Flag: Lithuania
Registered: March 18, 2021
Last post: June 1, 2024 at 2:04 PM
Posts: 1351
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valorant's numbers could significantly be boosted if skin market economy were to be implemented

you can hide from gambling, but you can't run away from gambling

posted about a year ago

1 tournament methinks

posted about a year ago

thank mr fnatic for winning an additional slot for emea teaim

posted about a year ago

Maybe muslimbrotherhood pill is not a meme after all

posted about a year ago

yay probably demanded roster changes through some sort of an ultimatum, c9 for the good of the org decided to not placate some guy's overinflated ego

posted about a year ago

alexa play hurt by johnny cash

posted about a year ago

I'd argue about talented bit. It looks to me NA teams who have historically been worse, had gone out and found new and upcoming 19 year old players to give them a chance. EMEA teams meanwhile who were and are ranked towards the bottom, just went ahead and recycled the same bums who didn't have much success before and are currently refusing to give opportunities to new talent, as if buddies made sure that buddies got into franchising.

posted about a year ago

The fact that franchised teams recycled all these bums instead of finding new talented 19 year olds is more than telling. Franchising was always gonna bring the nepotism out.

posted about a year ago

It feels as if EMEA's ascension teams are more competitive than currently franchised teams lol

posted about a year ago

my excuse is that I don't even play video games anymore :/

posted about a year ago

That's the team G2 should have signed :D

posted about a year ago

if you ain't radiant after playing this game for so long, then just give up. Only select and lucky few 0.00001% will ever become esports pros. Playing this piece of shit game further is only a waste of valuable time of which you have so little in your life, especially your youth.

posted about a year ago

nofap is alright as long as it doesn't become "nofap is gonna give you superpowers" shit

posted about a year ago

damn, at least their media production team stayed. For that reason alone all is not lost with this org

posted about a year ago

F in the chat for Brussels yet again boys

posted about a year ago

heretics seems to have invested more skill points into influencer category rather than skill

maybe they can still turn their fortunes around without a major roster change

posted about a year ago

out of pity :D

what a guy

posted about a year ago

oh no man, my ego is really hurt now

i accept brazil superiority

posted about a year ago

what refugees

posted about a year ago

how the fuck did you come up with TH eventually ranking 6th or whatever.

It's as likely as TH being ranked top 2 in the region

posted about a year ago

yooooo I can be way more racist than you

posted about a year ago

You will own nothing and be happy

posted about a year ago

American get bigger take home salary therefore a bigger portion of discretionary spending for big boob and vagine on the website that shall not be named. It's other big economies that need get help because smaller take home salary leading to smaller discretionary spending for big boob and vagine on the website that shall not be named.

posted about a year ago

I don't even follow him to begin him lol, I just clicked on the link

I'm not asking anything from him, I'm merely stating a fact that his "leak" adds nothing useful and should therefore be called out as speculative bullshit

posted about a year ago

His report doesn't reveal anything significant. No shit vitality are currently looking for two Valorant players "that we can call stars who have played in EMEA before"

posted about a year ago

I will share about the names in the coming days.

yeah this guy is a bullshit clout chaser. I am also capable of speculating that Vitality are interested in acquiring two Valorant players

posted about a year ago

Carlos was bigger than G2 imo or G2 was Carlos. After this incident, I bet he will manage recover as a niche internet micro celebrity

I bet the outrage didn't even register in the Hispanophone space

posted about a year ago

hahaha this is funny

posted about a year ago

yoo, what's the source for OG LDN UTD? I couldn't find any tweets about that. tysm

posted about a year ago

I get Heretics and Giants due to previous stints in pre franchise era, but KOI - what's the deal with them?

posted about a year ago

yeah that's fair enough I suppose. Maybe it's me being unreasonable for wanting the strongest potential super rosters that would be dominant enough to establish eras

posted about a year ago

BBL, FUT, KOI, KCORP are 4 orgs too many with national rosters.

Doubt that Vitality, Giants and Heretics will prioritize the best possible rosters. Instead they will opt to squeeze in a Spanish or a French player then and there for "social media engagement" purposes.

posted about a year ago

Bad PR and difficult previous business partnerships.

Simple as that.

posted about a year ago

Spanish/French/Turkish trifecta accounts for 70% of the slot distribution. RIP to all the superstars who most likely will get overlooked due to not being from that trifecta of countries.

posted about a year ago

Current G2 roster is disbanding methinks, judging by nukkye going into FA

posted about a year ago

It's a bit messed up that Spanish orgs got an unproportionable amount of slots(or the trifecta of Spanish/French/Turkish orgs accounting for 70% of slots), I hope they don't resort to nepotism for EMEA's sake.

If Russia's war on Ukraine was not a factor, then NAVI would be well poised of building a super roster of M3C duo/trio + nukkye + some other super support player.
Now fuck knows if anyone is going to be in the business of wanting to build a potential super roster in EMEA due to potential nepotism issues.

posted about a year ago

deserved for being associated with an org that shilled shitcoins in the past

posted about a year ago

First M3C, FPX

now G2 it seems

posted about a year ago

ocelote only has himself to blame here. He knew what he was doing when he was hanging out with a cancelled personality and then proceeding to double down on it.

Should have known his place that he is at the mercy of pro performative PR activism corpos.

posted about a year ago

carlos shouldn't have hung out with a cancelled person. According to rumours G2 would have taken Leviathan's place in NA if it wasn't for the blunder

mans failed PR 101

posted about a year ago

G2 not making franchising due to tate, epic haha

posted about a year ago

nah yeah that's a reasonable take. Valorant suceeding is ultimately good for cs:go too, as Valve will have their hand forced in re-evaluating their strategy of having as minimal engagement as possible. Competition breeds better products and I do hope that valorant doesn't hit catastrophic roadblocks like overwatch did.

posted about a year ago

2 years is more than enough to generate a community or a cult, the bigger risk now is going through a fuck up that would turn your cult against you. A good example of that being blizzard-activision and world of warcraft/overwatch.

Riot has only demonstrated success through league of legends, valorant in my opinion is a completely different ballpark. Riot has been going through their own kotaku moments recently, which leads me to believe they are heading blizzard-activision route.

posted about a year ago

2 year old valorant vs 10 year old csgo argument is a huge cope lmao. There were multiple instances of a new tactical shooter game disrupting the market for a couple of years, only for it to fall into irrelevancy thereafter due to respective devs/business execs fucking something up along the way. Examples: cod4 promod/cod esports in general, pubg, fortnite, overwatch, even arguably R6 siege.

I would even dare to say that valorant and overwatch dev cultures are way too similar to the extent of valorant potentially repeating the feats of game breaking changes as overwatch did.

It literally motivates us to be more inclusive and improve the game and its community

kudos for the performative actvisim

posted about a year ago

fnatic are just doing a fnatic valorant thing again, where they look amazing at the beginning but then start sucking hard during the more important matches

posted about a year ago

It's time for the champions title to go to more deserving regions who have figured out how to build super teams. I have a feeling that even during the franchising era, EMEA teams will remain virtually with the same rosters and potential roster shuffle era will end up amounting to lacklustre change.

posted about a year ago

I'm a mid 20s boomer

posted about a year ago

knew a dude who failed high school for a SA:MP roleplay server

addiction is not a joke

posted about a year ago

why do you gotta do this to me man, thought the day finally came :((((

posted about a year ago
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