Flag: United States
Registered: July 9, 2021
Last post: May 13, 2024 at 5:24 PM
Posts: 441
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How come you are allowed to compete in t2 at 16 but not allowed to compete in vct until you are 18?
So what happens if you go through the whole ascension and win it as a 16 yr old?
There should be a legacy rule for t2 players no? This age rule is so dumb!

posted about a year ago

Good on paper but I just don't see neT, valyn leaving before trent! Most vct teams are going bidget, sticking together is the best bet for the TGRD roster.

posted about a year ago

Ahahaha he's not. Koalanoob is one of the best Jett opers out there and he got diffed by tex. See this what why I was talking about disrespect. When was the last time shahz played Jett on pro matches? Tex is top 5 jett players NA rn.

posted about a year ago

Talking about things you have no clue about i see! Those were not trials, they were playing in scrims and took a liking to the mentioned players. It happens all the time.

posted about a year ago

A lot of people are. Some people are saying shahz is a better Jett OPer than tex( which hes not btw) so he should get in! Absolute bonkers.

posted about a year ago

They can offer him a better contract if they really want him.

posted about a year ago

This guy is so unhinged. This mf was crying on twitter for how the val community treats him. I pointed out that he had it coming after what he said about potter and how she won the whole fkin vct! This guy can only air it but can't take it. Pussy ass bitch

posted about a year ago

People who are asking for shahz to be back as the IGL for the TGRD roster are no better than those opportunists who jumped the gun and said the M80 should get that spot!
Unless valyn asks for 5billy a month or wants to leave, it should be VALYN!! That boy worked his ass off and made it to the top. Put some respect on his name ! o7

posted about a year ago

Don't agree with the back handed comment concept at all. A lot of players get picked up bc of their scrim performances, notably zekken by xset, yay by envy, dicey by 100t and even demon1 cz he was performing on the reserve roster. You make it seem like people don't try at all in scrims! Even if they don't care about winning the game at all cost they still try win the rounds with their gameplan, otherwise there would be no point of practicing. Scrim demons don't stay as scrim demons forever. M80 were scrim demons and they quickly translated that on stage, on the other hand prev Gambit were the scrim demons for a long time but they just couldn't qualify for LANs and then they all of a sudden qualed for Berlin and won the whole thing and went on a tear.

posted about a year ago

Is he too arrogant?

posted about a year ago

What are these guys doing? They should sign sacy and pANcada asap. I have news that Sentinels is going to let them go for free if they ask for it.

posted about a year ago

Was the laughing stock until they finished Americas league as the top team. You vlr dwellers always chat shit. Let jack and mCe work their magic.

posted about a year ago

mCe, steel all had the same thing to say about yay. It's not necessarily a bad thing to be commanding and ask for specific things as a duelist but I just love to see how the yay fans are coping 😸

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Marved ain't an IGL. They can have both johnQT and marved without creating any role issues.

posted about a year ago

Kaplan won't sign him. He will stick to the Brazilians but if he does SEN will be goated.

posted about a year ago

This team is looking nice. Idk who N/A is but he looks promising 🤩

posted about a year ago

Nooo! both need to go their separate ways for their own good.

posted about a year ago

FNS said he's staying in NA

posted about a year ago

Do all of them run out of contracts? If cauanzin leaves then sacy returning would be fireee! Would probably convince aspas to stay as well.

posted about a year ago

EG - confusing


posted about a year ago

CN has a cs community and they definitely know ScreaM as an FPS legend. Not sure about Benkai's popularity

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

ScreaM tweet

Notice how he said 'open to all vct regions'?
Remember how Ardiis said "your favorite player is going to CN"? Who is a fan favorite over there in europe other than ScreaM?

posted about a year ago

I would understand if a tier1 org like G2, optic or a passionate owner like Toast got offended by something like this but Fly and Dig know full well they are mid in this space. They are just trying to climb the ladder

posted about a year ago

It is kind of a big deal considering how much of info that's been leaked from one screenshot but people are making a fuss about the wrong thing.

posted about a year ago

cheTs stream, vods been deleted now. Check vlr

posted about a year ago

You guys are absolutely fked for thinking tex should/will get dropped for those private DMs. Trust me when I say this, the execs from those teams know full well they are mid in the val scene. They are not sentimental like us fans.
Also, tex did nothing wrong. He was just trying to be agreeable with a friend and a coach who he was tryna impress in case he gets fked over by their new org!

[ Plot Twist: cheT leaked those DMs deliberately so that tex gets fked over and he can sign tex easily. ]

posted about a year ago

I wouldn't. DIG and Fly execs are not sentimental nerds. They have a job to do which is bringing the best out of their investment. Tex was an important piece of that team and dig/fly owners know the reality in hands. They didn't even have a t2 team this yr! They know they are mid orgs in the val scene

posted about a year ago

Even tho that lil bitch George Geddes blocked me on twitter, I have to say that he's the best when it comes to EMEA and NA scoops, at least he used to be the best. Last year, his tweets used drop like Fabrizio Romano bombs

posted about a year ago

Anyone would do the same on tex's shoes. First of all, it's a private convo that was never supposed to leak and secondly chet is a friend and he's also trying to impress him in case he gets fcked over, so of course he's tryna be agreeable!

posted about a year ago

Not really cz they are probably gonna choose G2/optic anyway when the offers come

posted about a year ago

Bro thinks chet just casually chats with a Argentine player playing for a Brazilian org ahahaha

posted about a year ago

They just wanted community attendance. Just limit testing how much bullsh*t the community would tolerate

posted about a year ago

TSM. Fk the EU sh*tters G2

posted about a year ago

Agent pool can always expand. If they believe in the current roster then keep it whole and get johnQT. Don't touch it and let them grow. Jingg already gave them high praises and they will only get better.

posted about a year ago

Nah, they just like each other as players. Sacy has already shown his admiration for yay

posted about a year ago

s0m will become the best player itw in a good team. It's prophecy

posted about a year ago

Sacy just baits all day. There's a reason why LOUD didn't give him the contract he wanted. pANcada on the otherhand is great but he has struggled to fit in. Going to a BR team would revive his career.

posted about a year ago

He is good

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago
  1. zekken ( Primary duelist )
  2. johnQT ( IGL + sentinel )
  3. Xeppaa (Initiator)
  4. TenZ ( flex )
  5. s0m ( controller )

Give us this team. Please!!! I am begging you. This team will win everything there's to win I promise.

posted about a year ago

sOm and trent/eeiu would work better on SEN. The style and language would suit better for building chemistry

posted about a year ago

Not a SEN fan but they need a full NA roster and a coach that has balls as big as potter.

posted about a year ago

Demon1 is boutta get mad head from his beautiful gf and these nerds think he is the loser?? LMAO go pull some b*tches first 😆

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

This guy is going to turn into less next year. Just a heads up for you guys who are not familiar with his game.
Players I am excited to watch in 2024:

posted about a year ago

They are gonna drop something as well.

posted about a year ago

Does showmatch start at the standard time. Cz I can't be bothered to watch tarik playing against bunch of streamers. Should i tune in 1 hr late?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago
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