Que depressão seu zé ruela, você faz curso pra ser idiota assim ou o que? o cara é o melhor do mundo e vai provar no champions.
Flag: | Brazil |
Registered: | July 30, 2021 |
Last post: | July 2, 2024 at 3:39 PM |
Posts: | 752 |
Que depressão seu zé ruela, você faz curso pra ser idiota assim ou o que? o cara é o melhor do mundo e vai provar no champions.
Less vai mostrar o por que ele é o melhor sentinela do mundo nesse champions, pode anotar.
DRX easily? LOUD won americas league at least
No matter how much i say here you will always find an excuse or some cope mechanism or call ''victim complex'', idont gick a fuck if you dont see it. just fuck off.
The spectator was bad, the production was having problems since the start of the match basically, he didnt said a ''bad'' word about it the whole match, but in grand final in ascension he was malding even at the overviews lol, just stfu already, and ascension only had problems in the grand final you fucking liar. ''victim complex'' o wow pointing the literraly obvious is being a ''victim''.
You gotta be joking right? 100% not even you believe what you just said right now LOL, ''invested in the game''.
Its so obvious now its insane, as long i have my fuckings eyes i will see the bullshit as clear as water.
So why the fuck he was so fucking mald when it had problems in the grand final of the ascension? like it was normal so why mald the whole stream?
Why tarik not complaining like a little kid about this production in a match of his fucking team too???? why he only complained like a fucking cry baby 100% of the time when its was in BR ascension???? doesnt even hide anymore and people call people like me ''paranoid'' for calling these thing out.
Sarcasm for 6 hours straight is a bit tiring no?
At this point tarik is just farming more and more hate for brazil, seems like hes mad that the guard is winning because the crowd is cheering for them lol, acting like the problems were from the BR production when its literally NA guys running the production (FlippyBitsGG, CallMeShelton and FirstKnightOfNi). Never seen him complain so much like that about observers too, just odd to me idk.
You guys are never happy with BR crowds huh, no crowd complain, half crowd complain,full crowd complain, cheering for a team complain, booing a team complain, getting hyped complain, stfu already fucking christ.
They just played horrible, theres no ''showed too much'', they played like an generic BR team, thats it.
Its a meme in brazil with the actor ''the rock'' photo in it, stop trying to be soft or offended for nothing. we are not savages or animals.
aint no one listening to you ever again 😭
yeah probably like '' LETS GO (TEAM THAT has 2 fans IN EU)'' and repeat for the entire series.
At least they will cheer 3x more than anyone would if the event was hosted in NA
its an light LOUD basically, nothing crazy or surprising just better than everyone in brazil right now.
Disagree, but m80 and tier 2 NA has an advantage because they scrim with LOUD, NRG and others franchise teams.
Holy cope, i can smell the copium from here.
What now, 2-1 3-0 bitch ''easy win''
Yeah the NPC's only say the same chant ''LETS GO [insert team name] ''
Ou talvez eles banem bind + split e deixam lotus open, já que eles não jogam lotus desde a primeira semana eles podem estar escondendo jogo no mapa, ascent first pick seria muito conforto da LOUD e muito previsivel pra NRG bolar uma anti-tatica rapida contra sabendo que será o primeiro mapa, talvez um first pick na haven ou até mesmo lotus depois de deixarem lotus open contra a EG
1-1, stop crying.
3 months ago and both with same roster in the same meta, seems like youre trying to cope, its 1-1. cya when LOUD 2-1
LOUD carrying SA and viewership for americas KKKKKKKK
Been good at a moment is something but consistent for 1 year and a half is way different, none of the SA teams besides LOUD did this, i consider to be more lucky of the moment.
We are fucked, we are probably seeing the only latin team in the history of valorant (LOUD) to actually be competitive and in par with other regions, enjoy while it lasts. THANK YOU SAADHAK.
Quick 2-0 for SUPER LOUD
Just letting you know that rooting for FURIA is the worst mistake you can make. shits not good for your health.
In 1 year sentinels changed more their roster than furia in the entire age in valorant
You cant imagine such a thing, LOUD is the only good SA team, rest is rest.
Loyal for what? for a team that been doing the same shit for 7+ months?
Pathetic choker team, ''with this new chance NRG gave us in playoffs we will try our best to fix all our problems'', same fucking problems same fucking chokes, honestly they shouldnt go to tokyo because they will choke anyways. Its been 7 fucking months of this, change this team. QCK out.
Furia choking like always, cant close a series for the last three matches
Nice ditch, drink water and eat fruit, have a good week!
I make 0 points for people that have less than 1 braincells, sick of what threads? the only threads this site does about csgo is numbers and val numbers when theres a major, everyone here has at least some kind of respect for cs and knows the impact of the game, its the insecure fans of both communitys but especially the CS ones, dont act clueless when im literally explaning the situation that you ''supposedly'' dont know much about.
oh yeah, you're so adult, the franchise that i played since i was 7 is rent free in my head. You cant fool me brother go back to suck some cs fan dick in hltv, talking about growing up when you're on a val website. Is these threads ''csgo is a joke'' in the room with us now?. ''i am smart i value my mental health'' bro you have 4 stars in vlr.gg.