Flag: South Korea
Registered: December 28, 2022
Last post: September 27, 2024 at 8:00 AM
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can't just ignore a team being utterly shit even if it's off season
this isn't even competetive

posted 10 months ago

why replace buzz or rb with foxy?
why replace zest with flashback?

this is a team that can win if they'd just stop trolling. their players are literally one of the best in each of their roles.

edit: i don't mean that they have already done it, i'm saying that they shouldn't even consider it (they'd only field this roster if they're considering it)

posted 10 months ago


posted 10 months ago

prx was literally the only team that could've won a major and they lost the best entry player in the world
bleed is hella mid, yay isn't changing that just like cryo couldn't change 100t

posted 10 months ago

over before it started
even the real DRX would have had <40%

posted 10 months ago

sure, that's why i'm saying it's a possibility. a pretty absurd one, but one nonetheless.
if they explained it that way, i'd accept it (kind of), but they just said it and forgot about it
also dude remember to mark your spoilers

posted 10 months ago

boaster is the lord of spam

posted 10 months ago

i saw that flasback whiff bro holy shit free for fnatic
bro went for lineups 1 second before they finished diffusing ;-;

posted 10 months ago

fair, except of all regions you could've chosen you chose NRG??? lol

posted 10 months ago

using two ults to take site??? why tf?
drx try to break a recon dart (LEVEL: IMPOSSIBLE)

posted 10 months ago
  1. bad comms from drx = stax doesn't use classic against derke
  2. foxy peeks that for no reason??? wtf
posted 10 months ago

aight drx are clearly trolling
they saw leo again and just pissed their pants

posted 10 months ago

tbh shahzam is a gud enough player but unfortunately he's shahzam

posted 10 months ago


everything revolving around Ymir loving her rapist pedophile husband was crazy... sure, that might be a possibility, but they didn't give any more explanation on why tf this happened

posted 10 months ago

It ends with Eren committing genocide for a kiss from his sister lmao

posted 10 months ago

all that buildup just to

rip off code geass but without the same effect (e.g. bringing everyone together by becoming the ultimate enemy type shit)
NO!!!! I DON'T WANT THAT!!!!!!!!

posted 10 months ago

sen clears but c9 is garbo
100t is hardly t1 (swapping out one player after getting grouped at 2022 champs is WILD even though it was a good change)

posted 10 months ago

the manga ending was the most disappointed i've ever felt reading anything

posted 10 months ago

BuZz has always been better on duelist. Foxy had an entire split to prove himself.

posted 10 months ago

believed in them since masters berlin to champs 2023
disappointed me every time

posted 10 months ago

are we flexing scores rn? 1590 bozo😎

posted 10 months ago

flashback is aight, maybe even just as good as zest on viper. but zest's fade and sova are so fucking clean while stax is straight doo doo on sova.
let's not talk about foxy9... rb might be inconsistent but inconsistently amazing vs consistently mediocre is an easy choice.

posted 10 months ago

leo will buttfuk drx while mako tries to carry the team again :(

posted 10 months ago

comparing suygetsu to LESS and ALFAJER is WILD

posted 10 months ago

drx having fb and foxy sucks
cant have an actual fun game from drx
missed chance to set the score even with fnatic even if it doesn't actually matter

posted 10 months ago

calling somone "alfajer 2" and fut a good team after watching two bo1s against mid teams is just as stupid

posted 10 months ago

these casters are actually so hard for NA
sucking off every player on 100t except for nature for a full minute and a half each is wild

posted 10 months ago

NRG only lost to BLG by 2 rounds in group stage
didn't make it any better for them yeah?

posted 10 months ago

new team + fill in from zeta lol
"unlucky" is craZ

posted 10 months ago

idk how this guy keeps getting signed
says a lot about the state of the igl role in valorant

posted 10 months ago

what a surprise!!!

posted 10 months ago

unfortunately the rest of americas clears c9 :(

posted 10 months ago

losing to a new team from japan is CRAZy

posted 10 months ago

yay will ruin a pretty decent apac team

posted 10 months ago

whichever one that doesn't drop a coach that is clearly trolling

posted 10 months ago

kk g2 is prob about as good as guard 2022 w/ saya
contenders to compete at madrid not to win is what u mean right?
u make a point and i would usually give u that but it's off season = literally nothing matters

posted 10 months ago

SEN fans after winning a few games against mid NA teams

posted 10 months ago

responded to my post just a few hours ago he still aroundin

posted 10 months ago

Of course, what you say is valid--any player can get good. But who would've chosen to start a player like Demon1 over yay at the start of the 2022 season (hypothetically)? A proven player is always the safer choice and arguably the better one.

And it's still safe to say that Zellsis is clearly more flexible, even if, hypothetically we knew TenZ would end up being better on Breach/Kayo/Harbor.

posted 10 months ago

Let's be real, replacing TenZ with Zellsis would be so much better for the team's results.
Obviously, they won't do it cus it is TenZ we're talking about.
But Zellsis plays Kayo, Harbor, and Breach so much better than Tenz while bringing Phoenix and Sage (for if Icebox comes back) to the team.
Tenz is only better for SEN on Bind where they can run Yoru. Not exactly the most value.

posted 10 months ago

unfortunately 100t will always be doodoo

posted 10 months ago

what if i have something to do outside of playing valorant

posted 10 months ago

yea he is also the best raze in the game (jawgemo can't c ompare)

posted 11 months ago

can't be on navi without being hated these days
+alfa and less clear him so hard

posted 11 months ago

"Akshually it's FiNESSE now"🤓👆

posted 11 months ago

maybe im a lil bit too suspicious
still, if what im saying is true then termi is clearly throwing

posted 11 months ago

literally jinggg by tremendous margins.
comparing sick to the second best player of 2023 is crazy

posted 11 months ago

Why does termi see so many issues in the DRX players?
He obviously picked up Foxy9 while looking for a possibly demonic player like Aspas (a crazy jett/raze), but it didn't work.
In my opinion, he's looking to put Flashback on the main roster because he's looking for a player like Less or Alfajer (crazy kj/viper).

I think it's fine to experiment, but what's so wrong with BuZz and Zest that they have to be replaced within their best roles? They are clearly world-class and all the players on DRX themselves have the potential to win.

Termi doesn't fkin understand that it's his map vetoes, shitty-timed timeouts, and lack of aggression(in later stages of competition) that cause drx to have testicular results.

posted 11 months ago
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