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Last post: March 6, 2025 at 11:04 AM
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Ig Polaris people like Bodork feel invested in team bcz of Polvi and Spin .
So they keep shielding them from criticism rest you can connect dots

posted 8 months ago

But whom do you pick there??
It's pretty clear Rdeew is their best talent but his health problems prevent him from signing for big teams.
Others are pretty raw there too and will need time and I think it's better for GE then as Indian org to groom Indians instead of OCE players

posted 8 months ago

I think it's popular opinion rn unfortunately GE's team management doesn't seem to understand that.
I don't think you need to sign 5 Indians even someone like Azys or Dos9 or Tesseract can be signed.
They play in Indian T2 and they are actually great aimers better than what GE has atm and I am sure fans do hv some connect with them too.
Wildoreoo looking so good out there and trust me Azys has always been a better player in Ph league and SA league.
Don't get me wrong Polvi is decent but he doesn't pop off big enough to win maps on his back and Azys can do that a lot.

posted 8 months ago

Trinity's highs are insane, literally becomes the best player of India hope he brings more consistency.

posted 8 months ago

Not their decision Anti decided to retire from competing 4 days before split started and no one else was available so ace.

posted 8 months ago

You need to get picked no?? They don't hv any dedicated league so it hampers their development, there was a reddit post in Jan regarding this .
Now ig RNT has opened door for more pickups by their scouting since they have proven to be great players.

posted 8 months ago

see it's GE customary 6th man and nothing else so I won't say much.
But knowing Rushi he won't want to spend much money so for ex if MLT drops roster he is more likely to pick Rawfiul, or if RGE drops roster he may pick RVK for free instead of buyout.
I mentioned these 2 bcz these were 2 names mentioned by him when he was asked who from India has potential of playing in T1

posted 8 months ago

that's what was announced in the format explainer video and if my memory serves me right 3 teams from both grps were also supposed to qualify which is now changed too.
Also, Rawfiul mentioned it in post-winning speech of CUP2 that now that Split 2 is LAN MLT will be more dominant.
nvm rechecked the video they didn't mention anything for league stage but LAN was supposed to be 6 team event and grp stage was double round robin which is also changed ??
man I think they should go back to 3 team from grp otherwise 2 good LAN teams will miss out and I don't think MLT boys deserve this after all they hv gone through given they are the best Indian team atm. bcz if it's single round robin and MLT has lost to RGE ,I don't think they are beating TR in current situation and qualifying now....

posted 8 months ago

I mean it's been always obvious that other than the 3 OG jetts of India , nobody from OG era has good enough aim to be able to hang out with the best but we have such lack of talent well ..

posted 8 months ago

Well can't even we sad with how hard it is for MLT to even play forget winning.
Major props to Rawfiul for giving it his all on last map, he stepped for them.
Hope they can somehow get to LAN

posted 8 months ago

wp Medal , PSY is the goat IGL in India

posted 8 months ago

It was Anti's decision, why is anyone's guess could be due to org's behaviour too since they don't even hv bootcamp for this important split and players are playing from ph at home.
IG it was supposed to be full LAN but TO cut cost and Now MLT didnt prepare for bootcamp at all

posted 8 months ago

Well there are rumors for sure but I think change takes place after VCL SA Split 2

posted 8 months ago

He is brother you can trust MLT guys, they are anways the best amongst whatever you got and they chose him so obvio thought abt it.
As I expected they tried to get Marzil who is honestly a better option but he couldnt commit so settled with rite2ace.
there is no 3rd FA who can IGL in Indian scene, it's just sad the lack of talents nothing else.
Anyways IG it's GG for MLT since no bootcamp , they are all at home, bad PCs, AZys and tess on 90 ping.
If they still manage to qualify for LAN its mockery of Indian valo scene's strength and once they reach LAN i know those guys they are LAN demons they will win it.
Either way Rawfiul has been so off past 2 months now he needs to buckle up and lead the charge only then something is possible.

posted 8 months ago

We even touched 50k when pubg was banned bro.
I think it's not just GE , even Enigma core 's performances in ascension hv hurt our viewership since they are all fair weather fans.
Also prior to that believe me or not, GE and VLT cornered all fans which wasn't a good thing in long run bcz with time Enigma gaming ascended to top beating both these teams but they didn't really have any player or streamer who could generate fanbase.
So not only OG fans stopped watching due to disappointment but they also prayed on Engima's downfall lol.
Having an introvert like Rawfiul as star player in cloutless org is the worst match possible.

posted 8 months ago

A majority of yt English stream watchers are Indians.
It's just that they are such a weird bunch that they look down upon their own regional league and keep saying that they are at best ranked plat lobbies and things like that .
Infact they look down upon local casters too hence our regional stream has no views either only watchparties hv viewers.
Idk when will they realise that they will kill their own scene and ultimately valo from India if they keep being such fair weather fans

posted 8 months ago

Thai is by far the best region currently.
Indonesian valo teams are very good too and even PH is competitive.
Idk why people are so high on Japan and Korean teams, I feel they are much weaker than last year.
Also fancy United may finally do the damage this year and if MLT doesn't fall apart before split 2 begins I expect a playoff finish from them too.

posted 8 months ago

Honestly valorant is first PC game in India which has a decent player base still way low when you compare to our population.
But the thing is good pc in India are unaffordable for most so the playerbase can never play at serious level.
Having said that we do hv 5-6 guys who can hold their own in VCT

posted 8 months ago

He is good with util and MLT needs an igl so he looks like one of few available options. But could be joining as 6th or coach just yk as team leader type of role.
bcz one thing that I have learnt supporting this #WLD core since Enigma days is that they don't prefer to play outside their small 6-7 grp of players and they keep bringing them back bcz their scouting is better than others in India. We may very well see them bring someone like RVK OR Karam1l(ex-engima) from RGE bcz before tess came back they were trying to set up Karam1l+Frost+Rawfiul+Anti+Azys and even scrimmed with him

posted 9 months ago

I don't think Sayoo's team underwent a change, it's just their org shut down and it proved to be blessing in disguise.
They are now signed to VLT, one of the best org in India.

posted 9 months ago

Bro nah all of it is pretty obvious tbh , Excali keeps leaking on twitter lol. MLT management and coaching are all gangin up in comment section of r2ace , it's so obvious he is joining them.
GE did say they bought out a 6th but no name was dropped, TR bringing a controller igl in Antidote and calls for Techno's inclusion hint at it being him.

posted 9 months ago

Global Esports: +Techno from TR(Rumoured)(6th)
Revenant: -Severine +Sultan
True Rippers: -Techno(??) + Antidote(rumoured)
MLT eSports: - Antidote +Rite2Ace(confirmed)
RGE: -ANQ(confirmed)

posted 9 months ago

Indians support him a lot bcz before joining FPX he played in Indian challengers as import for GDR. So he is like a rep of Indian T2 scene in Franchise even though he isnt Indian by nationality

posted 9 months ago

I hv always said this and keep saying it that amongst top teams in India there is no aim issue, they all are heavy on firepower. We just get strat diff in Internationals.
Autumn was like the 3rd best duelist during his time in India and he has shown he can hang out with the best in the world. I think its time a T1 team takes a punt on Azys too bcz he is undisputed no.1 duelist in Indian regional league for last 2 years

posted 9 months ago

came 2nd in Split 1 losing to eventual champs Orangutan. Came 4th in split 2 losing straight b2b to RGE(runner ups eventually) and Aster army(3rd).

posted 9 months ago

Most of Aussie server is and lot of pros hv been banned past few weeks by LPL from playing in Oceania Challengers.
It's funny and unfortunate that whole teams had to disband bcz they said something in ranked in past and now hv been punished for it.

posted 9 months ago

Mind says GenG but heart wants FPX.
Either ways fun matchup.

posted 9 months ago

Simple answer - No.
Long answer - No.
They are not that good strat wise and even firepower wise.
I know scrims don't matter much but they frequently lose scrims to T2 teams in APAC so beating TH is long shot on their first appearance

posted 9 months ago

A moment to remember for FPX . Life is goated and Autumn is not only Oceania pride but also Indian pride. Let's goooo

posted 9 months ago

Man vlr rating system is useless hopefully they make a change. This system overvalued KAST metric bcz no way tixx was more impactful than Yotaa in Icebox

posted 9 months ago

Np bro also idk which genius has thought this out but they stream the same thing on 2 channels- vcsa official and nodwin gaming and thus split up people even more .
I mean if you really want to divide give English to one channel and Hindi to other. What is this both will hv both stream simultaneously.
I hope they rectify this nonsense

posted 9 months ago

Nah total was around 2k. That was English stream which you saw. Hindi one had around 700, then universe had 400, then ankitacc, rite2ace etc .

posted 9 months ago

This is a lan bro . Even if it isn't true lan you are forced out of our comfort pc and place to play.
MLT just adjusts better and looks like they hv improved in few weeks break they got , afterall still gunning and hungry

posted 9 months ago

For some reason most in India believe This core isn't really good and they keep praying for others to win just bcz no favorite of their og GE or VLT plays in this core.
They are also backed by fact that OG went 0-4 in ascension.(Nobody sees that whenever Rawfiul and Azys came online they looked very good on some maps and they lost to best 2 squads of tourney)
Idk why people don't realise that the aim they hv you just need a good coach and this team will compete well .

posted 9 months ago

It's geng 1.5 bro 90%

posted 9 months ago

Lol but in all seriousness you are undervaluing MLT's squad . They as grp of 5 were unaffordable for most orgs in the offseason and were picked by MLT right at the last. And MLT is not very structured in India as org so sold purpose here is to win and hold trophy for MLT owners.

posted 9 months ago

Yep cup 1 playoffs 2 months back. Started by winning 2-0 again TR in upper semi before getting 0-2 b2b by gry and TR to get eliminated as 3rd place team

posted 9 months ago

It could still be original 5 , I don't think there's a confirmation unless I have missed something.
Ig someone can check on insta or something as to who all hv landed in Delhi, that should be the roster

posted 9 months ago

Well it's very murky i will just say that. The Binks team T69 was fairly strong but that day CG(then Van Dijk fc) won and the biggest factor was their 16 year old duelist Garv.
Now cut to vcl SA, Garv was disqualified since he is too young to play ( why allowed in qualifiers against the rules??) And their replacement Lilboi struggled very hard in his new team against much experienced duelists and well now the whole team sort of has been replaced except Ezzy but this roster is better but tbh Orangutan roster is still better all Indian roster and even this one is comfortably 8/8 teams. If CG had to burn money and import would hv been better but anyways they aren't providing bootcamp or anything like others are doing .

posted 10 months ago

Yess brother paid - Carnival is an org founded by former Godl owners

posted 10 months ago

I don't think even 1k Indians were watching on twitch , in my country twitch is non-existent in market , YouTube is by and far having monopoly.
They all fake being Indians to disguise their racism which anyways was pretty rampant in YouTube too

posted 10 months ago

Such a random exploration lol but Deathmaker is not hailed as one of the best just like that .
Old times man now Antidote has left Jett far far behind.

posted 10 months ago

I don't expect anything from this match . We will see some insane aim diff today that's all I know.

posted 10 months ago

Yep bought it for 1100 a week back and no regrets. Basically 2 different skin in 1(sovereign+ forsaken).
Different kill sound, kill banner, tracers Nd finisher worth it.

posted 10 months ago

he is flashy just like Rossi and well fans love flashy players so.... I am just worried that he may have same career trajectory as Skrossi -overhyped and setup by fans to fail

posted 10 months ago

Ge isn't uprooting anything.Ge owner just keeps yapping, His ass ain't capable of listening to truth.

posted 10 months ago

org owner is from Bangladesh. Team is basically former Orangutan/No Salary peek(which was Indian).
Also Sssami is only Bangla player who is at that level to play T2 and unfortunately he is is US rn now busy in studies so no Bangla rep

posted 10 months ago

yep when he is on his peak he is clear of others unfortunately he barely is at peak for a map in 2 matches

posted 10 months ago
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