Damn, how does ping work in this tournament for Aussie players? Or is this LCQ played in LAN?
Flag: | Lithuania |
Registered: | March 18, 2021 |
Last post: | August 24, 2024 at 12:17 PM |
Posts: | 1352 |
Damn, how does ping work in this tournament for Aussie players? Or is this LCQ played in LAN?
[user has been banned for making this comment]
damn dude, just don't talk so much shit only later to regret it after it gets thrown back to your face
You missed my point where fnatic always gets beaten in finals and semifinals.
Lazy coaches potentially copying tactics is a small price to pay for better fragmovies, highlights, content and higher level of competitive play as well.
It's one thing to copy a tactic, another thing is to execute it well. Moreover, replay system would weed out weak leaders(both coaches/IGL), as under replay system, they would have to come up with more unique tactical decision on the fly, which promotes robustness and higher levels of creative tactical decision making.
For this reason Boaster doesn't want a replay system, he does his homework and most of the time succeeds when it matters less. But after showing his repertoire, him and fnatic eventually get figured out in latter stages of tournaments, to the extent where he is unable to make significant adjustments to avoid doing the obvious at that point. With a replay system, this would be happening much sooner and fnatic wouldn't be going to playoffs.
unranked, should be unranked because I don't play the game
You're a honorary eastern european country, just physically located in the wrong place
krea6on + krea6on clones to fill the rest of positions
EU drama
foxie is somehow involved
yeah I got banned for being racist
maybe xset can recover if they stop wasting time on baseless shittalking and instead focus on getting good to gain the ability to engage in the shittalk with something to back it up
Serbia is my guess, been a popular destination for international teams bootcamping in europe. cheap, lax visa requirements if none at all, good ping to germoney servers
Champions, FPX is gonna get cocky, other EMEA teams are going to get cocky by beating FPX
NA is gonna NA
but other regions know how close they are if they do a lil bootcamp in europe
bosch açılı taşlamalı makinelerin katalizörle kesilmesi sadece 45 saniyeye ihtiyaç duyar
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My condolences
“Words cannot express how saddened we are to learn of your loss. Please take your time. We are all here for you.”
Gonna throw a curveball for EMEA, but G2. Really hoping that they have made the right conclusions and scrimmed hard. Maybe not doing a roster change for once and going for stability is going to make a difference.
franchising is gonna make things even worse. franchised orgs will find it difficult to replace their washed twitch/tik tok superstars
in the end, it was jeffrey epstein and his lizard people all along
jimmy from colombia, why would you root for fpx anyway?
weak mental from fpx
During first map there was a thread about the crown being anti-PRX, now the crowd is anti-FPX. Did anything change??
Wonder how much money was in the envelope for PRX to go with this comp kekw
first mindfreak, then shao
damn, this game is intense
cooking shashlik and enjoying a monster white zero calorie beverage 😎
oh no EU bros we talked to early oh shiiiiiiiiiiiit
ange1 drank white monster zero calorie beverage instead of vodka
Now you're just being a bad winner tbh
There are 2 maps minimum left to play, where the momentum can be reversed
That ange1 clutch from 7:0->8:0? That's the white monster zero calories doing its job 😎
gotta grill that shashlik and drink white monster zero calories first before storming the site, like the true centrist chads they are 😎
mans shilled so hard for fnatic that he had to warp reality to this extent
why do people shill so hard for fnatic, like god damn
good good, as long as NA doesn't succeed we gucci
like you never know what the guy is thinking
That's the entire reason why,Gus is a superior villain to lalo
You will own nothing and you will be happy
I'm no longer asking, eat the bugs
wouldn't be the first time :p
better late than never, let's goooooo
source 2 confirmed? big if true, holy fucking shit let's goooooo
The scene has figured out how to shut down cNed
hell yea, the 69th on x axis and 420th on y axis multiverse