Flag: France
Registered: December 21, 2022
Last post: March 6, 2025 at 8:23 PM
Posts: 3376
1 •• 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 •• 66

Following of thoose post (I can’t find round 2 topic, I think it might have been deleted, if you are a vlr mod, I would love to hear what hapenned!)

Rule is easy :
Every new player receive 1000 point at the start, you can bet 100 point maximum on each game. (Obviously no money involved, it’s just for fun)
This time i’ll give Round 7 odd, you can bet on the 4 potential matchup if you wish, you are allowed to change your vote if you want, it could be on this topic or ne following one (That will be the last)

I’m preparing a megathread for AP/EM/AM/CN stage 2.
Please vote on the following proposition :

  • Having one topic for everything
  • Having one topic for every T1 « Continent »
    (I don't want to make one topic for every round, I rather edit, the following one)
    Nobody voted last time :c

Round BO5 odding bets Odd in [], chance of win in ()  :

  • [1,97] TH – G2 [2,03] (TH 51%)
    I give both odd based on both win, please bet on the 2 (Obviously only the bet with the winning team will count)
  • [1,69] GEN – TH [2,44] (GEN 59%)
  • [1,67] GEN – G2 [2,48] (GEN 60%)
    Fun fact, GEN is the 6th team that reach 100 ELO point, so far, only LOUD, FNC, PRX, EG, EDG (eeeew CN bia) did it.

Ranking :

  • number2_cNed_fan 1531
  • highlyte 1522
  • SuperRoss 1522
  • donkkomong 1428
  • flanador 1397
  • PP12123213123 1388
  • Liem 1379
  • kaesra 1339
  • dogexyz 1334
  • alsdhflkahflkajsdhlfhsadl 1319
  • randomperson 1319
  • scarlemange 1297
  • gamingtaming 1297
  • Azzelastia 1257
  • messithegoat 1244
  • Cosmic_ 1178
  • greeno 1121
  • Dolphin 1100
  • tungsten_cube 1069
  • pakg1m1n 1069
  • Garry711 1069
  • Ezzh 1069
  • wykes 1043
  • benjy 1025
  • Esdeath 1025
  • Tryeue2 1025
  • Kaitou 1018
  • pokedyo 1002
  • diswaco 969
  • FNS_KITTEN 957
  • K4ziuHa 925
  • unknown_trash 876
  • capital_d_colon 874
  • Al-Mawsil 825
  • doomvor 779
  • liamo 775
  • TooCaution_Heartless 773
  • Legion91 748
  • nguyenboi 659
  • 7whanzussjwbsysbbejskaoao 547
  • novinho_pirocudo 546
    (Please report any mistake)
    Bot is -3638 (He shouldn’t be on positive, since if you bet randomely bot should be at 0)

Result of lasts rounds :

  • [1.7] G2 - T1 [2.42] : (G2 59%, G2)
  • [1.61] FPX - FUT [2.63] : (FPX 62%)
  • [1.61] GEN - LEV [2.63] : (GEN 62%)
  • [1.48] TH - DRG [3.07] : (TH 67%)


  • [1,99] G2 - TH [2,01] : (G2 50,2%)
  • [1,92] FPX - GEN [2,08] (FPX 52%)
  • [1,79] LEV - T1 [2,26] : (LEV 56%)
  • [1,53] FUT - DRG [2,88] : (FUT 65%)


  • [1,66] FPX – TH [2,52] (FPX 60%)
  • [1,96] FUT – LEV [2,05] (FUT 51 %)


  • [1,36] PRX – G2 [3,79] (PRX 74%)
  • [1,44] EDG – TH [3,28] (EDG 69 %)
  • [1,74] 100T – FUT [2,35] (100T 58%)
  • [1,86] FNC – GEN [2,17] (FNC 54 %)


  • [1,72] PRX – EDG [2,40] (PRX 58%)
  • [1,51] FNC – FUT [2,97] (FNC 66%)
  • [1,85] G2 – TH [2,17] (G2 54%)
  • [1,74] GEN – 100T [2,35] (GEN 57%)


  • [1,44] PRX – 100T [3,29] : (PRX 70 %)
  • [1,93] TH – FUT [2,07] : (TH 52 %)


  • [1,76] GEN – G2 [2,31] : (GEN 57 %)
  • [1,80] 100T – TH [2,25] : (100T 56 %)
posted 8 months ago

So you basically need 2 OCE player and then you will look for 2 import right ?

(Maybe the solution is being the import yourself)

posted 8 months ago

You have already 2 imports ?

posted 8 months ago

So anti-strating could be easier than having a good gameplan ?

posted 8 months ago

Sadfully, toxic make interactions, and the site show quantity over quality, so what you see are toxic parts and not quality part, for every banter topic they are 1 interesting topic where people try to think and analysis that are hidden because for lack of interaction.

If you want to make a deep topic that analysis stat, data and many interesting things I recommend put a title with high toxicity if you want to have a chance to have people to interact with.

posted 8 months ago

Now I have your attention, I want to point something that really makes me really mad and nobody seem to notice it : we are in a map trading meta, wish mean team seems to be BETTER on opponent map choice...

If you take every game that go to game 3 in this master, meaning each team was 1-1 at some point, team won their map pick in 4 case, and as lose their map pick 8 TIMES (When 100T will win TH map it will be 9), how is that even possible ? How team could be weaker on their own map pick than on the opponent mappick ? Is choice of side is better that map pick ? Are coach fraud ? Is every proplay game just a soloQ with better aim ? Are proplayer unable to do a proper gameplan ? Is just luck and in long term that will not be true ?

posted 8 months ago

Why thoose two ?
To me the best choice is Icebox since no duelist are viable, meaning both Raze and Jett arent strong, and she got a good wall for this map

posted 8 months ago

I should really stop typing on vlr while listening some analysis video, thats not good for my dyslexia, I meant Raze obviously x)

posted 8 months ago

Donno why my brain farted there (Probably because I was listening Lothar telling us she was buffed)

Thanks for the correction

posted 8 months ago

Are you really sure she is stronger than Jett and Raze on any maps ?

posted 8 months ago

Icebox is a good choice, especially since no duelist are strong on it.
Ascent and Bind are out, thats 100% Jett and Raze playground since S1

Stays Lotus, Sunset, Haven that are a little bit more realistic, I think she will have a couple of play on this map, and then completely disappear after the hype of up as pass and everybody realize she might be still weak x)

posted 8 months ago

Thats my biggest fear, still weak, but really frustrating to play against

posted 8 months ago

Is that really long... At the end of wrting I was thinking it's a little bit too short and don't enter enough in detail :x

Sometime I feel it's forbidden to have a construct point of view on this site, only important things are 1 sentences punchline, I hope I'm wrong about that x)

posted 8 months ago

Sorry for what we did in the past... (But at least we are not USian)

posted 8 months ago

Sounds like selfhurting

posted 8 months ago

Regular season doesnt mean a lot of things, top 8 qualify and they are already almost qualified, so I see no reason to panic for 2 loosed BO to be honest.

(I hate the format)

posted 8 months ago

This is an unpopular opinion but I tend to agree with this.

We can keep the nerf on trap and gun, but maybe go back to 2 TPs

posted 8 months ago

On what map and why ?

posted 8 months ago

Sadfully I kinda tend to agree that BR was always a one team region, Riot was being really generous giving them 3 slots while LAN have 0. But you kinda push too far here.
They are strong enough to have 2 franchised teams (Same for LAS), and 1 team enough competitive to qual threw ascension, but 3 franchise is to mush, and I really don't think BR playing in NA is the reason while FUR and MIBR are weak. Lets be honest MIBR 2023 was Keyd Star and Furia 2023 was Furia 2022, and thoose 2 team wasn't really strong.

posted 8 months ago

If Americas would split in half, that would make sense to put mexico in NA, since they are in the same scrim ecosystem than NA, and not in the same Scrim ecosystem than LAS/BR (Thats why they have to make an offline event to play LAS teams)

posted 8 months ago

Scrim-wise (that was the big argument used by BR so far) Mexico can scrim in NA and not in BR

posted 8 months ago

I keep at least 5 franchised in all of them, franchise is nice.

I would dislike hybrid, Middle East wouldn't enough strong if TR player could play in EU x)

posted 8 months ago

Wait you want to combine JP, CN and KR ? Well no, that would make it really unbalanced. Maybe in 30 years when population fo thoose 3 country would have drop massively, but now it's too early :/

hybrid suggestion ?

posted 8 months ago

So basically an retake comp with Harbor-Viper-Gekko-Neon-KJ that are kinda the god at retaking ?

posted 8 months ago

That exactly why I said say my opinion is eager to change and eager to have more argument because I feel I lack of data to have a fully steeled opinion (Kinda funny thats not what someone on the hill of dunning krugger would do, but it's more someone would do in the valley of despair)

But I feel people has just read the title. I literally gave argument of hopes about Neon being strong.

Be real there, in this topic I literally say I'm not sure of anything and I want to hear people different opinion. Thats not stage 2 of Dunning-Kruger.

What is sad is that almost no one gave argument there.

posted 8 months ago

I have doubt on that, I hate the fact they are weak and strong region, it's good when every region are competititve. The noweadays boundary are amazing, they are the same population in the 4 regions, but I can understand the need of having smaller regions, especially the "scrim argument" in Amricas and Pacific. If that would happen I would hate turn back to the S1/S2 situation. I would do something kinda in between :

  • Japan and Korea
  • Asean and Oceania
  • European Union and Maghreb (Lets be honest Morocco player can't play on Bahrain in server,
  • Middle East (including Turkey)
  • NA-LAN (Same scrim ecosystem)
  • SA (BR-LAS) (Same scrim ecosystem)
  • China (But i'm afraid they become too strong in middle term, cause they would be so mush populated)
    And still keeping 3 slots for everyone in champ
    (Not sure where to place India, CIS, and Africa, maybe put CIS with middle east, not really sure about that)
posted 8 months ago

One of my wet dream would have a tournament with 16 teams, 8 franchised team and 8 ascended team, the group could be made based on that, and you could even have relegation between stage 1 and 2 (It's kinda a mess for the whole "Doing a full round robin" when a team get just promoted, but it's kinda doable to be fair, just give half of possible point to the team that just get promoted)

But sound kinda irrealistic so i'll stick to the "I want group being based on geography"

posted 8 months ago

I think they where afraid they couldn't make so many team in one year tournament.

That was really a mistake, 11 and 13 format will be absolutely horrible, and people complaining about not having enough game.

My hope is that next year, they extend G2, DRG, M8, BLD to 3 year, so we wont have 13 teams, (In Americas, I think G2 will take EG spot, so the solution would be to promote 2 team instead of one to have 12 teams)

posted 8 months ago

To me 16 is the perfect number, 2 group of 8, and a kickoff format so easier to do, plus, we are sure that no T2 region will take all of the ascention spot, since we will have 3 a year.

posted 8 months ago

So you think she will be viable, and her defense issue may be compensated by her being better than Jett and Raze in atk ?

posted 8 months ago

To be fair what give you an automatic spot on Split 2 is not being full trash and not end bottom 3.

Point system can be really weird and confusing, removing every point system and just make qualify #1 team in every region seems more easier and also more fair.

It's not that hard to organise, and seeng how doing this year in Japan seems to bring a big crowd, I think in some region they might even not loose that mush money. If they don't want to loose too mush money, they can make it online for Europe and China, I admit in Pacific and America it's a little bit more complicated but not that mush, the fact last year they organize a LAN vs LAS in Mexico even if it was purely irrelevant for ascention prove that organise a LAN isn't a problem (They will even organise a offline tournament for 4 LATAM teams, that wouldn't be shocking to remove this tournament, and with the money of the removal, use it for a Split 1 pré-ascention tournament)

posted 8 months ago

I really want to orient this topic about if she will be viable or not instead of asking "Who will be strong on Neon", we aren't even sure she will be picked enough.

So. I'm not 100% sure of the fact Neon will stay bad, but I don't think her change are relevant, I want my duelist to take spaces 1st, not to takes duels, sure she will have more kills thanks to slide, but nerfing her wall and not making her stun better (While the last spell of Raze and jett are literally a Z-axis), will not help her to take spaces, wish mean Jett and Raze will still probably be favored. Sure her ult will be stronger, but do you really think that will be enough to make her viable ? Do you really think her ult is better than Chamber or Jett that can keep their ult all the round ?

Also that raise the question : How do you play Neon in defense ? Thanks to verticalityand mobility, Jett and Raze can take a lot of line that can surprise, and I think Neon can't really do that. Maybe Neon's hope is on operator, I think Neon is a good ope, her moovespeed allow her (in exchange of a small stall) to be sure she can always be in position to take the line before attack push, but i'm not sure if she is used like that, some people gonna argue that she don't have the "free out of jail card" that Chamber and jett have, but retaking with ope is so hard, that be sure you will be always on the site that get push might be strong. (But maybe i'm delu about this.

To conclude, I think she is still weak, but I need more ideas, more point of view to have a better opinion on, this that why i'm really curious, and I would love to hear long paragraph about what you think.

What is your point of view guys ? Do you think she will have play rate ? And if yes, how mush ? Which map do you think she will be played and why ? (Please try to give argument please !)

posted 8 months ago

To me it should have a tournament at the end of Split 1 : 10 teams, every top 1 team of every T2 region (GCCI and LNA got one slot each), the winner is already qualified for Ascension, regardless of their split 2 performances.

That would make every split count, and not make Split 1 not important

posted 8 months ago

I'm not really sure she will be viable, the up isn't that good, it will make just help to take better duel, but what I want from a "duelist" isnt to take duel, it's to take space, and nerfing her wall may hurt her ability to take space

posted 8 months ago

List of every country that have 3 player in T1 (count is only for T1 player playing in their own region)


  • Turkey 13 / 56 (23%) Alfajer, ATA KAPTAN, Brave, cNed, Elite, MrFaliN, pAura, qRaxs, QutionerX, reazy, RieNs, Wo0t, yetujey
  • Russia 9 / 56 (13%) Chronicle, Cloud, nAts, purp0, Redgar, Sheydos, trexx, Shao, SUYGETSU, Jemkin, something, vo0kashu
  • France 7 / 56 (13%) beyAz, Enzo, logaN, nataNk, Shin, TakaS, Wailers
  • Poland 4 / 56 (7%) GRUBINHO, kamo, paTiTek, starxo
  • Sweden 4 / 56 (7%) Leo, Sayf, ShadoW, Zyppan
  • United Kingdom 4 / 56 (7%) benjyfishy, Boaster, Keiko, Mistic
  • Finland 3 / 56 (5%) Derke, hoody, Jamppi, Polvi
  • Lithuania 3 / 56 (5%) Boo, ceNder, MiniBoo (Nukky and Destrian where replaced)


  • United States 23 / 55 (42%) Asuna, bang, Boostio, C0M, crashies, Cryocells, Demon1, Derrek, Ethan, icy, leaf, NaturE, OXY, runi, supamen, tex, trent, valyn, vanity, Victor, Xeppaa, zekken, Zellsis, N4RRATE, Rossy, yay
  • Brazil 16 / 55 (29%) artzin, aspas, cauanzin, frz, havoc, heat, Jzz, Khalil, kon4n, Less, mazin, mwzera, qck, RgLM, Sacy, tuyz
  • Canada 6 / 55 (11%) Apoth, eeiu, JonahP, Marved, moose, TenZ
  • Chile 5 / 55 (9%) keznit, kiNgg, Mazino, Melser, Shyy
  • Argentina 3 / 55 (5%) Klaus, Nozwerr, Saadhak


  • South Korea 18 / 57 (32%) ban, BeYN, BuZz, Carpe, Estrella, Foxy9, Governor, iZu, Karon, Lakia, MaKo, Medusa, Meteor, Munchkin, Sayaplayer, stax, t3xture, Zest, Rb, stew
  • Japan 9 / 57 (16%) Anthem, Dep, hiroronn, Laz, Meiy, neth, SSeeS, SugarZ3ro, Yuran
  • Indonesia 7 / 57 (12%) blaZek1ng, f0rsakeN, fl1pzjder, Lmemore, mindfreak, xccurate, xffero, deLb
  • Philippines 6 / 57 (11%) 2ge, BORKUM, invy, JessieVash, Jremy, NDG
  • Singapore 5 / 57 (9%) Benkai, Deryeon, Jinggg, lenne, Retla
  • Thailand 4 / 57 (7%) Crws, JitboyS, sScary, Surf


  • China 42 / 58 (72%) AAAAY, AAK, Abo, AC, aluba, B3Ar, Biank, Bunt, cb, CHICHOO, COLDFISH, Eren, FengF, Flex1n, GuanG, Haodong, hfmi0dzjc9z7, ICEKING, Kai, kawaii, Knight, Levius, Life, LockM, LuoK1ng, Lysoar, MarT1n, Monk, nobody, o0o0o, OBONE, PangH, Shion7, Smoggy, Spitfires, sword9, TZH, Viva, whzy, YiHao, yosemite, ZmjjKK
  • Taiwan 6 / 58 (10%) BerLIN, Nicc, Spring, TvirusLuke, YHchen, Yuicaw
  • Hong Kong 3 / 58 (5%) HeiB, jkuro, YoU

So 22 teams, we can push to 24 for having a more balanced schedule (With 24 teams, its easy to qualify 8 teams with a pseudo swiss round, since after 3 round you have 3 teams in 3-0 already qualified and 9 team in 2-1 doing one BO for the 5 remaining places, you can add a team in 1-2 or just autoqualify one team in 2-1), it can be Germany, Spain, Czechia, Australia, Malasya, Colombia (You can also gives 3 spot for the emerging region, that have enough population to have a T1 league, but not enough developpement : India, Middle East, Africa)

Edit : Adding Lituanian player that got replaced

posted 8 months ago

Doesnt MIBR have the best GC team in BR right now ? (Kinda tie with TL since they beat each other twice in GC, but MIBR is 3rd in premier while TL kinda struggle)

posted 8 months ago

No worry it's not a probleem !

posted 8 months ago

Is that the real odding bet on a betting site ? (Cause my bot is at 2.25, without the decay betting site usually have)

posted 8 months ago

It's a change of vote IIRC, noted

posted 8 months ago

It's the somme of everyone loss :
If people has won money --> Bot in negative
If people has win money --> Bot in positive
(See the bot as a betting site that will win money when people fail, but compared to bet site that go on a expactation of 0.9 if you bet based on random, the bot will be is 1, meaning if the bot is "good" and everyone bet based on random the bot will be on 0, if the bot is bad he will be really in negative (far more than just -3000), if the bot is in positive... Well... It shouldn't have been possible theorically XD)

For next iteration i'll add Maxima bot and Minnie bot, thoose lovelely bot-twin will bet on each team, Maxima will always bet on the favorite, while Minnie will always bet on the non favorite, to see if one of the 2 win

posted 8 months ago

So thats a change IIRC

posted 8 months ago

I dont have the "." in my calc, I'll go to 38 if ti's ok to you

posted 8 months ago
1 •• 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 •• 66