I stg if riot nerd jett so hard and buff awp a lit so majy cs players would switch to valo
But tbh valo has its own rising talent for ex gambit young team guard
How can you buff operator anymore At this point the only buff would be to make it one shot all hits like chamber's ultimate
old op, fast movement and acc reset faster after moving. (very bad idea)
Movement also valo pros r soft u saw monsey 1v3 quickscope with awp if it was in valo pros would be crying no skill broken gun
bruh ofc if you put the csg awp into valo rn it would be overpowered, csgo has way higher movement speed, so all that is needed.
Make no scopes not go to narnia but remove crosshair when unscoped (adds more skill gap) and make people move like a little bit faster, this would make it a lot more viable on other agents.