Now that I see pros q 5 stack, it's so much more fun for both them and us to watch. Like I saw Derke, Magnum , Monsteerr, Bonecold in a 5 stack. I also saw Monsteerr, Ardiis, Koldamenta, Storxo in 5 stack. Rito please bring back 5 stack. Thoughts?
no need for this forum they don't care about your opinion
yeah and wait 3hrs in queue
10 hr q time, unfair matchmaking, ranked sucks in general
No, playing solo duo against 5 stacks isnt fun
I bet it was fun for the soloq'ing players against them too
it was a blast to play against pros 5stacked and lose elo #foreverstuckindiamond
I did the same shit with my friends and im back to iron Im just gonna q by myself
U can't 5 stack in immortal dumbass... thats diamond