Alfa is never difficult asuna. Derke can diff will tho
Flag: | Cook Islands |
Registered: | July 5, 2022 |
Last post: | March 2, 2025 at 9:01 AM |
Posts: | 182 |
Alfa is never difficult asuna. Derke can diff will tho
Zekken is the most mechanically gifted player in NA. No way zyppan is better than zekken.
Same energy people had saying xerxia would destroy "xshit" now is fpx is gonna destroy them and xerxia is shit too lol. Xset has so many haters for no reason and are better than any of you give them credit for. Haters coping rn
Because NA has the US. And people all around the world hate the US for political reason. And so that typical America-hate naturally transfers over from IRL stuff.
Yes sen was better. But fnatic were favorites going in
Xset gave that match away like 24 times. No way are they losing to xerxia or kru.
Are they even scrimming each other? I was under the impression that champions/masters teams scrim the local EU vrl/tier 2 teams to avoid showing strats to potential opponents.
Xset in average form 2-0s xerxia and kru in average form. Only way xset gets grouped is if they choke again (very possible tbh).
Ngl I think a significant part of that is LOUD has lost internationally 3 times. And losing twice to optic who has yay, might not be a chamber weakness but that yay is just cracked.
Which is not consistent with his previous performances. Which backs up the inconsistency claims.
Optic 3-2 100t
Optic was very much out of sync and they've all said they were very burnt out before copenhagen even happened. I imagine they'll come back with rejuvenated strats and team chemistry for champs. Doesn't mean they'll win but they did place 3rd in Denmark at what I'd say was around 80% of their peak form.
Why is it a "should" for any of those scenarios? Who knows who's gonna win at this point lmao
Chet anti-stratting put to the ultimate test. If optic doesn't beat prx I think optic v fpx/fnatic will be a banger
Regardless of it being LAN jitters it's something psychological for sure. But i think it's an NA thing. Optic also played horribly in their first matches against xia in iceland and guild this masters. They have looked shaky in every single LAN that they've been in for the first couple of matches. Xset yesterday looked eerily similar to how bad optic looked vs guild. I'd expect them to be significantly improved today vs leviatan. But if they aren't at 100% they're losing that game. Xset and optic were both firing on all cylinders in the NA upper bracket when optic won 3-1. So in peak form xset 100% deserves to be here and have the potential to beat leviatan. Their online consistency speaks to that fact and they clearly aren't pretenders like guard. They have been a top NA team for a year now. Its just about finding their comfort zone.
Recency bias is strong. First match for xset. If you actually followed emea and na challengers you'd know xset is similar to guild in skill.
2 of optic (including FNS the IGL) had covid. In the imporant match (qualifying to masters) optic beat xset 3-1 even with covid.