Flag: Mexico
Registered: July 14, 2022
Last post: September 18, 2024 at 8:18 PM
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Did he? I saw a twitter post about it and I read that adverso said "malo" which means bad but can sound like "mono" which does mean monkey. So Mited could've just misheard him. Idk though, audio quality isn't great so who knows.

posted 1 month ago

omg is it like about good asmr sounds?

posted 1 month ago

solo leo lloros pq perdieron 4/4 clasicos esta season y LEV ya tiene trofeo 🀭


posted 1 month ago

just checked the first hilarious ardiis moment vid that popped up and he said bro within the first 4 seconds πŸ‘

posted 1 month ago

number1_cned_fan biggest fantasy ahh thread

posted 1 month ago

Finally someone that came to their senses and is focusing on the important stuff. Thanks man, I'll check it out

posted 1 month ago

once again too much yapping and not enough recommendations, I'm unfortunately forced to downvote this sorry

posted 1 month ago

I see a lot of "China hate" and "Real goat" threads but tomorrow is Monday and I have yet to see good mommy asmr roleplay recommendations

posted 1 month ago

Pero si son 2 cosas muy distintas xd. RETA tiene 0 jugadores de LAN mientras que LEV tiene 3 jugadores de LATAM

peras con manzanas mano, nada que ver

posted 1 month ago

aspas kills and assists in VCT? idk but a lot

Penaldum and Pessi? 0 πŸ₯ΆπŸ₯ΆπŸ₯ΆπŸ₯ΆπŸ₯Ά

posted 1 month ago

could've at least said FNS bro, why diamond1

posted 1 month ago

finally a stream worth watching, I was getting bored

posted 1 month ago

Maguire solos

posted 1 month ago

I just want LEV to quickly beat Talon. I'm all for promoting the new talented players like Oxy, but primmie scraped a win against Team Shitcret and they already saying shit like bro diffs aspas in mechanics like bruh the glazing is off the charts.

posted 1 month ago

La organizacion es Mexicana pero todos los players son de LAS . Asi que "tecnicamente" si, RETA es un equipo de LAN. Pero pues si los 5 players son de LAS no se yo que tanto puedes decir que LAN gano.

posted 1 month ago

worse, it's like that one specific british accent from a certain city that not even other british people can understand.

posted 1 month ago

for the most part no, since all teams trash talk each other so it's not really something personal, but I can't confirm nor deny that some teams/players might actually not really like each other.

posted 1 month ago

LMAOO that's true though, chilean accent + bad mic + casters on top shiiiii no one understanding that

posted 1 month ago

in LAN latam games it's pretty normal for teams to shit talk each other throughout the game. So as expected some games get really heated. Idk about the end, since the bad mic and casters on top make it hard to understand but for example at some point in the game one guy from AK told a guy from EXL something like "700 ranked games just to be trash" lmao. And at the end someone from EXL got really mad and seemed like wanting to confront the guys from AK

posted 1 month ago

Puede ser, pero tambien Xolos juega las ecos como el culo. Merecida la derrota

posted 1 month ago

Flag: South Korea
Registered: July 28, 2024
Last post: July 28, 2024 at 1:00 AM
Posts: 1

number1_cned_fan copies going crazy lately ngl

posted 1 month ago

it's so funny seeing new people taking his posts srsly😭

but I respect the mwzera meat riding tbh, he is committed to it.

posted 1 month ago

Don't take the "aspas baiter" shit srsly lol. It's either people looking for interactions or people too braindead to be worth debating. Anyone with a brain can quickly debunk the aspas baiter thing by watching a single LEV game. Aspas is very often the one looking for first picks in aggressive positions to give LEV number advantage.

posted 1 month ago

currently icy isn't the worst duelist in Americas, he has improved a lot I'd say. As a duelist he is a lot better than Palla and Tuyz

posted 1 month ago

Lindo lo de Xolos pero no los veo ganandole a AK o RETA

posted 1 month ago

Cuanto tiempo no lleva 9z en Tier 2 y nomas no mejora. Equipos como AK y Xolos ya los superaron y otros equipos recien fundados como RETA ya los alcanzo tmb. Este core de 9z no da para mas

posted 1 month ago

didn't know we were describing Masters Madrid


posted 1 month ago

Friendly reminder that 2 of the top 3 Americas teams going into Champions are from LATAM


posted 1 month ago

putting ardiis over FNS is sacrilegious and should be punished with a ban

not even gonna adress the rest of the bait...

posted 1 month ago


mfs really gave the opposing team shit PCs

posted 1 month ago

bro took a break from VCT to go e-girl hunting

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

PRX fans on twitter were heavily criticizing DRX to instantly kick Flashback off the team due to the allegations. Nothing was proven and they were already framing him like a r4pist and a pedo. Now after he was shown innocent, they are acting all lovely and saying they never tried ruining Flashback career and always loved DRX.

PRX has a lot of insufferable fans on twitter

posted 1 month ago

9z pechos frios. Me vendian que venian de favoritos jjssjsjsjj

posted 1 month ago

it's literally been said there wasn't any r4pe involved. Even after the DRX investigation no r4pe was found.


posted 1 month ago

it's so bad TenZ pulled the primmie > aspas mechanics just to cope 😭

posted 1 month ago


Actual truth -> accident between 2 consenting parts that worst case scenario, can be solved by a quick trip to the pharmacy

Butterfly version -> Flashback r4ped a minor!?!??!!

posted 1 month ago

lowkey underestimating them, not saying RETA is the strongest T2 team but the people saying they are Tier 3 are clueless

posted 1 month ago

the pink hair latina speaks and I listen.

posted 1 month ago

G2 getting first seed and EDG not making it out of the group

posted 1 month ago

FRAUDMEA is back 😹😹😹😹😹😹

posted 1 month ago

i do not give a flying fuck brotha, pr0mm00 TS merchant getting 0-2d at champs and gettting exposed

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

can anyone give me really quick context and what that person did to get this much hate

posted 1 month ago
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