Like shut up... for the love of God... nobody cares about a T2 team that picked up a player... they choke when it matters... the furthest they making ig is Round of 16
bro what
Stop making like 10 threads a day about bang joining TSM... l
my bad my bad omegalul
0/10 bait nt KEKW
We picked up bang, get hyped boys!
TriDance lebronJAM catJAM
I’m not a tsm fan but Gesty is a TSM fan hes made a forum about “omg i can’t wait for tsm to comeback”
I'm reformed now
No you are the same old baiter
No, you used to be one of us but you just bandwagoning now
he is just like the nets fans 😢
omg guys brimstone gaming!!! truly original
I was a day 1
Bandwagoning who lmfao?
def not you changing your flair right after
based getsys with the hot take