Flag: Lithuania
Registered: March 18, 2021
Last post: June 1, 2024 at 2:04 PM
Posts: 1351
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owell, collateral damage.

But as far as I'm aware this proposal concerns the issuing of new visas, the ones that have been issued in the past would not be affected. Now the question would be, when do current Schengen visas expire that have been issued for Russian valorant players?

posted about a year ago

a flat religious cap specifically on the bald spot also does the trick

only requires the person to be religion fluid

posted about a year ago

Don't say hop until you jump over

posted about a year ago

This nepotism towards NA is the reason why G2 made an attempt to franchise in NA

posted about a year ago

On a more serious note, Riot probably did it to actually avoid contractual breaches. NA streams have in studio ad segments and sponsorships which probably contractually obligates them to run ads on main channels, while EMEA streams do not have in studio ad segments. If Riot dared to not put NA on main stream, then Riot would have been in breach of the contracts with their advertisement overlords.

Nevertheless, Riot should absolutely be dragged through mud for this bullshit, especially on social media. These "contractual breaches" would have amounted to rounding error on their spreadsheets in terms of financial penalties.

posted about a year ago

Just further proof of Riot trying to actively sabotage EMEA but hardly having definite success :^)

posted about a year ago

the most that riot does about this potential fraud is the mandate to have a referee in team's voice comms - would be very surprising if this is not done as minimum

otherwise it's just honesty and copium that teams have enough integrity

posted about a year ago

damn, sounds much worse than west-east or north-south divide in europe

posted about a year ago

When they practice and have serious bootcamps, they always perform.

But they start flopping, as soon as they have defeated some sort of a "boss" or overcome a hurdle, only to take it "easy" for the next stage and get obliterated by someone who they shouldn't lose against(considering the previous result)

i.e. they will practice to beat titans, but then underestimate the supposedly "easier" opponent and get rekt

posted about a year ago

damn, thought that south american countries were like a family and eventually mercosur would become something akin to european union

is there really such a divide between spanish speakers vs portugese speakers in south america judging by the altercations on this forum and this thread?

posted about a year ago

hmm, g2 generating butthurt? fuck it, let's go g2, finesse these bitchass no cap

posted about a year ago

sigma male grindset in action

posted about a year ago

yeah, they banned me for being racist lol

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

link, who is streaming

posted about a year ago

gonna happen after franchising is complete. Even if OG got the franchise, they unlikely to maintain the same roster. Management must be looking at some of the Lithuanians and thinking who to put on the chopping block to improve firepower.

But copium that Boo's tactical preparations are enough to convince the management that lesser firepower is not that big of an issue

posted about a year ago

they gonna see your thread and do just that. For that is indeed the g2 way, to give people false hope and then take a huge shit on their expectations like the true epic gamers they are 😎

posted about a year ago

I unironically agree with your take. While NA (arguably) has a deeper individual talent pool, EMEA is able to compensate through better teamwork and tactics that most likely can be attributed to superior practice methodology.

optic were on track in terms of having EMEA levels of improvements that can be achieved through practice, but most likely got capped by lack of competitiveness in NA T2 scene. Therefore, partially explaining why they fell off in the last tournament.

posted about a year ago

what do when outside very hot like sauna, but hot air blower from computor is the last thing I want

posted about a year ago

That's a very fair compensation imo, considering that most of pro players end up sacrificing their education, thereby affecting their long term earning potential. Especially, if they are unable to "retire" into an alternative career within esports/entertainment, be it streaming or freelance casting etc.

posted about a year ago

It's not that deep, no need to take it personally

posted about a year ago

damn, this game must suck ass if all these elaborate big brain NA tactics get easily countered by a mere corner sitting. It's as if these EU players have figured out the superior way of how this game is supposed to be played judging by the current head to head score

posted about a year ago

So what you are saying is that NA strats are so shite, that they are not up to the task to win against ratty playstyles, judging by the current head to head score? damn that's kinda sad for you guys, all this effort just to get fucked by an EU noob camping a ratty angle, sucks to suck, git good I guess

posted about a year ago

I wish that were the case tbh, and while the set plays are impressive, it is an unfortunate truth that most of the time this team is capped by being weak at 1v1 aim duels.

posted about a year ago

revlo, he does not disappoint at getting the worst out of people

posted about a year ago

You only speak Russian if you have family who speak Russian in the family, otherwise there are simply not enough lessons. Moreover, English is the lingua franca, people get to practice English on the Internet, Russian not so much. It is actually quite funny, the generation of my parents spoke Lithuanian and Russian, whereas people of my generation speak Lithuanian and English instead.

posted about a year ago

He did have russian lessons, but it never amounted to him being 100% fluent. He stated multiple times on his stream that he would never go back to having to communicate in russian during officials

posted about a year ago

My vlr advice to fnatic would be to kick boaster, he do be defrauding the entire scene as an apparent "IGL" like brooooo just send some raze into the site on satchel jetpack and bazooka boom boom the enemy site and make sure that your team collects more kills than the enemy team in particular round and that it

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Finally, no influence from PR shmucks. BRING THE TWITTER DRAMA

posted about a year ago

There is/was no goat team in valorant. The game is too volatile to have a definite best team and every tournament win is only a mere measure of how well a particular team has adopted to particular meta. No team has shown to be the best of the best across multiple metas that would significantly be different from each other

posted about a year ago

Just a question of how attached he is to his friends and family

posted about a year ago

I'd say g2 hate is deserved if they don't commit to any significant changes with their franchised spot. My hopium is that they didn't make any moves now, so that they could go all out during the roster shufflemania between champs and the start of the franchised league

posted about a year ago

g2 taunted sen enough only to become sen themselves, I R O N I C

posted about a year ago

How much would you pay for a pack of marlboro gold in Korea? Do people try to smuggle cigarettes from other countries into Korea?

posted about a year ago

"the more we try to change things the more they remain the same, innit bruv" - l1nk

posted about a year ago

They most likely didn't prepare shit to begin with tbh :D

posted about a year ago

sounds like you need to move to some place else as soon as you're done with your current school commitments :P

posted about a year ago

Yeah, I get your point about the need to blow off steam after studying and work, but there are other avenues of entertainment outside of TV and computer screens. Problem is, the stuff that I find entertaining and is outside monitors costs money and I come from a poor background, so that's why I get strong feelings of regret when I try to recreate the good ole days of nolifing video games.

But I do think that you just simply reached an age where you started realising that there is a world outside video games, but the only way to access the proper entertainment is through money, that's why you are currently studying and working hard.

posted about a year ago

It's called growing up. I can't play video games nowadays because they piss me off and make me feel regret in terms of wasting my time on something that I would have to invest a shit ton of time to even git gud at. It's better to invest your time in something that's actually gonna get you money instead. Nowadays I only casually follow the competitive scenes.

Besides, modern AAA games suck a huge bag of dicks, I was excited for Battlefield 2042 but then they done fucked it up due to corporate short term vision. Same shit is going to happen to Grand Theft Auto VI, even though I nolifed MP mods of GTA San Andreas back in my day.

posted about a year ago

ty, doesn't seem like it was a long bootcamp, but hopefully it was enough for them

posted about a year ago

I wouldn't be so concerned about them, there is going to be one massive roster shuffle once all the franchised teams are confirmed.

Most of the players on the franchised teams are not going to make it either

posted about a year ago

got any links to any tweets about the bootcamp?

posted about a year ago

got a bit too cocky

posted about a year ago

Manchester? Holy shit, this could very well be the very first lan I would ever go to in my life

posted about a year ago

Need them to establish the fact that a pierog is the superior form of dumpling over a gyoza.

posted about a year ago

Get it posted on the front page, so that vlr would peak by being actively engaged in psyops 👍

posted about a year ago

I see, hope they make it far, so that Aussies would have more opportunities rather than just a single slot in the LCQ

posted about a year ago

Damn, how does ping work in this tournament for Aussie players? Or is this LCQ played in LAN?

posted about a year ago
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