Flag: United States
Registered: July 8, 2020
Last post: March 1, 2022 at 7:57 PM
Posts: 1331
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posted about 3 years ago

A better duelist than elllement? There's only a few better duelists in EU and they're all signed to the top orgs. Keep sleeping on elllement

posted about 3 years ago

I'm assuming that they meant initiator instead of controller, especially if they already mentioned that Quick is a smoker.

posted about 3 years ago

Stop spamming bro

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

So everything for the year after from this year on should be determined by 1 tournament each year? Why would they ignore the data from the other international LANs when data from ONLY 1 tournament is a super small sample size and some teams could have fluked their way to Playoffs or got an easy group or whatever. Plus, if they consider things that happen outside of the lobby, Patiphan leaving is a huge blow to the SEA region and X10 disbanding. Either way I was arguing that APAC should get more than 1 slot so idk why all of you are so focused on me saying NA> lmao.

posted about 3 years ago

Why would he go to SMB or why would SMB want him when they already have Brave?

posted about 3 years ago

If you're only looking at Champs, then yeah but the entire rest of the year NA>SEA by far and KR finished 3rd at Reykjavik and VS made playoffs at Berlin before losing to the eventual champs. I'd take those results over 2 teams making it to the quarterfinals of champs and instantly losing(I know they lost to the 2 finalist but I'll still take a 3rd and consistency over 2 teams getting knocked out in the quarterfinals of 1 tournament this year. Also NA had a finalist at Berlin, won Reykjavik, had another semifinalist at Berlin as well as a quarterfinalist, C9 made quarterfinals at Champs and V1 finished 5-6 at Reykjavik so unless you are ONLY looking at Champs results, which would be ignorant because we've seen 2 other international LAN tournaments, NA is 100% better and KR is pretty close, but better.

posted about 3 years ago

Yeah we don't know but when Brazil is given 2 slots and Japan and LATAM qualify on their own and will get the same amount(if not more for LATAM) of slots as SEA with SA and OCE added to them, people aren't going to just accept that. SEA has probably been the 4th best overall region behind EMEA, NA and KR(KRU> but they are far ahead of the #2 team in LATAM as shown by the South American LCQ). I mean Japan hasn't done anything in the 3 international LANs we've seen and they're AT LEAST going to get equal amount of slots as SEA, who has proven to be a challenge at international LANs, alongside SA and Oce, who haven't really been given a shot internationally. It's just completely ridiculous.

posted about 3 years ago

Temperature lowkey is one of the best FAs available. Great sentinel/initiator player who's going to go under the radar now because he played really bad against 100T at LCQ. That was presumably his first series on LAN ever and was his first game on a tier 1 team. However, he played great once LCQ went online. He definitely deserves to at least be on a tier 2 team and I think he should be given another shot by some tier 1 team like maybe FaZe or something. The tough part about it is that BabyJ and aproto are both FAs and Temperature is a sentinel main(he can play initiators too tho).

posted about 3 years ago

You just mentioned Raze from fucking beta and then ask if Killjoy was released in 2021... I don't remember when she was released but I was getting triple kills with a molly alarm bot setup because her mollies were simply just broken.

posted about 3 years ago

Yeah, you weren't playing when Killjoy was released, were you?

posted about 3 years ago

I mean phoenix has been useless since NA teams actually realized that Reyna is 10x better. He's not a bad agent in reality but he's just not viable with Reyna, Skye and Kayo all in the game already + Neon. Maybe they could make him a little better at everything but he just doesn't fit in with the meta and hasn't for a while.

posted about 3 years ago

I know everyone is freaking out about her being good but she just has no place in team comps. She's not going to replace Sova or Skye because they just get so much info, help gain map control and skye has flash and heal and sova has shock darts for post plant potential(as well as some combos with other agents). You can't play her instead of a controller because you need smokes on every map. That leaves you with Jett and the sentinel/Reyna. Neon isn't good enough to warrant replacing Jett in any comp and she doesn't have as much pop off potential as Reyna and she can't hold flanks or sites nearly as well as sentinels can. Sure, her sprint looks good and her tunnel thing does too but the tunnel just allows for the other team to rat around it and hide in the cubbies created by it and her sprint isn't going to be great for fights because you really can't run and gun without a spectre. Her nade and ult are good and she could be really good alongside skye but she just has no place in team comps, at least for the pros. She should be a fun agent to play with and all but I really don't think she's THAT good.

posted about 3 years ago

Duelist/Controller, Asuna, and Zombs(I mostly learned Astra from watching Zombs so he's the real reason I play controllers)

posted about 3 years ago

P1, $50

posted about 3 years ago

Just read the TLDR... It's just to mentally help me view rosters

posted about 3 years ago

There's a lot of common Asian surnames and Nguyen is definitely one of them. It's like asking if 2 guys with the last name smith are related because they have the same last name...

posted about 3 years ago

Flex is just the term I like to use for the skye and/or kayo players who also sometimes flex onto duelists. You could also call them secondary duelists or whatever but that's generally what I mean when I say flex. Like Russ pretty much only plays initiators so I would say he's the initiator player for the team, Quick is the smokes player and Monsteerr is the sentinel(With Fit1nho being the main duelist). It just helps me view rosters when I put the players into these roles even though in some scenarios the "Flex" player isn't even the most flexible player(Like Jamppi vs soulcas).
TLDR: I just consider skye/kayo players who flex onto duelists and the team's flex player.

posted about 3 years ago

This is a hot take, but I honestly think this team will be better than the last Giants iteration. Fit1nho is still on the team and is still the star of the show but now they add Russz next to him. Jesse is an unproven but promising flex player and Monsteerr is a good, but inconsistent sentinel player. The biggest question with this team is Quick and if he will bring the team down because of his individual skill or lift them up with his IGLing. It would've made more sense to me if they kept DavidP instead of adding Quick but this is still a very promising roster. There's a lot of questions with this roster, but there's even more upside and I think they'll end up as a better team once they start to gel.

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

I'd rather compete with NaVi and OBG for 2 spots than the rest of EU for 4 slots.

posted about 3 years ago

First off he has the most t1 IGL experience of everyone available and what IGL would they even get from SAM/APAC? The only real notable IGL from either region is stax and I doubt he would leave VS and come to NA. You act as if all these players can and are willing to leave their own region to come to NA and outside of the guys who have played on LAN, ec1s is 10x more experienced. Idk why so many people don't like the pickup and think that 100T could've done better but don't give any examples as to who they could've signed. South America isn't exactly known for having great IGLs and IGLing in a whole different language is extremely difficult and hurts teams more than it helps them in most cases. Again, unless you can give me some realistic options that would be better than ec1s, I can't see how this is a bad move from 100T.

posted about 3 years ago

This was supposed to be a reply...

posted about 3 years ago

Again it's not that they aren't willing to spend money, it's just that there's no one to be bought out for a reasonable price(not overpriced). What top tier IGL was available to be bought? No one.

posted about 3 years ago

Why even put 100T on there when they don't even have a rumored 5th? And if you're gonna put 100T on there, where's T1?

  1. Envy
  2. Sen
  3. Cloud9
  4. XSET
  5. Rise
  6. GenG
  7. V1
  8. NRG
  9. TSM
  10. Akrew
  11. KCP
  12. LG
posted about 3 years ago


  1. ShahZaM
  2. fns
  3. vanity
  5. dephh
    1) Redgar
    2) Jamppi
    3) Boaster
    5) pAura
posted about 3 years ago

Damn Brawk baited you that easily? Pros do that shit all the time and it never means anything. If The Guard doesn't sign YaBoiDre(he plays sova now), then idk what they're doing.

posted about 3 years ago

I doubt he needs a job since he's been signed with orgs the past 2 years in Valorant and placed 2nd in the Fortnite World Cup but ok.

posted about 3 years ago

Yeah but the difference with cNed is that he's the best player in the world. It would make sense to take these players off of their comfort agents and switch up roles for cNed but it wouldn't make as much sense for an unproven young talent like Cryo. I would like to see them try out a comp like you suggested but with great sentinel mains like aproto, BabyJ and Temperature available, it makes more sense to just pickup one of them and to rely on Asuna to be the solo duelist on the team. I think Asuna works much better with a Jett player entrying and him following behind that Jett player but he is still good at solo entrying and playing Jett.

posted about 3 years ago

Idk why Zeta Division didn't keep takej when he was their 2nd best player and 1 of the best Japanese players. I get that he boosted an account or whatever but to give him away to a rival team is just dumb. Andbox's roster just gets sadder and sadder with each new iteration. They're just a worse version of IMT at this point. Great move by The Guard. psalm is one of the best gamers of all time but he just doesn't cut it anymore and there are better, and more promising, Sova players in NA. As for Excel, I'm really excited to see their new roster. elllement is one of the best and most underrated duelists in EU and he can carry if they need him to. The other 4 players are also all good players and they have some chemistry already, with ozzy playing with paTiTek on G2 and elllement on NoPoaching. The only real question is whether or not ozzy or paTiTek will play smokes. I would assume ozzy is going to play smokes and paTiTek will be their flex player but we'll just have to see.

posted about 3 years ago

Godkar is the GOAT but if you only looked at his stats you wouldn't know it. flyuh is 18 iirc, can play smokes or initiators, is an IGL and is a pretty good player individually.

posted about 3 years ago

Cryo is a great player and a great fit for Xset but he wouldn't fit in too well with 100T. It would just mess up all of the established roles in the team and it would lead to either Asuna or Ethan taking a more passive role on the team, at least on some maps. I guess they could role with the double duelist and initiator comp, like they did with this last iteration but, pretty much all of the top teams run 1 duelist comps with a cypher/killjoy. If 100T picked up Cryo, they would have to either not use the meta comp or they would probably have to move HiKo to smokes or sentinels and Asuna to Sova and obviously, those aren't their comfort agents. However, he's a great addition and a great fit for Xset and I'm really excited to see this new Xset team play.

posted about 3 years ago

YaBoiDre, BabyJ, PureR, Temperature, ShoT_UP(If IMT disbands in NA), aproto, and iyen.

posted about 3 years ago

I mean my point with the ec1s signing not being bad is because there aren't guys on the level of nitr0, ShahZaM, Redgar, etc. available and if 100T were going to go after one they would have to massively overpay a buyout since no one wants to let go of their top tier IGL unless it means they are going to make a huge profit on his buyout. Idk why the expectations were so high when, in reality, ec1s was probably the 2nd best option available behind zander. Even then, ec1s is much more experienced so it makes sense that 100T would go for ec1s over zander.

posted about 3 years ago
  1. Jovi is the new coach for 100T(https://www.upcomer.com/sources-100-thieves-promotes-jovi-to-head-coach-of-valorant-roster/)
  2. I'm 95% sure NaturE is the IGL of GenG considering he was the IGL of IMT
  3. Genghsta to Pittsburgh Knights(https://twitter.com/GeorgeCGed/status/1473829631291707401?s=20)
    Also, could you put IGL next to ec1s like you did for zander and hazed. Thanks.
posted about 3 years ago

If your mmr is higher than your rank, you would get more rr to adjust for the difference between the 2.

posted about 3 years ago

iyen was the best individually other than pl1xx and Jsung and was their IGL smokes player. He was definitely the most valuable player for Soniqs.

posted about 3 years ago

Look at the rest of his team. Maybe if he had a better team he could actually compete for something.

posted about 3 years ago

If any team needs an IGL they should go for iyen.

posted about 3 years ago

Again I'd rather have an IGL the players actually wanna play with

posted about 3 years ago

Why does everyone question the 100T pickup of ec1s but not the TSM pickup of Rossy? ec1s was a good IGL over in Europe for NiP while IMT had probably their worst variation with Rossy as IGL. I don't really think either is a bad move but I just don't understand why the 100T pickup is so much more questionable to everyone on this site.

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

Once again, if any team is going to sign sinatraa, it would be FaZe so he's always a possibility for them imo. Also, if doma comes to NA, FaZe is probably the most likely landing spot for him and then they would just need a sentinel main since flyuh can play smokes. Also flyuh is only 18 years old and he has a ton of potential. I think he's also going to be the IGL which just adds to his value. An 18 year old, IGL, smokes player who is pretty good individual sounds pretty exciting to me but idk. The rest of their roster is completely unknown but maybe they try and get some OWL pros to switch over or something.

posted about 3 years ago

Btw it's POISED not poiz. POISED is the IGL and sentinel main of Rise. poiz is the former jett player for C9B and the current jett player for C9 Academy. Anyways for NA imo it's:

  1. ShahZaM
  2. fns
  3. vanity
  5. dephh(Better individually then the 3 above him but the 3 above him are better callers imo)
posted about 3 years ago

Doma doesn't fit on 100T at all so idk why you would love to see him join. It would be cool to see him join a team like FaZe but I'm sure he's gonna stay in EU. I think all of the imports for this offseason have happened unless 100T import someone else.

posted about 3 years ago

In case you're confused, he's on loan from FaZe to Envy. Envy isn't loaning him off anywhere, he's just on loan at Envy if that makes sense. So depending on if it was a loan with an option to buy after the loan or a different type of loan, Envy might buy him out or FaZe could get him back.

posted about 3 years ago

steel is better but I'd rather have an IGL that the other 4 players actually want to play with. A leader that the others don't want to play with sounds like the recipe for a terrible team with lots of internal issues so I'd rather have ec1s :)

posted about 3 years ago

Could you imagine FaZe gets Marved back and signs sinatraa. I know everyone talks about every org signing sinatraa but FaZe is the 1 big org I could see signing sinatraa cause they already got a shitty reputation. Anyways, getting Marved back and adding sinatraa to Babybay would put their team on track to actually compete with the top teams. However, they're probably gonna just sell Marved and I think they're in talks to sign flyuh who is an initiator main iirc.

posted about 3 years ago

How do you know? I mean I'm not saying he's 100% going to NA but how do you know it's a bait tho?

posted about 3 years ago
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