ( hopium overdose)
Future ain't looking bright if they keep Carlao as coach 😂
I think if I had to justify on why Hiroronn should be benched is probably just to gain his confidence back, bro has been left in tatters playing for zeta.
Also I've just realized that from what you mentioned about Yuran he probably had a serious role issues too 🤦
million can be an alternative too, I swear to god jp tier 2 players barely has anyone with a proper role. aside from duelist ( which is the most consistent) , everyone can suddenly be an omen player lmao
Are we talking about hiroronn's stats prior to joining zeta ( fennel) or his current stats in zeta . If it's his time in Zeta , then I'd say the sample is too small to make such claims.
I dont wanna generalize but looking at yuran, it's kinda safe to think that it's probably a bad idea to throw a jp academy player directly to tier 1 without proper stint at tier 2
They are staying alive for next year 😭.
But tbh unfortunate for yuran , he needs the exposure in Tier 2. I guess Being an academy player has one of its downside as well( I know I have little sample but looking at the difference between hiroronn and yuran I think I'm justified to think so)
The biggest disappointment in APAC has to be zeta. Losing to dfm is just a symbolically new low 😭
Jp observers always know that hiroronn is just having a severe role issues
I'm expecting artists out there are taking notes rn
Now I'm pissed for hiroronn for being fucked over by role issues 😭
You can see cn yt streams are full of Vietnamese chats 🤣
Pls and give zeta the dub hiroronn needs a redemption 🤣
Brother what are you on about they are not the same demographics 🤣
I got second hand embarrassment when you listed ssees at 7 and higher than sugarzero
Shut up bro let me celebrate whatever win Zeta has.😭
Counter your counter :
Laz ace on icebox
What is this statement, the next thing someone is gonna say the Messi of football 😭
Cmiiw, it's the program where you are forbidden to speak english (or your natural language) and force yourself to speak purely the language you intended to learn.
Mce is gonna enroll in one of those immersive language program.
Oh my God you're actually right. Warbirds literally coached team secret who barely speaks English in comms( cmiiw).
If Mce is in then better get a translator
We can't repeat the same mistake again 😭
Stfu let me celebrate 😅, go cook some bullshit with your insider source, I'd like to hear that more from you 🤣
If This region is gonna import players and coaches they better import the best of the best , not wasting money on some prospects who's gonna bite jp region back in the future.
-all staff
-hiroronn( role issues sadly)
-yuran ( just not good)
+doombros and translator
+Xdll( initiator)
VLR should get their own SurfShark
I don't mind most of them but rating murash so low and Scarz so high just doesn't do it for me.
Murash sounds cool bruh.
Scarz sounds like something a 13yo would name. It's edgy af.
I kinda knew that at some point, but I figured no one really knew so I just kept it to myself lol
If you can explain why this thread is terrible constructively it's criticism. If you can't then it's hate 😂
Dfm will be holding on Meiy for their lives lol.
Maybe it's time for Laz to retire ( sad) and get Hiroronn to his sentinels role. Get Yuran back to tier 2, he was picked by Zeta Acad and looking at Aace, Yatsuka and Caedye ( ex-Zeta acad rosters), I'd like to believe that Yuran is just not confident at all.
The future isn't that bleak for japanese Valorant. I have faith in Absol , Aace, Yatsuka and other jp t2 prospects to lead the way. I believe this region can go 2 full jp roster on tier 1
Just fire current coaching staff and get a translator and Doombros at this point.
Welcome to ZETA, Doombros.
I can't explain the rest but ZETA's and DFM's failure this split can be attributed to roster moves and lack of firepower.
CN watchers, anyone know who are the casters, they sound hype.
Tbf GE being called Indian team only fielding 1 Indian is insane 😅
Oh yes ,I think I actually remembered that lol 😅