TenZ is the worst player on SEN
You might think sacy or zellsis is but if you look at the actual impact those two bring i think TenZ is the least useful player on the team.
no 🗿
oh nooo what shall i do!??! D:
This is a wild take
The absolute FRAUD JohnQT is the worst player on SEN and it ISN’T EVEN CLOSE.
eg fan wanting john lol
you tried
Was he even trying atp
i've seen significantly worse attempts
he’s at the top of the scoreboard most of them time with zekken
he also has so much impact. for example, like getting that 4k against nrg to OT and dragging them to madrid.
he also got an ace against kru and broke their momentum or sen would’ve lost.
at least try to make the bait believable
so hard to argue with a SEN fan lmao pointing out 2 things hes done have u seen what the rest of the team has done
you’re actually braindead
his utility and kills are so impactful this year
ok ðŸ˜
Avg EU take
u might be braindead icl
I just wish baiters like you put this much effort into filing a job application instead
Nashi post and leave. 8/8. Baiters who comeback and bait more are trying too hard
lmao he's not tenz haters lololol