Yeah, their situation appears to be messed up.... instead should have been their old comp where neT=chamber, saya=jett and jonahp=breach... but teams, on the other hand, so enjoy outperforming themselves... and all this's happening on GRD's best map ... kinda sadge
I think Guard is trying to swap roles based off the new meta, but clearly its done more hurt than help. Not that theyre washed or that theyre flukers, they're just making a really STUPID decision in their role switches because now they're falling off.
If they are trying to leave Jett behind because of the meta, why is JonahP playing her? Don't get me wrong, Jonah is a good Jett, but if they wanna catch up to the new meta maybe a Neon would have been better.
I meant that as that Jett and Chamber getting nerfs we've seen ALOT of teams play other duelists.
Jonahs Raze > Jonahs Jett
Saya on Jett woulda been way better. I just think a big reason why theyre losing rn is the role swaps