Cody begged to join and they went back to him with a contract that he didn't sign because it was bad. He didn't sign anything, nothing has been done. How is that fucking over someone? Like, yeah it was a bad that it was publicized other than that no one has been "fucked over".
The Johnqt thing was already talked about so many times, they already tried to get him before but his buyout was too high, just like Kaplan's. Shroud is different because at least you can get a ROI on a big spending and let's not act like he's some kind of bad player. His smokes were absolutely NOT the reason why sen lost LCQ.
You can question some decisions made but to act that Sen has one of the worst rep is really funny. There are orgs out there that promote scams to their fans, orgs where people talk about toxic environments, abusive ceos, etc.