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Registered: June 3, 2022
Last post: March 8, 2025 at 9:08 AM
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Well his Chamber was equally good as jett just that he adapted very late almost at the end of the chamber meta and still mostly played Jett..

posted about a year ago

umm unexpected maybe koala from ghost?

posted about 2 years ago

Enigma gaming is playing with Tess as their new player against Amigos

posted about 2 years ago

Bro just curious why did u casually ignore Enigma's roster when they are best mechanically and hv had most success in last year. And yeah Skrossi is better Oper but Rawfiul has been the best duelist in SA for a whole year by now....

posted about 2 years ago

Why man just why not put rDeew on chamber when he is one of the best at that and let disko fill as initiator

posted about 2 years ago

Well that's because he isn't a duelist for Order and plays his role perfectly as sentinel. rDEEW is definitely one of the most consistent in the world and would be in top 10 list for Opers. Not to forget he was playing chamber how it should be played as sentinel much before others when he played for bonkers in last year VCT when chamber was newly released

posted about 2 years ago

Def points out to the fact that he plays at lower sens which is awesome at long range but becomes harder to flick up close

posted about 2 years ago

Exactly perhaps there is no better defensive chamber than rDEEW but the same can't be said about Wronski on chamber or rDeew on Neon

posted about 2 years ago

Stop it man it was 1 round from OT, Eg did well just that excali has to step up and Rvk has to play on better agents which suit him
Don't forget it was first ever map for EG outside Indian tournament

posted about 2 years ago

Told u guys Enigma is pretty good and so is Mith , Would be cracker of match and most prob. Map 3 would be played

posted about 2 years ago

We all know Kadoom is an absolute beast as jett but we shouldn't forget even rawfiul is cracked nd best jett in SA(Always in top 10 ACS global) so it would be interesting to see how he fares at SEA stage

posted about 2 years ago

Yess bro exactly , GE lost to Hk and Vietnam team bcz they looked so flustered and choked. SkRossi who is one of the best OPer in whole SEA couldn't hit easy shots and LF after dominating in India was bottom-fragging.
Tbh GE's run in LCQ looked much better even when they weren't that disciplined

posted about 2 years ago

Well yeah some whiffs but that's incosistency while in general there were insane plays and just have a look at that HS% it is definitely showing the picture

posted about 2 years ago

Bcz it was not all about strats and OP plays.
This match had that composure for clutches, insane aim and mechanical skills(which is what SA teams struggled with) and obviously EG didn't choke for first time xD.
Also the fact that Rawfiul managed to aim diff Tesseract who is one of the better aimers in SEA

posted about 2 years ago

TBH EG is also good and won't be beatable everyday atleast for OG.
This match gives me feel that now Indians can compete atleast in APAC

posted about 2 years ago

I do think there is an agenda based downvoting but then again if you think logically EG should win this since they have been absolute best in India for past 3-4 months and it's not easy to win against them unless EG chokes like they always do

posted about 2 years ago
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