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Registered: July 8, 2020
Last post: March 1, 2022 at 7:57 PM
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Tarik > all pros

posted about 3 years ago

I think he means if it was a false report cause of what Dephh has been saying.

posted about 3 years ago
  • Enter Valorant with a solid roster that gets some 7th-8th finishes but never really come close to top 4 finishes
  • Sign zekken and Dephh(like how Envy signed food and crashies)
  • Get 4th in pretty much every big NA tournament and never win anything
  • Sign a cracked tier 2 duelist(like how Envy signed yay)
    If Cryo turns out to be a great tier 1 player, Xset can finally win some tournaments in NA or even qualify to an international LAN. Also Xset have been the best managed team in NA and maybe the world. They don't throw shit tons of money at big names but they sign young prodigies and forgotten players(Dephh). Signing the Pretty Boys to enter Valorant was an excellent move and then they replaced Brando with Bcj who is now the 2nd or 3rd best sova player in NA. It's crazy how this team hits on all of their signings despite not spending as much money as teams like Sentinels or 100 Thieves and I hope we see this signing take Xset to another level.
posted about 3 years ago

Send me a link to any comment saying that. Most people think he's the 4th best duelist in NA behind yay, TenZ and leaf so idk what you're talking about.

posted about 3 years ago

If you are implying that BabyJ is better than dapr, your opinion is invalid. BabyJ is good and all but nowhere near as good of a player or sentinel main than dapr.

posted about 3 years ago

But then again he has the highest earnings in Valorant so

posted about 3 years ago

Outside of their IGLing, dapr is better, and plus all 3 of those players are signed so why would Sen move on from dapr? He's still the best sentinel main in NA and one of the best in the world.

posted about 3 years ago
  1. cNed
  2. Yay
  3. nAts
  4. TenZ
  5. ShahZaM
    HM: Crashies, ScreaM, Chronicle
    For the year of 2021, the top 4 are undisputable(other than the order). However, the 5th spot is disputable imo but I decided to give it to Shahz cause of how great he's played individually this year while also IGLing the most dominant NA team and one of the only 3 teams to make it to Reykjavik, Berlin and Champions.
posted about 3 years ago

Name 1 better sentinel player in NA. I'll wait.

posted about 3 years ago
  • Kick IGL because his teammates didn't want to play with him
  • Add the player who has been working with the team for months so they would actually have chemistry
  • Lose because other teams were just better even though 100T had great synergy(I have no clue why you were saying they had 0 synergy)
  • Decide to go after the best player in the game instead of some ranked demons
  • Attempting to bring in a good, extremely experienced IGL from EU that also fills a role that the team needs
    I know 100T is a big org but you guys don't have to hate on everything they do. There are plenty of good FAs still available and still time to make some moves. Plus we don't even know if cNed is gonna resign or not, and if he does 100T can get great players from other regions or someone else from NA.
posted about 3 years ago

Idk why they kick their IGL arch before their worst player Duno but whatever. Also the roles don't even really make sense either but Jady is a good pick up. They just need a good IGL who plays smokes. Unfortunately, Redgar, Ange1 and zeddy are all signed so idk what NaVi is gonna do.

posted about 3 years ago

I mean every one of the players are super flexible and can play any agent really so who knows.

posted about 3 years ago

valyn is the IGL so that isn't an issue. I would love to see them pick up v1c from T1 Academy. The dude is 16, can play sova and skye(although he's new to sova I think) and is just a phenomenal player. He even played great at Fragadelphia even though he's 16 and it was his first LAN(presumably). Or they could even go with some other good FAs like pr0phie, Temperature, Aleksandar or even Genghsta if IMT actually disband and all that. Or they could go for some other young sova/skye player out there. This is why I blame Psalm. It's not really about him not being the best, it's about all of the good possible players that could be in his spot that are either younger and have more potential or are better.

posted about 3 years ago

This kid is 16 years old and is a stud. He plays Reyna, Skye, Sova, Astra and Viper, is the star of T1 Academy(alongside Dawn). Plus, he just popped off at the Fragadelphia LAN despite playing Astra and Sova for the first time or something like that. If I had to bet on the next young superstar in NA that gets signed by a tier 1 team(like zekken or Asuna), I would bet on v1c. This is the big benefit to having an academy roster. If T1's new roster isn't working out or if curry needed a replacement, they have this 16 year old up and coming star that they can plug in for him and if they don't need him, they develop him and then sell him off to another team.

posted about 3 years ago

I mean yeah of course they know more than me but everywhere he goes, he is always the worst player except when he played at Squirtle Squad, and even then he was far from being the star of a mid tier 2 team. I'm completely going off of the scoreboard so he could've had the greatest utility in the world and all that and I wouldn't know so it's not a take I can really back up outside of stats. I still remember when he played for FaZe in the FaZe invitational as well as China Nguyen and Dignitas and I thought his sova utility was probably one of the best in NA. So maybe he just has very good utility and that's why he's signed but he just lacks firepower and that's all I know. The other 4 are all great players who are now given the opportunity to shine on The Guard and I just don't think psalm matches their level of talent. I hope it all works out and psalm plays great but as of right now, he gets most of the blame from me.

posted about 3 years ago

Fnc arent as good as ppl say cuz the Only maps they won were icebox and fracture and lost other maps

posted about 3 years ago

What do you think is going to happen to KRU if NiP gets Mazino and Klaus and they sell NagZ? Do you think keznit and delz1k stay and KRU rebuilds around them or will they leave for a Brazilian team? Plus, if they do stick around for a rebuild, who do you think KRU will get? LATAM isn't exactly stacked with talent and there's a lot of big orgs entering into Brazilian valorant that are going to scoop up all of the top players in Brazil so who would they even get? Personally, I would love to see NiP get Mazino, Klaus, Jonn, and maybe keznit and one more(delz1k?). They could play Jonn on jett, and the rest could just stay on their current roles. Godsent could get Xand, Furia could get Nagzet and NiP would get their superteam with the KRU guys and Jonn. Also the KRU guys would pretty much get to stay together, especially if NiP signed Onur and Delz1k. The only losers here would be KRU and Nagz cause he wouldn't get to play with the KRU guys anymore but it would be fun to watch.

posted about 3 years ago

Impressive for a tier 2 team.

posted about 3 years ago

I mean if there's any player they should remove, it is clear who it is. I don't know why they even signed Psalm in the first place but if they want to at least be at the top of the tier 2 scene, they need to get a better sova/skye player immediately. The rest of the roster is really good and has a shit ton of potential but Psalm is somehow already a washed up player in Valorant despite it only being out for like a year. No hate to the guy, he's a great gamer who has had a great gaming career but I don't think he deserves to be signed when there's so many great unsigned players.

posted about 3 years ago

Basically it should be cNed filling in for nitr0 last role and ec1s filling in for b0i/nitr0. The big question is who the sentinel player will be if they play a sentinel on a map or 2. My bet would be HiKo since ec1s is gonna be on smokes and Asuna can play sova. 100T should run a double duelist, double initiator comp with ec1s on smokes for most maps but again HiKo should be the one to flex onto cypher/killjoy when needed.

posted about 3 years ago

Maybe or he could get even more money from going to 100T. It's more likely that he won't come to 100T but as a 100T fan, I'm really hoping he does since it is pretty much the only roster move 100T can make that will make them compete for Champs in 2022 in my eyes. I mean Brehze is good and all but cNed is the best player in Valorant so.

posted about 3 years ago

At this point it doesn't matter who 100T gets as long as they get cNed. If they get cNed we would see the best duelist duo in the world by a mile and they would be supported by the best skye player in the world and an experienced sova main who has great utility and is one of the most clutch players in the world. Whether the 5th is ec1s, Brehze or some random iron player, 100T is gonna be filthy if they somehow get cNed. Personally I would prefer ec1s to Brehze if they get cNed cause they're going to need an IGL and a smokes main and if they do, 100T should easily be a top 3 team in NA and should qual to every international LAN.

posted about 3 years ago

I mean Shahz is great and definitely a better player than xeta, Bcj and Derrek but they are all better at the role of initiator. And TenZ was the best player at pretty much every NA event this year as well as Reykjavik. Plus he played great at Berlin too so why should 1 bad tournament make him worse than Leaf when he's been a top 2 NA player all year long? Sure, maybe I put Asuna above leaf cause I'm biased but leaf shouldn't be above TenZ.

posted about 3 years ago

tyty I just wish the format didn't change the numbering so it would be 1-5 for each role. Also I was thinking about making neptune the HM for secondary duelist but corey has just been such a great player from the beginning of Valorant so I decided to give him props.

posted about 3 years ago

Could you guys try to add more time filters to the stats page. If you could sort by the last 6 months, year or just sort it by year it would be great. Since people are trying to make lists on the top players of 2021, it would be great if you guys made it so you could sort stats by 2021 or 2020 and all that. Thanks

posted about 3 years ago

But who won First Strike though?
Wardell or 100T?

posted about 3 years ago

Main Duelist:

  1. Yay
  2. TenZ
  3. Asuna
  4. leaf
  5. YaBoiDre
    HM: Babybay
    Secondary Duelist/Flex(So basically all the skye and kayo mains who also play some duelist or other roles)
  6. SicK
  7. Ethan
  8. Xeppaa
  9. zekken
  10. ShoT_UP
    HM: corey
  11. Crashies
  12. Derrek
  13. Bcj
  14. xeta
  15. ShahZaM
    HM: eeiu
  16. Marved
  17. Dephh
  18. supamen
  19. Vanity
  20. gMd
    HM: Zombs
  21. dapr
  22. fns
  23. Steel
  24. POISED
  25. BabyJ
    HM: aproto
posted about 3 years ago

Ok I'm all for TSM slander but saying corey is just not good enough just screams that you don't watch Valorant or know what you're talking about

posted about 3 years ago

I love Ethan and 100T but he's not a top 10 player in the world. I mean he might be a top 10 LAN player but you can't make a list off of LAN alone when he's only played LAN at Berlin + the first 2 games of NA LCQ. Also when did this man ever hard carry? He has played alongside Asuna and nitr0 for his entire Valorant career and he definitely doesn't hard carry them.

posted about 3 years ago

If I was in charge of X10, my first option would be JohnOlson. With Patiphan going to OWL, he's now the best Thai duelist in Valorant and they could plug him right in for Patiphan. And if he doesn't join, then they can just get a tier 2 duelist like niffy(I don't watch SEA games but his stats, he looks pretty good). It would also be fun to see X10 make a new super team with JohnOlson and PTC replacing Patiphan and Crws but that probably won't happen. However, if it did, X10 could definitely make some deeper runs in future Masters and Champions events.

posted about 3 years ago

Produce players that can either be promoted to the main roster(like how T1 promoted dawn) or they can be sold. Plus they can win more earnings from the plenty of tier 2 tournaments that the main roster can't compete in. Also, these guys aren't going to have big salaries whatsoever so there's no reason not to have an academy team if you're a big org like FaZe.

posted about 3 years ago

I just kinda quickly made this with all the biggest roster moves recently and since I don't really watch Game Changers for any region(I've seen a bit of NA but not much). Also I didn't see anything about frz or gtn on Liquipedia so I didn't include them.

posted about 3 years ago

I haven't seen too much talk about these moves so I decided to make a forum telling you guys about some roster moves that have happened over the past few days

  • ABX "Mada" has become a restricted FA. ABX is now left with "vice" and "mummAy" on their active roster.
  • V1 "Oderus" has officially been benched
  • "Spyder" has left T1 and joined the Guard
  • The Guard also acquired "JonahP" from IMT
  • Gen.G is trying to sign "Rhyme", a former NiP player in EU but they have to sort out some visa issues before the move can be made
  • 100T's analyst "Jovi" has been promoted to HC after 100T parted ways with "FrosT"
  • "seven" is most likely going to T1 and ska is most likely out of T1
  • 100T is trialing former EG csgo player "Brehze" and former NiP IGL "ec1s"
  • FaZe Clan and "ZachaREEE" have parted ways. FaZe is now just left with "BABYBAY" on their active roster.
  • Guild is trying to sign former G2 IGL and sova main "Koldamenta" as well as former OG star "trexx". If this move is confirmed, the duo would join "Leo" and "Sayf" and Guild would need 1 more player to complete their roster.
  • "Doma" has been moved to the inactive roster for Fnatic.
  • NaVi has benched their IGL "arch".
  • "Onur", the coach of KRU, is now a FA after his contract with KRU has come to an end.
  • Stars Horizon has parted ways with their roster
  • Brazil's Berlin representative, Havan Liberty has released "pleets" from his contract after moving him to the inactive roster earlier this month.
  • Keyd Stars have released "ntk"
  • Team Vikings' support trio "sacy", "sutecas" and "Saadhak" have left the team following a group stage exit at Champions
  • Gamelanders have benched "Jonn", "Nyang" and "fznnn", leaving them with no players on the active roster.
  • X10 Crit's star duelist "patiphan" has officially moved on to the LA Gladiators of the Overwatch League.
  • "Munchkin" and Crazy Raccoons have parted ways and he is now a FA
  • The Runner ups of the APAC LCQ, Northeption, have disbanded their roster. This comes after the departure of the korean duo of "Seoldam" and "Astell" from the team and the acquisition of "ten" and "SugarZ3ro" by Zeta Division. "Meiy" and "Vorz" are now also FAs.

If you want to follow the roster moves, I would suggest going to George Geddes' twitter(https://twitter.com/GeorgeCGed) or Liquipedia's transfers page(https://liquipedia.net/valorant/Portal:Transfers) and those are the sources I used for this :)

posted about 3 years ago

Lost 1 series since picking up Nivera to the best team in the world rn. I don't think that calls for a roster change whatsoever especially considering how damn good Liquid's roster is.

posted about 3 years ago

I mean if you look at T1's last few series, it's been auti and curry carrying(Curry not as much but he's pretty much always up there and was the IGL).

posted about 3 years ago

When he first went on jett, he was one of the better jetts in NA but he was inconsistent af after a bit and then they eventually got Auti and to have auti on anything other than the main duelist would just be dumb af.

posted about 3 years ago

Ska was one of their worst players but ok. The only 2 good players from this last T1 roster were Auti and curry but they couldn't carry Ska, brax and dawn by themselves.

posted about 3 years ago

How was auti overrated? Auti was a top 10 jett main in NA and was underrated if anything cause he couldn't carry with curry to success against better teams.

posted about 3 years ago

Yes but the thought is that auti is going back to cs so it's not about who's better

posted about 3 years ago

Who is he and is he trustworthy? I'd only believe it were true if George Geddes reported it and even then I'd have questions cause it's Sinatraa.

posted about 3 years ago

Good point but also there's no real available IGLs in NA so ig Zach would just have to learn cause I'm pretty sure he called in some situations for FaZe before. Unless they wanted to pick up someone like DazzLe or Poach instead of sinatraa, I don't really know of what IGL they'd pick up.

posted about 3 years ago

Who are the 3 duelists? Dre would be a secondary duelist and could probably pick up skye, sinatraa would be on sova and Zach is a controller main so idk where you're getting 3 duelists from. Did you actually think Zach is a duelist???? XD

posted about 3 years ago

Explain how they are a fluke team when they have dominated their region, made Reykjavik(without Keznit), Berlin and Champs, beat arguably the best Japanese team, Zeta Division, as well as the top Brazilian teams. Then they beat NA's best team and a red hot Fnatic before losing to Gambit in 5 OTs in the semifinals at Champs. How are they a fluke?

posted about 3 years ago

GMB and Acend<100T so 100T are the real champs.

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

Could you imagine if FaZe's new roster was BABYBAY, YaBoiDre, sinatraa, ZachaREEE and aproto? That would be a scary good lineup. Obviously sinatraa is unlikely cause of the bad PR and all that but FaZe's reputation isn't the best anyways so maybe they're willing to take a risk to pick up a great player. Or they could always import a sova like Sacy from another country. FaZe would actually be able to compete with the top 5 teams and would even have a chance of making a LAN next year.

posted about 3 years ago

Doubt the finals will get more cause it's EMEA vs EMEA and KRU had a shit ton of fans from other regions due to their run

posted about 3 years ago

Well then maybe if they were more likeable and less egotistical and did as good as Liquid, they would get some slack

posted about 3 years ago

Yeah but

  1. She accused her ex of beating her for years
  2. She's a female so, unfortunately, people don't care as much
posted about 3 years ago

You and the other vlr updaters are very appreciated as well. Thanks for all of your reports! But it's just that Noyn and iKyoto do a really good job of covering their own regions(since they are very familiar with their own regions) and they aren't a part of the vlr crew so I wanted to give them props.

posted about 3 years ago
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